"What's the situation? Why is Half a Breeze okay?"

After waking up from the resurrection point, the level 5 sentimental swordsman looked puzzled.

"Boss! This guy has been stuck on bugs! He must have found some bugs again!"

Xiaoyong said suddenly.

"Card bug? Slut! No shame at all! Bastard!"

The sentimental swordsman roared.

"Boss, what should we do, he can kill people in Xinshou Village!" Xiao Yong was about to cry.

He has no big ambitions, but he can make money playing this game.

It's just that in the current situation, I'm afraid I won't be able to make money.

"I don't believe it today!"

After the amorous swordsman finished speaking, he walked out from the resurrection point.

It happened that Tang Feng also came here.

Meet is a fireball, kill directly.

The sentimental swordsman at level 4 fell silent.

Tang Feng did not punish him for killing him!

"Nimma, I'm here today! Let's see how long he kills!"

The sentimental swordsman said suddenly.

Soon, Tang Feng threw a fireball outside the resurrection point.

Kill the passionate swordsman again!

After a few times, the Amorous Swordsman successfully returned to level 1!

At this time, the sentimental swordsman has become numb.

There was a suffocation in his heart.

It was this anger that kept him from quitting the game!

After killing the Amorous Swordsman to level 1, Tang Feng did not continue to attack.

Leaving a meaningful smile, he left directly.

When passing by the village chief, I chatted with him for a few words.

Tang Feng clearly felt that the village chief's favorability towards him had declined!

Apparently, the village head had some criticisms of him after killing him many times.

Fortunately, this will only happen once.

resurrection point.

"Boss, what's wrong with you...?"

Xiaoyong carefully probed.

The current amorous swordsman is even more terrifying.

The sentimental swordsman gave Xiaoyong a hard look.

"If I don't kill him, my surname will not be Qin!"

The sentimental swordsman said viciously.

He has played so many games, and none of them have been so aggrieved!

"Change to a novice village first! I want to fight him slowly!"

The sentimental swordsman said.

Now he is a barefoot level 1, not afraid of Tang Feng at all.

Anyway, he was killed, and there was no loss.

Soon, the two moved to 6333 Xinshou Village and became members here.

This is the headquarters of the Dream Fate Guild.

Members after level 10 will go to Ningyang City!

The president, Dao Wumeng, plans to establish a guild here.

The players of Dream Fate Guild will naturally gather here.

What happened to the Amorous Swordsman was quickly known by the players of the Dream Fate Guild.

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation and criticized Tang Feng verbally and in writing.

At the same time, on the full service channel, the voices condemning Tang Feng became louder and louder.

"Banzhan Qingfeng is a despicable villain! Not to mention using bugs to upgrade, but also relying on the high level to bully us who are low-level!"

"It's so hateful, I was killed by him two levels! Is a high level so great! Can a high level kill people casually!"

"What's the point of losing two levels? The sentimental swordsman in our guild, who was from the same novice village as him, was killed by him from level 11 to level 1!"

"It's too much! He used a bug to kill people in Xinshou Village! The Miracle Group doesn't care about it!"

"This kind of person is actually number one on the ranking list! God is not open!"


Under the rhythm of caring people, many people also misunderstood Tang Feng.

Think he is a villain with bugs!

And all of this was naturally done by the passionate swordsman!

He's going to ruin Tang Feng's reputation!

Get someone from the trade union to kill him!

On the outskirts of Ningyang City.

A group of people are upgrading.

"Wumeng, this Banzhan Qingfeng's character is really not good! I didn't expect to be such a person, but fortunately I didn't invite him to join!"

Sword Rumeng said.

"What kind of enmity does the amorous swordsman have with him? He wants to kill people to level 1!" Dao Wumeng asked in confusion.

Generally, those who do this kind of thing are either arrogant and domineering, or have deep hatred.

"It is said that the amorous swordsman persuaded him not to get stuck in the bug, but the other party couldn't help but kill him directly! Afterwards, he brought someone to ask for an explanation, and he was killed as a level 1! This is the first time I have seen such an arrogant person playing games."

Sword Rumeng hurriedly said.

"Are you sure?" Dao Wumeng continued to ask.

She felt something was wrong.

In the mouth of swords like dreams, the passionate swordsman is too noble.

Even after she knew that card bugs could be upgraded quickly, her first thought was to use bugs to upgrade.

Instead of being a moralist!

"Of course I'm sure, Wumeng. The brothers in the guild know when I lied to you. Now they are threatening to trouble Banzhan Qingfeng. Do you think we should express our opinion?"

The sword is like a dream.

"Forget it, this is a matter between the two of them, we will not get involved, so as not to make things worse."

Dao Wumeng shook his head.

After all, she is only a short while away, so to come forward directly is equivalent to declaring war on the half-breeze.

"Okay, Wumeng, play the game later, let's have a meal together, how about it?"

Sword Rumeng showed a flattering smile.

"No, I still need to upgrade. Now is the key. The three major guilds have already begun to exert their strength. The rankings of other guilds are also gradually rising. We need to work harder!"

Dao Wumeng said.

"...just a meal..." Daojian Rumeng did not give up.


Dao Wumeng directly refused.

She knew what Daojian Rumeng thought about her, but she was so focused on playing the game that she didn't think about anything else.

Sword Rumeng, who was rejected, felt a little dissatisfied, but could only endure it.

Sooner or later, he will get this girl!

In the Internet cafe, when Chen Shou learned that his thugs had been killed again, he was shocked and angry.

And already had the idea of ​​backing off.

"I've said it all! No. 1 on the leaderboard, how can it be so easy to kill! Now it's all right, stealing chickens won't cost you money! How much did I lose! Huh?"

Chen Shou roared angrily.

Wang Er hurriedly apologized, and at the same time said: "Just now the other party came to the news, as long as I kill half of Qingfeng once, I am willing to give one million!"

"One... one million?"

Chen Shou hesitated again.

It was 300,000 just now, but now it is 1 million!

Sure enough, he was rich and powerful, so he couldn't refuse.

"This... we have no one left." Chen Shou said.

"There are people, how can there be no one! A few more people have been promoted to level 10 just now! And those who lost level 9 will also rise to level 10 very quickly!" Wang Er hurriedly said.

Chen Shou was silent for a moment and said, "One million really? Just kill once?"

"It's true! And as long as we spread bad words about Qingfeng, the other party will add another 200,000!" Wang Er said.

"Two hundred thousand for bad words? Hurry up! Hurry up!"

Chen Shou couldn't wait any longer.

This money is too good to earn!

"Hey, I'm already making arrangements, and now many people are scolding Banzhan Qingfeng!" Wang Er smiled wretchedly.

"Good job! Ask the other party to pay quickly!"

Chen Shou only has money in his heart.

Soon, 200,000 yuan arrived in the account, which strengthened Chen Shou's determination.

On the other side, Tang Feng knew that this matter was not over yet!

However, he was not afraid at all, and instead came to the Magicians Guild.

On this continent, there are countless large and small guilds.

But the five largest guilds are naturally the Mage Guild, Warrior Guild, Assassin Guild, Archer Guild, and Priest Guild.

For other mages to change jobs, they need to come to the Mage Guild and accept the task.

And he skipped that step.

This is his first time here.

Hope to gain something!

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