Online Games: I Control My Destiny, And I Will Bless All Things At The Beginning

Chapter 175 Global Panic! Dragon Tooth Society's Response

The outbreak of monsters is not limited to Free Country.

But global!

At this time, except for the country of Hua, all other countries existed in name only.

People are living hard.

They fight monsters and fight their own people.

A three kingdoms.

The territory here is vast, and the number of people is comparable to that of Huaguo.

The people of the Three Kingdoms also clamored all day to trample the people of the Hua Kingdom under their feet.

They are arrogant and arrogant, but they don't know that in the eyes of Chinese people, they are just clowns.

At this time, the monster came.

Ah Sanguo did not take any measures at all.

"My son! Damn monster!" A man cried while holding his child.

Just now, his child was bitten by a monster and seriously injured.

"Hurry up, feed him some cow dung and drink some holy water, it will be fine!" The woman beside him hurriedly said.

"Yes, hurry up!" The man suddenly thought of this.

In Ah San, monsters are rampant, people are injured and some people die.

But soon, they found that cow dung and holy water couldn't save them at all!

In the face of monsters, they have no ability to resist.

Because most of Ah San have never entered the game.

There were screams one after another.

An ordinary monster can kill a dozen people with weapons at will!

Because the proportion of players was too small, Ah Sanguo collapsed almost overnight.

The entire holy water river was full of mutilated corpses, and the blood also dyed the holy water red!

"Ah Sanguo is gone! We are going to Huaguo!"

"I heard that the country of Hua has a pure land!"

"Let's go, everyone, we want to take back the pure land!"

Ah Sanguo led the army and rushed to Huaguo.

As long as they win a piece of pure land, they can survive!

Large-scale actions have also attracted powerful monsters.

A monster with a height of 100 meters appeared, stomped its feet, and the ground cracked.

Then there was a frantic killing, and tens of thousands of people were massacred.


They roared, manipulated weapons and fought monsters.

It's a pity that the monster's strength cannot be shaken by them.

The monsters carried out a one-sided slaughter.

Hua Guo's establishment of the ten major urban agglomerations was not deliberately concealed, and many people knew about it.

Especially the surrounding countries, all want to rush over to grab the territory.


"The whole world is in chaos right now."

Shen Yi sighed.

"What happened to the urban agglomeration we formed?"

Tang Feng asked.

"It's much better than other countries, but there are still many problems. Some people rely on their awakened strength and refuse to obey discipline at all. They want to rebel. Many lives have been caused. We can only expel these people."

Shen Yi said.

These days, he is very busy.

Fortunately, the Dragon Tooth Society is still in charge of force.

Those people can't afford to ride any big waves.

"I got the news that Ah Sanguo and several neighboring countries wanted to attack us, but they were wiped out by monsters before we got there. The target is too big, and it is easy to be targeted by powerful monsters.

Although we have built a city group, we can't take it lightly. Those powerful monsters will target us sooner or later, and we will have to trouble you to take action. "

Shen Yi said.

"There is no shirking the responsibility. If there is another legend, we will be able to research more instruments to connect the two city groups! This will improve everyone's life."

Tang Feng said.

There are now ten urban agglomerations with nearly two billion people living in them.

Too crowded!

"You're right. It's really too crowded now, and there are survivors who are fleeing here and want to enter the urban agglomeration. They call this the Pure Land! It's just that resources are too tight, and we can't afford to receive them."

Shen Yi sighed.

Tang Feng was also silent when he heard the words, everyone tried their best to escape here, just to survive.

But the people in the city did not accept them, and they had to die.

This is too cruel.

But there is no way, the reality is like this.

They can only take care of themselves.

Regardless, these people are also prone to turmoil.

After all, there are still people in this world who associate with monsters like gods and monsters.

If some intelligent monsters use these people, they may cause even greater disasters.

So these people who fled have to be dealt with carefully.

"President, I don't think it's reasonable to ignore it at all. You have to give everyone a little hope. They must have some strength if they can escape here. Why don't they come in and form a monster hunting team to wipe out monsters.

In this way, even if we die in the hands of monsters, we can't blame us. If we don't die, we will definitely become stronger. Such a person is good news for the entire human race.

Of course, if they are unwilling, we have no reason to accept them. "

Tang Feng said.

"You're right. If you don't care about these people, they are hidden dangers. Why not use them for us! The monster-hunting team should be organized, and we can't just use those people. We Huaguo people have to stand up too! The flowers in the greenhouse can't grow. .”

Shen Yi said.

Tang Feng also nodded.

Huaguo is currently living the best life among all of them!

At least for now, there is no need to worry about the threat of death.

But some people are still uneasy and want to cause trouble.

These thorns can all be thrown to kill monsters.

Those who have the ability will survive, those who have no ability will escape like that, and those who die will die.

"Indeed, our own people also have to fight monsters. Otherwise, it will be too comfortable in the long run. Once the city group is breached, it will be worse than those who have lost their country!"

Tang Feng said.

Next, the Dragon Tooth Association will take another series of measures.

Those who are dissatisfied with their current life can join the monster hunting team.

By hunting monsters, you can get a better life and a higher status!

Of course, the monster hunting squad is also dangerous.

The current death rate is even over fifty percent!

Careful consideration is required.

Even with such a high death rate, many people still chose to join!

They are not afraid of death! They just want to live better!

Soon, under the organization of the Dragon Tooth Society, the top ten urban agglomerations organized their first counterattack against monsters.

Based on the urban agglomeration, slowly explore and hunt monsters.

And those who fled here were also gathered together.

Currently there is not enough housing, so they can only be resettled in a centralized manner.

Fortunately, these people have suffered and can accept it.

The next step is to hunt monsters and improve treatment.

"No! You Hua people want to treat us as death squads, I don't agree! You must divide the land for our people to live in!"

A fleeing person jumped out and took a Chinese national hostage.

"In troubled times, use heavy codes! If you enter our territory and dare to make trouble, die!"

A member of the Dragon Tooth Society immediately beheaded the thorn.

Others who still have objections are also honest.

The members of the Destiny Guild basically gathered in Jianghai City.

Tang Feng also asked the members of the guild to form a monster hunting team and go out of the city once in a while to fight monsters at close range.

This is also good for the growth of strength.

Sure enough, many people awakened more game abilities in the process of fighting monsters.

Under the oppression of monsters, the strength of human beings has improved even faster!

Based on the urban agglomeration, humans and monsters engaged in a tug-of-war!

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