Another minute passed.

Tang Feng passed the twentieth floor!

The increase in the number of layers does not seem to affect his clearance speed!

"This... This guy cleared the 20th floor in two minutes?"

"too crazy!"


"I take back my previous doubts, he can instantly kill a legend with any skill!"

Everyone exclaimed.

They are geniuses with S-level certificates!

Facing Tang Feng, I suddenly felt that I was too ordinary!

"Hey, it seems to be a little slower!"

"Damn! It's indeed a bit slower, and it's only a few seconds longer!"

"After the twentieth floor, there are dozens of monsters! It's too difficult to deal with at the same time, we must deal with them one by one!"

"That's you! For Tang Feng and the others, a few skills are enough to kill!"

"Too fast! Too fast!"

When everyone exclaimed, Tang Feng had already reached the 30th floor!

At this moment, Mu Xin is still on the 70th floor!

Hong Luo also stopped on the 69th floor!

The two seem to have reached their limit.

There are still many people who are also stuck at their own limits.

Soon, Tang Feng came to the last floor of the first stage!

A whole hundred legendary bosses!


This is a group of giant dragon bosses!

Every one taken out is an existence that destroys a world!

Some of these dragon bosses are prostrate on the ground, and some are soaring in the sky.

At this moment, they roared in unison.

The whole space is shaking!

The power is too strong!

Under this kind of oppression, ordinary people will collapse directly!

"Space Storm!"

"Space Storm!"


Several space storms in a row!

The space was torn apart, and the giant dragons were sucked into the crack, tearing apart frantically.

They want to escape!

But it can't fly out of the range of the space storm!


The roar turned into a howl!

One hundred giant dragons were wiped out in an instant!

"too easy!"

Tang Feng sighed.

Damage is everything!

Soon, the 34th floor!

There are a total of more than 20 people who can pass the first stage!

And it still takes a lot of time.

Where is it like Tang Feng, it's so easy!

The 34th floor is the legendary abyss!

The blood volume is basically tens of trillions!

"Space Storm!"

"Space Storm!"

-102654 billion!

-26880 billion!

Every time a space storm, the damage per second is basically between ten trillion and thirty trillion!

Legendary Abyss, still instant kill!

34 floors! Pass in two seconds!

"What! He even broke the legendary abyss!"

"This is tens of trillions of blood!"

"Yeah, it will take a long time for us to fight standing up!"

"Too ruthless! Compared with him, we are trash!"

All of them are dragons and phoenixes among men.

During the test, how many people stared at them enviously.

But when I got here, I realized that I was the best!

And at the same time, there is something more that they look up to here!

The second stage is almost the same as the first stage!

Kill them all!

It's just a legendary abyss!

All were seconds!

Some can last for a few seconds!

It's useless!

It was nothing more than delaying him for a while!

In less than ten minutes, Tang Feng passed the 66th floor and came to the 67th floor of the third stage!

too fast!

It's too fast!

You know, Mu Xin is still on the 70th floor!

67 floors!

On a lush grassland, the sky was covered by a black shadow.

Its figure spans tens of thousands of meters!

【Swallowing Giant Beast (False God)】

Grade: 94

Blood volume: 600 trillion

? ? ?

A pair of indifferent huge pupils shot at Tang Feng.

Its eyes are full of tyranny and killing!

It inhaled with a big mouth, and the ground below was sucked into its belly.

This guy is known as swallowing the sky, but he is an out-and-out big eater!

"Space Storm!"

"Ice Dragon Dance!"


Five giant ice dragons attack!

-27 trillion

-84 trillion!

"Ice Dragon Dance!"


The continuous ice dragon dances wildly, rushing towards the giant beast that devours the sky!

This monstrous behemoth is not convinced either, with its huge suction, it wants to swallow the ice dragon in a wild dance!

"Hmph, looking for death!"

Tang Feng increased his output and bombarded him with skills.

His total mana now reaches more than nine million!

In the case of full firepower, Ice Dragon Dance can cast more than 900!

And after using it continuously, the damage can be doubled!

Going to the back, an ice dragon dance is enough to kill a False God-level monster!

The sky-swallowing behemoth quickly sensed the aura of danger, and secret lines appeared on its body.

These secret lines resisted a lot of damage!

But it didn't work!

Tang Feng's damage was doubled directly!


Fearless ice dragons charged against the body of the sky-swallowing behemoth.

Huge damage beat the sky-swallowing behemoth into a bloody mess.

Its huge body is hard to dodge!

When the third ice dragon danced wildly, the giant beast fell unwillingly.

"The 68th floor! It's the 68th floor!"

At this moment, Tang Feng is on the 68th floor!

The 69th floor of Hongluo, the 70th floor of Muxin!

From Tang Feng's breakthrough to the present, neither Hong Luo nor Mu Xin has changed in the slightest!

Certainly no one would think that the two of them were too weak!

After all, everyone speculates that the strongest damage of the two can reach ten trillion yuan!

But so what?

False God level has hundreds of trillions of HP!

Fighting standing up requires dozens of big moves!

But the trick with the highest damage must have a limit, how can it be used infinitely!

The key is that the False God will not stand and let you output!

Their various methods are also very powerful!

Come and go, fight for a day, it's not a big deal!

The two are in such a state!

"It only took him a few minutes to kill the False God level monster!"

"It's too perverted!"

"Is he really from a lower plane?"

"Oh, it's hard to accept! I, a genius in a high plane, can't compare to him!"

"It's really not human!"

Soon the 68th floor will be a more powerful False God monster!

But in front of Tang Feng's Ice Dragon Dance, he has no power to fight back!

So far, Tang Feng and Hong Luo are on the same floor!

But it didn't last long, Tang Feng climbed to another level.

Come to the 70th floor!

Everyone is almost numb!

Tang Feng shocked them too much!

The 70th floor is a three-headed False God monster!

On the front floors of each stage, monsters will not attack together!

This is also the reason why Mu Xin and the others have been able to persist until now.

"Ice Dragon Dance!"

Soon, five ice dragons enveloped the two False God monsters!

-2688 trillion!

The output of more than 200 trillion yuan instantly kills the monster!

Next is the other end.

Soon, there was another Ice Dragon Dance.

This monster resisted desperately, but it couldn't stop it!

This is enough damage to kill several of them instantly!

"What, the 70th floor passed so quickly!"

"Musin got stuck on the 70th floor for a day!"

"It's ridiculous that I thought Mu Xin was the strongest!"

"Musin is not worthy to lift Tang Feng's shoes!"

Mu Xin was stuck on the 70th floor for a long time.

Everyone thought that this level was really difficult.

Unexpectedly, not long after Tang Feng stepped in, he directly entered the next floor!

Difficult, but also for some people!

Passing the False God Tower, there is no shortcut, it really depends on strength!

At this moment, everyone knew how powerful Tang Feng was!

Mu Xin was nothing but a fart in front of him, no wonder he was so embarrassed before!

Soon, Hong Luo stepped into the 70th floor, but Mu Xin still failed to break through.

As for Tang Feng, he made great strides all the way and entered the last floor of the Void God Tower!

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