The survivors were terrified, and many knelt on the ground, begging for mercy.

They are really scared!

Jiang Xue glanced at these people and sighed: "Forget it, just kill a few troublemakers."

They just want to survive.

However, it is true that there is no room left in the city.

Letting all the survivors go in without resettlement will inevitably lead to greater disasters.

"What about these two?" Wu Bing asked Vivienne while carrying Kevin on his shoulders.

Jiang Xue was still hugging Vivienne, this little girl was very obedient, not noisy.

Looking back at the messy survivor camp, Jiang Xue said, "Take it in."

"This guy is quite smart. He jumped out on purpose. He just wanted you to bring his daughter in." Du Yuhang saw Kevin's purpose at a glance.

It's no use for these survivors to make trouble.

There is a complete armed system in the city, and it is not something they can contend with.

Kevin also saw this point, so he showed his favor to Jiang Xue and others.

At the same time, she planned to sacrifice herself so that Jiang Xue could bring her child in.

Simply he succeeded, and he was rescued.

"After all, it's for my own children."

Jiang Xue felt a little sympathetic.

"What about him? Take him away too?"

Wu Bing bumped the unconscious Kevin on his shoulder.

Hearing this, Vivienne's small body stiffened for a moment. She grabbed Jiang Xue's clothes and looked at her with expectant eyes.

"Let's take it away together."

Jiang Xue touched Vivian's head.

Everyone has no objection.

Those guards naturally did not dare to say anything.

Because of Tang Feng's relationship, Jiang Xue's words carry a lot of weight.

Soon, under the envious eyes of everyone, a group of people stepped into the city.

The survivors were also much more honest.

It didn't take long for Tang Feng to know what happened to Jiang Xue in the survivor camp.

She didn't say much about the two people she brought back.

The two cuddled together, talking to each other.

Although they now live under the same roof, both are very busy.

Especially Tang Feng, didn't get a good night's sleep.

And Jiang Xue is also improving herself. In the game and in reality, she never stops for a moment.

"I went to the survivor's camp today. It's really dirty and the weather is getting worse and worse. If this goes on, even if there are no monsters, it may be difficult for them to persist."

Jiang Xue said.

"There is no way around this. There are already complaints in the city. If those people come in, the whole system will collapse. We always have to take care of our own people first."

Tang Feng stirred Jiang Xue's hair with his fingers, his eyes calm.

All the people living in the city are Chinese.

They are compatriots, so he can't just ignore his own people in order to save the survivors.

Various resources in the city are now extremely tight.

The first is the land.

Not all of these places can be used to live in people.

Some of them have to grow food.

To grow food for 200 million people, a large part of the land is needed.

Fortunately, after the improvement, the grain production has been greatly improved.

Otherwise, it will be more difficult.

Jiang Xue nodded, expressing her understanding.

The two had some tenderness, and not long after, Shen Yi's phone call came in again.

"Tang Feng, I found a strange place. None of the teams that stepped into it came back, not even the two Dragon Tooth teams!"

Shen Yi was a little anxious on the phone.

The Dragon Tooth Squad is a team composed of members of the Dragon Tooth Society, and it is currently the top human combat force.

Even they are in danger, which shows that this place is quite dangerous.

Everyone knows that the situation in the city is not good.

The best way is to expand the territory.

So Longya will always find a way to explore areas outside the urban agglomeration.

Monster hunting teams also play a role in this regard.


Tang Feng asked.

Many things that cannot be solved have to be dealt with by him!

Now the greater his ability, the greater his responsibility.

"Yuan Danhe City!" Shen Yi said.

Danhe City is not far from Jianghai City, and further south is another urban agglomeration.

Danhe City is basically located in the middle of the two.

"I'm rushing over now."

Tang Feng got up and put on his clothes.

After the two said goodbye, Jiang Xue entered the game silently. She must continue to improve herself so that she can share the pressure for Tang Feng.

The fighter plane rumbled forward.

Except for the top ten city groups with walls, the other cities are in ruins.

These monsters wantonly destroy and kill.

Seen from above, the entire Danhe City was shrouded in a red mist.

This red mist is indeed a bit weird.

Tang Feng jumped down and stepped into Danjiang City.

"Not a single monster."

Tang Feng's eyesight and hearing are good, he can sense that there is no monster around.

This is very unusual.

"Magic Shield!"

Tang Feng added a shield to himself, and then stepped into the red mist.

"The smell of blood!"

The further you go in, the stronger the smell of blood becomes.

Soon, Tang Feng discovered the corpses of several monsters.

But there was no blood on the body, where did the smell of blood come from?

Then there were more and more corpses of monsters.

It's like they've been drained of blood.

Tang Feng knew that there must be a powerful guy here.

Going forward, after a while, he saw the bodies of several members of the Dragon Tooth Society.

These people died like monsters.

There is no blood in the whole body.

The surrounding red mist became thicker.

Tang Feng's visibility range is getting lower and lower.

Suddenly, a small sound came from a distance.

Tang Feng followed the sound.

Soon the voice became clearer and clearer. Listening quietly, is the other party singing?

Tang Feng wanted to know who was there more and more.

Unknowingly, Tang Feng walked several kilometers.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Suddenly there was a gust of wind, and several emerald green vines flew towards Tang Feng.

Tang Feng wanted to escape, but Quan found that his body was out of control.

"No! This song is wrong!"

Tang Feng realized the problem.

He found the singing to be demagogic.

He just unconsciously walked towards the direction of the singing, and he didn't notice any problems.

Now that the other party came to kill him, for a while, he was unable to resist.

It's really hard to guard against.

The vines wrapped the whole body, and then began to draw Tang Feng's blood.

Fortunately, protected by shields, these vines failed to cause damage.

And Tang Feng also resumed his actions at this time.

"Little Fireball!"

A fireball hit it!

Suddenly, a raging fire ignited on the green vines!

With the Xuanling Amethyst Crown, his damage has increased a lot again!

The flames on the vines spread and burned the vines in an instant.

However, everything was not over yet, and more vines appeared in the red mist.

Hundreds of green vines were dispatched together.

Among them were two black vines, attacking Tang Feng one from the left and the other from the right.

"Windwalking Curse!"

"Space Storm!"

Tang Feng gave himself an acceleration skill and retreated backward.

Then a space storm was used.

Cracks suddenly began to appear in the surrounding space.

These cracks tore off most of the vines, leaving green blood in them.

And the two black vines avoided the attack smoothly.

"Little Fireball!"

The fireball hit the black vine, but it failed to burn. The fireball turned into a flame, and then it was completely absorbed by it!

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