A suburb of Raging Flame City.

Hundreds of people from the Royal Guild are leveling up.

To be precise, some of these hundreds of people are only leveling one person!

That is the president, Huang Shi Aotian!

"Everyone, work harder! Push the guild leader to the top! Go ahead and overtake that domineering sage! The number one can only belong to our Imperial Guild!"

Huangshi Wuming shouted from the side.

Not long ago, Batian Dasheng, who was also level 12, suddenly gained a wave of experience, surpassed Huangshi Aotian, and successfully reached the top.

This made the emperor very dissatisfied.

Gritting his teeth, he also wants to push their president up.

The two guilds are also rivals in other games.

Naturally, no one will accept anyone now!


"come on!"

"Do it!"

Everyone seemed to be full of chicken blood, and they were extremely enthusiastic.


Near Jufeng City.

People from the Batian Guild also gathered together to spawn monsters non-stop!

"President, it's not good, you have been overtaken!"

Batian Xiaoduo, the short-legged little loli holding the priest's staff, said in a hurry.

The president, Batian Dasheng, holds a purple giant sword, which is extremely powerful!

"Has that guy Huangshi Aotian caught up? Don't worry, Xiaoduo, with another wave of experience, I'll be level 13! This guy can only lift my shoes!"

Batian Dasheng snorted coldly.

"No, not the Emperor's group!" Batian Xiaoduo panted.

"Not from the Emperor's World? Could it be Wushang Yuntai? Isn't this guy busy hugging his thighs? It seems that he is negotiating a deal, and he needs to work hard!"

Batian Dasheng analyzed.

"Oh, guess what, you'll know after just looking at the leaderboard!"

Batian Xiaoduo was a little speechless.

This chairman is a bit arrogant, and it is difficult to listen to other people's words.

That's what she can bear.

Batian Dasheng opened the leaderboard suspiciously, and a golden name topped the leaderboard!

This name has never appeared before!

The most important thing is that the opponent is as high as level 16!

Are you kidding me?

After level 10, every level up will give you 1,000 more experience than the previous level!

After level 15, there will be 2,000 more experience points!

How did this level 16 come about?

"Level 16!? How is it possible!"

Batian Dasheng exclaimed.

It takes more than 20,000 experience to upgrade from level 12 to level 16!

The monster at the same level killed more than a thousand heads!

And it's an exclusive experience!

Where are there so many monsters, let him kill them!

"This name is a bit familiar! What is it about!"

Batian Dasheng felt the pressure for the first time.

"He is the first one to successfully change jobs! I heard that he is very famous in 7896 village! In addition, several server announcements are related to him!

It's just that he disappeared for almost a day after changing jobs, and his level didn't catch up! Who knows, why is it suddenly level 16! "

Batian Xiaoduo was also very confused.

"Could this guy be the young master of a certain group?" Batian Dasheng asked doubtfully.

"I don't know, no one knows him, it's a bit mysterious! I've asked people to ask people in 7896 village, and there should be results." Batian Xiaoduo said.

"Let everyone rest for a while, I have been fighting with Huangshi Aotian for so long, I never thought he would cut off my beard!"

Batian Dasheng was a little depressed.

At this time, the chat channel exploded directly.

"Half Breeze is back!"

"Number one! You are indeed the boss of our 7896 village!"

"Who else was clamoring just now? The boss just went to rest! This won't be a slap in the face immediately!"

"Level 16! The second-place Batian Dasheng is only level 12! There is no comparison!"

"Before, someone mocked me and said that half a light breeze can suppress the three major guilds. How about it, now there is nothing to say!"

Everyone praised for a while.

Of course, there are many people with other opinions.

"Cheating! It's definitely cheating! Half a Breeze wasn't on the list before, so why, it's been upgraded to level 16 all of a sudden!"

"That's right, it must have used improper means!"

"He should be a card bug! I have encountered it in other games before!"

"Is there such a bug? Ask for advice!"

"Looking for online teaching!"

"Boss, come out and tell me, where is the bug!"


Many people think that Tang Feng is a bug, and some people have even started researching it!

Outside Stormwind.

The sentimental swordsman let out a long sigh of relief.

"This 300,000 is really worth it! It only took two hours to upgrade to level 11! It really is a professional team!"

With 2,000 experience points, I don't know how long it would take me to level up.

It's good to have someone to help, you only need to go to a few places and collect the monsters.

"Quick, tell them, I want to go up to level 12 and compete for the top spot! Hey, why is the first place at level 16?"

The Amorous Swordsman glanced at the leaderboard, and was stunned.

He is motivated and ready to compete for the top spot.

After all, the first place is only level 12!

Who knew there would be a change so soon!

Take a closer look at the name!

It was the half-breeze that made him talk about it!

"Half a breeze! What's going on!"

The sentimental swordsman was angry.

"Boss, everyone above is saying that he is stuck with a bug!" Xiaoyong said quickly.

"Card bug! Despicable villain! I will never let him go!"

The sentimental swordsman was very angry.

"Boss, since he can get bugged, so can we! As long as we find him, we can threaten him, and if he doesn't tell us how,

Let's kill him back to Novice Village! "Xiao Yong said.

"Yes! Go back to Novice Village! You go to contact the upgrade team! See if they have a thug team! Hire them!"

The sentimental swordsman said.

Xiaoyong heard the words and contacted him soon.

"Boss, there is! But they are all level 10! And kill people from the Great Guild, they are currently not picking up."

Xiaoyong hurriedly said.

The sentimental swordsman also expressed his understanding when he heard the words.

This upgrade team looks like a small workshop just started.

Naturally, he dare not offend the Grand Council now.

But after getting up later, no matter who he is, he can be killed!

"How much does it cost to kill half of Qingfeng!" the sentimental swordsman asked.

After a while, Xiaoyong spit out a number: "One million!"

"One million? This shit is not worth so much! Just ask, is it worth 800,000!"

The passionate swordsman said.

"Boss, I just asked if 500,000 is okay, and they agreed!"

A few seconds later, Xiaoyong said excitedly.

"Five hundred thousand is enough?"

The amorous swordsman frowned, and he suddenly felt that his bid was too high.

"Forget it, let them send someone over quickly! Guard in front of the city gate!"

The amorous swordsman didn't think too much, and half a million was nothing to him.


The other end of Xiaoyong's contact is a small Internet cafe.

"Brother Chen, it's a big deal! Five hundred thousand to kill one person! Plus the previous 300,000! We'll get back our money soon!"

Inside the Internet cafe, Wang Er said excitedly.

The one who was called Brother Chen was Chen Shou, the owner of this internet cafe.

I made millions by opening Internet cafes before, but unfortunately business has not been good recently and I have been losing money.

He originally wanted to renovate it, buy some high-end machines by the way, and attract a wave of customers.

Unexpectedly, Wang Er suggested that he buy the "Destiny" helmet.

When the time comes to rent it out to others, it will definitely make money!

Although "Destiny" was very popular at that time, he was still beating drums in his heart.

And Destiny helmets don't come cheap.

One will cost ten thousand!

Fortunately, he gave up his mind in the end and bought more than a hundred helmets!

Earn money straight away!

Now there are even more free thugs!

And these thugs are a bunch of brats!

The family didn't buy a helmet, so they sneaked to the Internet cafe, and didn't expect to enjoy this popular game.

Chen Shou exempted them from renting helmets for the past two days, but asked them to become thugs to make money for them!

Can play for free, of course no one disagrees!

And Chen Shou and Wang Er also opened up a new way of making money!

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