"Hey, it should be from Huaguo!"

"So what about the Chinese people, they just rob!"

"Yes, we must grab it!"

As soon as Tang Feng opened his mouth, everyone knew that he was not from the Sakura Country.

Tang Feng looked at these ten people and sneered.

"Do it!"

The bald man let out a loud shout.

Two assassins and several fighters rushed over.

At the same time, there are several control skills thrown at the rear.


Tang Feng threw a freezing spell in the back row.

There were three instant dodges, and two of them died suddenly after hitting.

This time everyone was shocked.

A small skill with such high damage?

"Be careful, everyone, this guy is a violent output type!" the bald man hurriedly said.

"What are you afraid of? It's estimated that there are only a hundred thousand blood. I hacked to death with a few knives!" said a soldier.

"Bond, hold on!"

The bald man let out a cry.

A shield warrior propped up the injury-free shield and blocked everyone in front of them.

This is a level 82 shield fighter.

The blood volume is as high as hundreds of thousands, plus high defense and high injury immunity.

There is a priest bonus in the rear.

This kind of shield battle is very difficult to die.

But is it really so?

"Little Fireball!"

Looking at the shield warrior standing in front, Tang Feng hooked his mouth and threw a small fireball over!

-210 million!

The damage of up to 200 million shocked everyone.

"What? Bond has been killed?"

"Fake, this must be fake!"

"I buy it! I don't believe it! This must be an illusion!"

Everyone was shocked.

"Bone Erosion Devil Flame!"

In an instant, ten magic flames appeared behind Tang Feng.


Under Tang Feng's control, Mo Yan quickly attacked.

"Feather Blade!"

Several of them avoided the magic flames, but soon, Feather Blade also appeared.


A feather blade can easily take their lives.

In an instant, more than ten people were all killed in battle.

Although Tang Feng does not have enough mana now.

But it's okay to deal with these people.

After dealing with these people, Tang Feng also lightened his harvest.

In addition to leveling up, killing those skeletons will also stack 200,000 layers of killing power!

It was much more than when most of the city was slaughtered before.

The main reason is that these skeletons have a higher level, and the probability of gaining killing power is higher.

And many offer more than one floor!

Not only that, he also got several pieces of legendary equipment.

One of the rings fit him well.

After the blessing, Tang Feng has a mythical outfit again.

[Skeleton King's ring (mythical quality): magic attack power +150%, intelligence +100%, damage bonus 100%, with skill: skeleton conversion (after killing the target, the opponent will be resurrected in the form of a skeleton, and the skeleton owns half of the opponent The combat power lasts for one hour. The monsters killed by the skeleton can also trigger the transformation of the skeleton! No consumption!)]

The stats are pretty good, but the skeleton conversion is also good for big battles!

It's like a zombie infection.

"If this piece of equipment is brought to reality, it will be a real artifact!"

Tang Feng muttered.

Soon, Tang Feng looked at his current panel.

Player: Half a Breeze

Occupation: Killing Mage (Second Rank)

Reputation: 5300 (Famous)

Level: 72 (200,000/5 million)

Life: 110600 (Physique*20) (Title Master)

Mana: 210600 (spirit*30)

Physical attack: 2752 (strength*2)

Magic attack: 4.48 million (intelligence*10)

Defense: 5820 (Physical*1)

Strength: 1376 (6/growth)

Physique: 1940 (8/growth)

Intelligence: 25932 (20/growth)

Spirit: 7020 (20/growth)

Dexterity: 1526 (6/growth)



His life value conversion coefficient is not high, and now he only has 110,000 life points.

If it were some pure tanks, with equipment like his, it would probably have tens of millions of HP.

Fortunately, his magical attack power reached a terrifying 4.48 million!

It is almost impossible for anyone to surpass him!

The mana value of 210,000 is enough for him to squander it when he is fully fired.

"Go back first."

Tang Feng looked at the time and it was not too early.

Go back to the village and restore your mana.

And he can also practice skills offline!

With the phoenix, Tang Feng traveled very fast.

It took only two hours to reach the village.

At this time, many people also came back.

Everyone has to go back to the village to recover.

"Tang Feng, are you alright? I heard that many people are hunting down the players in the Sakura Kingdom, planning to rob their villages. Many of us were accidentally injured."

After seeing Tang Feng, Shen Yi hurriedly said.

Tang Feng shook his head: "I'm fine, I met a group of people from Freedom, but I killed them."


Only then did Shen Yi realize that his worry was unnecessary.

With Tang Feng's strength, if those people trouble him, they are asking for their own death!

"How does it feel?"

Shen Yi asked again.

"The abyssal monster is indeed much stronger! It is estimated that the legendary level abyssal monster is very difficult to deal with!"

Tang Feng said.

"Legendary level abyssal monster! We want to deal with it, but it is basically impossible! According to our speculation, although this kind of monster will not explode mythical equipment, it can explode some mythical materials!"

Shen Yi sighed.

At present, although the closed beta players have passed two years, there is not a single mythical outfit.

"Mythical material?"

Tang Feng didn't care.

He can directly bless it into a mythical outfit, and no materials are needed at all.

Moreover, the Sun Moon Buddha can synthesize mythical costumes!

The two of them are like bugs.

"You are now at level 67. With our help, you will be able to level up in about two days! After a month, you will be able to reach level 80! It's just that after level 80, the speed of leveling up will be greatly slowed down, but if there is still a year left , I think, you will definitely be able to reach level 100! Enter the third rank!"

The more Shen Yi talked, the more excited he became.

"President Shen, I'm actually already level 72!"

Tang Feng said, not hiding some information about himself.

Shen Yi was stunned immediately after the system scanned.

After going out for a while, he was promoted to level 5?

"This...as expected of you, I am more confident now that you can reach level 100 within a year! Tang Feng, the future of mankind depends on you!"

Shen Yi hurriedly said!

"President Shen, I just want to protect my relatives and friends. Of course, if I have the strength, I will protect our country, but the whole human being is still too heavy. Let's take it step by step."

Tang Feng shook his head.

With his current strength, talk about the future of mankind.

Don't get carried away.

Fortunately, Tang Feng was still awake.

If he really has that kind of strength, he doesn't need to tell Shen Yi, he will do it naturally.

If the strength is not enough, it is useless.

After the two chatted for a while, Tang Feng went offline and started practicing in reality.

"My strength has improved a lot!"

After being promoted in the game, he is also much stronger in reality!

Tang Feng could clearly feel the Tao.

Immediately afterwards, he began to meditate, and then manipulated various skills.

Fortunately, during the meditation process, it was actually a kind of light sleep, otherwise, he would be exhausted.

time flies.

Suddenly the phone rang, and it was Shen Yi calling.

"Tang Feng, Sakura Country is about to end!"

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