Tang Feng rushed to the corner at an extremely fast speed!

And the lava giant is faster this time!

At the same time, he unexpectedly made a sudden turn!

Everyone was stunned!

Tang Feng's eyes were fixed, and he knew that the boss had gone mad!

With each impact, the lava giant consumes a thousand of its own blood.

Especially the last twist!

Two thousand was directly consumed!

At this moment, the lava giant only has 6,000 HP left!

"Space Jump!"

The moment Tang Feng was about to be hit, he used his life-saving skills!

Came directly behind the lava giant.


The lava giant crashed into the wall, and the entire cavern shook.

"Little Fireball!"


Tang Feng adjusted his position and did not sit idle.

The two skills are shot instantly!



More than two thousand blood is gone again!

"Extremely fast hail!"

Tang Feng dropped a hailstone at the feet of the lava giant!




A second later, the lava giant unsealed, but he got stuck in the wall.

All he could do was roar and slap the wall.

The earth is shaking again!



The hail continued to attack him!

In the end, the few blood volumes were also emptied.

A kill message came from the system.

Tang Feng added three hundred experience points at once.

The others also added more than 70 experience points each!

The upgrade is not far away.

At the same time, three more purple outfits exploded on the ground! A skill book, a job transfer certificate! There are also some rare materials.

Of the three purple outfits, two were for warriors, and there was a magic robe, which was just right for Tang Feng.

The skill book is the warrior's charge skill.

When the player uses it, it is naturally different from the boss.

It is a relatively good displacement skill!

It is also an essential skill for warrior players to kill mages and archers!

[Certificate of Job Transfer (Mage): Give it to the village chief, and you will get a chance to change jobs! ] (Note: Level 10 is available)

Job change!

Tang Feng's eyes lit up.

The most important thing in Novice Village is to change jobs!

Because after changing jobs, his strength will change drastically.

Every time you level up, the basic growth will be greatly different, and at the same time, there will be more free attribute points.

Of course, there will also be adjustments to the coefficients such as intelligence that are converted into magic attack power!

At least a conversion ratio of 1:3.

That is to say, a little intelligence can be transformed into 3 points of magic attack power!

The same goes for other professions!

It can be said to be an all-round enhancement!

The characteristics between each profession will also be fully revealed!

"Level 10! It's coming soon!"

Tang Feng laughed.

"I don't know if I can bless you?"

Thinking about it, Tang Feng used the ability of blessing of fate to bless the job transfer letter.

The above introduction also has the word "blessing", and there seems to be no change in other things.

"Forget it, let the village chief take a look after level 10!"

Tang Feng thought for a while, then put away the job transfer letter.

They can't use this thing.

After the death of the lava giant, a space crack emerged.

Tang Feng took out the scroll given by Shiru and gently opened it.


With a loud noise, the crack shattered!

At the same time, there was a wave of fluctuations in the sky above the entire 7896 village!

Immediately, the seven-color streamer scattered.

Xilu looked towards the streamer in the sky and murmured, "They succeeded!"

And all the monster-spawning players looked up and looked at the scene.

Not long after, a system announcement appeared.

[Full server announcement: Congratulations to Banzhan Qingfeng, I don’t eat grape skins, I just love meat, I’m close to Tianya, I don’t want to walk, break the seal, open the portal! Prestige +20! 】*3

[Full server announcement: Village 7896 is the first to unlock the seal and get double experience bonus! Duration 3 days! 】*3

Two announcements in a row came down.

The player group exploded!

Especially the people in 7896 village are even more crazy.

"Unlock the seal? True or false?"

"What do you mean? Has someone changed jobs?"

"Nimma, I found out that there is another half-breeze! He is the son of Miracle Group!"

"Damn it! Why not double the experience in our village!"

"Envy! Double experience! Now the gap will be widened!"

"It's a pity that there is no boss in our village! The highest level is now level 8!"

"There should be only one in our village, barely reaching level 9!"

"Tomorrow, someone will be able to change jobs successfully! So fast! I'm only level 5!"

"Woke up after sleeping, and found that everyone's level is so high! Don't you sleep?"


7896 Village!

"Haha, the bosses are really awesome!"

"So Banzhan Qingfeng is such a team?"

"You watch the full server channel, everyone envies us!"

"Excellent! Double experience, when I change jobs, those little brats are still staying in Xinshou Village, it's cool to think about it!"

"I'm going to pretend in front of my friends!"

"In three days, we should be able to change jobs in our village!"

"Not necessarily, I heard that there will be a job change task, and it may be stuck for a few days!"

There was a lot of discussion.

3233 Village.

A group of people from the Tianxia Guild just killed a boss, which is considered to have completed the first boss kill in 3233 village.

"What's the situation! Unlock the seal? Did they break through the second layer?"

The unity of the world is very confusing.

"This half of Qingfeng is already level 10?"

"Impossible! Even if he is level 10! Are all his teammates also level 10!"

"Yes, the second floor requires a team of 20 people! Can their village produce 20 level 10s?"

"Is there any way to pick up the mission in advance?"

"Even so, if the level is not enough, it will be difficult to pass! We have been grinding for a long time for that level 8 boss just now!"

Everyone in the Tianxia Guild was discussing.

"This half-flame breeze is really surprising! I hope I can call him in."

Tian Tian Gui Yi sighed.

He has tried hard enough.

Currently level 9!

At the same time, his first team is all level 8!

These are traded with time!

"Okay, everyone is tired too, it's time to take a rest."

The world is united and said.

"President, there are a few blue outfits on the trading channel that are not bad!" The world's most succulent said suddenly.


The spirit of the unity of the world suddenly improved!

Blue outfits aren't unique these days, but they're still pretty rare.

Once it appears, everyone is instantly killed!


The bigwigs from the other Xinshou villages were stunned.

The fastest group of them has just entered the pre-quest of the second layer dungeon!

But Banzhan Qingfeng led people to clear the dungeon right now!

How can this make everyone's hearts calm.

Today, the name Banzhan Qingfeng is destined to be remembered by everyone!


7896 Village.

"Haha, I also have a reputation!" Don't Eat Grape Skin said excitedly.

"Following the boss, I have become a celebrity! Now many people send me private chats!"

I just love meat and said with a smile.

"Following the boss this time, we really made a lot of money!"

The other two also nodded.

"Next, equip..." Tianya hesitated.

Several people looked at Tang Feng.

Although everyone is a team.

But it is obvious that everyone knows that it is Tang Feng who can explode so many things.

Therefore, the allocation was decided by Tang Feng.

Tang Feng glanced at it, and said casually: "I'll give you the three blue outfits, and I'll take all the ones dropped by the boss!"

When the four of them heard this, their eyes lit up.

Especially Tianya is very excited.

Because one of the three blue outfits is suitable for him!

The explosion rate of priest equipment is much lower than that of fighters.

Finally met one, naturally ecstatic!

The four of them never expected that Tang Feng would be so generous that he would directly give three pieces of blue equipment.

They thought that Tang Feng might just give some copper coins and send them away directly.

After all, they are just making up the number of people.

"Here is a shooter outfit, a warrior outfit, and a priest outfit! I want this priest outfit! Of course, I will also give some of the money and distribute it to everyone as compensation!"

So close Tianya said.

Seeing this, the others did not object, after all, there was only one priest on the other side.

But then the warrior outfit was contested by them.

In the end, I love to eat meat and won it. Of course, she also paid a lot of money.

As for the final shooter outfit, it was sent to the trading platform, and the four shared it equally.

Seeing this, Tang Feng didn't ask too much.

As for his purple equipment, he is not going to sell it now.

The current selling price is at most a few hundred gold coins.

But when he successfully changed his job, the resources of each novice village were integrated.

There will be more gold coins!

The final transaction price will definitely be much higher!

Putting the things away, Tang Feng began to check the attributes of the robe.

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