"This is too strong! I haven't seen it in the game!"

"As expected of Fengshen!"

"Without Fengshen, our Yongwu City would be lost!"

"With Fengshen here, monsters are nothing to worry about!"

Everyone in the city exclaimed.

They were all shocked by Tang Feng's strength.

The survivors outside the city were also dumbfounded.

"Is he a god?"

This is the doubt in everyone's mind.

The red flames burned the sky, forming thousands of miles of scorched earth.

Killed so many monsters at once.

Tang Feng's killing power has also increased greatly!

It's just that he is a little weak now.

Chi Yan Fen Tian drained all his magic power.

The strength shown by Tang Feng not only stunned the people of Yongwu City.

The other nine major cities also saw this scene through live broadcasts.

Those who were just about to move also took a break.

Tang Feng's deterrent power is too strong.

With him around, who would dare to resist?

And he has the highest prestige in everyone's heart!

Raise your arms and call, thousands of people will go together!

The key is that the urban agglomeration is also built by Tang Feng!

"It's okay, you look a little tired."

Shen Yi looked at Tang Feng with a grim expression.

"It's okay, just rest for two days."

Tang Feng said.

Chi Yan Fentian is like this, it consumes too much, and generally he will not use it.

"You really should take a good rest."

Shen Yi laughed.

In order to improve his strength, Tang Feng worked very hard.

Next, Tang Feng did rest for two days.

Then continue to practice.

Yongwu City also hurriedly repaired the city wall and strengthened it again.

A lot of monster bones were used!

Survivors also attract monsters in other cities.

But all small scale.

There is no need for Tang Feng to do it himself.

After another half a month, Tang Feng went up to level 88 in the game again!

He has a feeling that after level 90, there will be new changes!

At this time, Jiang Xue and the others finally ushered in the second turn!

Her second transformation is a special professional Destruction Hunter, with destructive power attached to her attacks, which greatly enhances her damage.

Not only Jiang Xue, but everyone else has also obtained special occupations.

Of course, there are still some differences in strength and weakness.

After the second turn, the power of human beings has also been greatly strengthened!

The next month is the peak period for the second turn!

There have also been changes in the game due to the advent of monsters across the globe.

In the original game world, there were five major countries.

The number of players from the five major countries is equal.

But with the arrival of monsters, the number of players in other countries dropped sharply.

Only the number of Huaguo players remains unchanged.

In the national war, it has a big advantage.

Therefore, the Xinghui Empire has already asked other countries for help.

Basically, the Xuanling Empire is one against four!

Only in this way can the situation be stalemate.

However, it is precisely because of this that the upgrade speed of Huaguo players has increased again!

"Many people are actively joining the monster hunting team now! It's just that the reality is different from the game after all. Many people will lose courage when facing real monsters, and there are also problems with skill casting. We plan to pilot an academy to teach some practical combat skills! "

Shen Yi said.

"It is indeed necessary, but this alone is not enough. We must study how to quickly awaken the skills and equipment of the game, and then pass them on, so that everyone can fight against monsters!"

Tang Feng pondered.

"You are right. We have sorted out some data and found that under certain stimuli, the chance of awakening ability will be greater, and there are some skills that can help awakeners, such as teaching them how to control flames, which will help them bring out Fire skills are very effective!"

Shen Yi laughed.

"Since this is the case, it should be promoted quickly." Tang Feng said.

"At present, everyone is crossing the river by feeling the stones, and there are too few who are capable of teaching them!"

Shen Yi shook his head.

The Dragon Tooth Society only has more than 10,000 people, and since the disaster broke out, many people have died.

It's only in the early 10,000s now.

These people pick out those who are capable of imparting skills, which are very few.

Not only that, but their Dragon Tooth Society can be said to be quite busy.

There is no time for this.

Tang Feng also knew the problem.

He thought for a while and said: "Our eyes should not be limited to the Dragon Tooth Society. There are also many strong survivors. In addition, there must be many talented people in this field among ordinary players. We can recruit them."

Shen Yi's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "You're right, I'll give you an order."

Soon, Shen Yi made a phone call.

The two chatted about the current situation for a long time, and finally Shen Yi asked: "How is your game going! It's also very important there, I always feel that there is a bigger disaster."

"It's almost level 90, and Hong Yan has also reached level 80, basically sweeping the land of the abyss, so I don't need to worry."

Tang Feng said.

"You said earlier that there are new changes after level 90, is that true?" Shen Yi asked again.

Everyone is groping for this ultra-real game, and no one knows what will happen next.

Including the 100-level three-turn, it is also speculated by everyone!

Tang Feng nodded: "It's a kind of deep feeling."

He believed in his intuition. After all, his talent was destiny, and he could feel something in the dark.

"I hope there will be changes, so that everyone's upgrade will be faster."

Shen Yi muttered.

High level upgrade speed is too slow!

Looking at it this way, only in the Year of the Monkey can we reach level 100!

The two discussed for a long time, and various measures were promulgated, causing a commotion.

After more than a month, Tang Feng once again awakened a divine costume.

It is the Xuanling Amethyst Crown.

With the three divine outfits in hand, his strength has increased significantly.

These days, monsters kept attacking the city, but fortunately, they all survived.

But the danger is also great.

There are various gaps in the city wall. If you want to make up, it is best to use the flesh and blood of the legendary boss.

Worst of all, you have to be a king-level boss.

Otherwise, there is no deterrent effect on those monsters.

Similarly, because of the siege of monsters, the conflict between the survivors outside the city and the people inside is getting bigger and bigger.

Who doesn't want to live better.

Although Shen Yi ordered to take in a group of survivors, it was only a small part after all.

The gathering of more survivors is also a big force.

And if they can survive, they also have excellent skills!

Outside the city walls of Jianghai City, the largest group of survivors gathered.

Everyone knows that Tang Feng lives in this city.

This is the safest place!

As long as you enter here, there will be no danger.

The first goal of the survivors was Jianghai City.

They built simple huts outside the city, and dozens of people crowded into one room.

Above the sky, black shadows blocked the sun, causing the weather to become increasingly cold.

If it weren't for everyone's physical strength, I am afraid that this weather will kill people.

"Fake, we came all the way here, why don't we let us in!" A survivor yelled angrily.

His words were also recognized by everyone.

They all come here with hope.

Along the way, there were many difficulties and many people died.

But when he got to the gate of Pure Land, he was not allowed to enter.

The anger keeps spreading!

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