At this time, the soul of the High Priest of Light began to gradually dissipate.

But his eyes were full of unwillingness.

He waited for thousands of years.

I haven’t seen Zhou Twilight probe ~ to the truth of that year.

He died hard to blind.

“If I had known you as [executioner] in the first place, it wouldn’t have been this result.”

The High Priest of Light’s tone was unusually calm.

It seems that this fateful arrangement has been accepted.

Zhou Twilight actually had no way.

He was also after the [Ferryman] advanced.

Only then can the two states coexist with each other.

Looking here, Zhou Twilight suddenly thought that he still had a skill.


This skill is epic.

At that time, even the dead wild boss [Ghost Lord] could be revived.

If you can’t say it, you can also resurrect the High Priest of Light!

Although when he resurrected the [Ghost Lord], he consumed all his mana.

But he is not the same as he was then.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly chose to activate the [Resurrection] skill.


Immediately afterwards, the soul of the original High Priest of Light was about to dissipate.

It began to solidify slowly.

And Zhou Twilight’s mana instantly fell to the bottom.

At this time, a prompt sounded in his ears.

Tip: Insufficient mana, detected that the player has the power of order, fits the target attribute, whether to consume the power of order, continue to regenerate.

Hearing this, Zhou Twilight couldn’t help but smile slightly.

The power of order?

He now has 1,000 points of Order Power.

It takes a few hours to recover.

Use it to revive an NPC that will be of great help to his next exploration.


Subsequently, along with Zhou Twilight’s [Power of Order] continued to consume.

The figure of the High Priest of Light appeared in front of Zhou Twilight’s eyes again!

Even if you have spent thousands of years alone.

Nor can it hide the joy of his coming back from the dead at this moment.

And the High Priest of Light obviously couldn’t react at the moment.

“I am…”

“I used the resurrection, go, I need your guidance!”

Hearing Zhou Twilight’s words, the High Priest of Light shook his head.

A wry smile.

“If I could enter, I would have entered it long ago, and entering this altar requires the power of order, and my power of order has been exhausted…”

The words are not finished.

The High Priest of Light was suddenly stunned.

His expression was extremely excited, and he couldn’t stop muttering: “This is the power of order? ”

“Why does it take the power of order to enter the altar?”

Hearing this, the High Priest of Light sighed.

“The altar itself is to absorb the power of the god of order, and only creatures with the power of order will not be rejected by the altar.”

Thinking of this, Zhou Twilight couldn’t help but give a thumbs up from the High Priest.

He always felt that he was enough to go sideways.

Unexpectedly, the High Priest of Light was even more ruthless than him.

Knowing that it will be absorbed from the power of order, it is also necessary to enter.

But for now, there is only one way.

However, as Zhou Twilight slowly walked into the door of the altar.

He suddenly discovered a strange phenomenon.

Slowly move forward with him.

The power of death in him began to churn.

He suddenly remembered that the High Priest of Light had mentioned it earlier.

This altar is meant to absorb the power of order.

But exactly who is absorbing.

The High Priest was also not clear.

And Zhou Twilight felt at the moment that this was most likely a bureau set up by the God of Light and the God of Death.

The goal is the God of Order!

And just after Zhou Twilight walked into the altar.

He found that the entire altar was full of extremely white and unusually tall pillars.

And these pillars, and he was previously in Hurricane City.

See the pillars of the Temple of Order.

It turned out to be exactly the same.

“Isn’t this the pillar of the Temple of Order?”

Hearing Zhou Twilight’s words, the High Priest nodded.

“This in itself is the Temple of Order, otherwise it would not have been called the City of Order in the first place, although it seems to have been called the City of Lost now.”

Zhou Twilight nodded and continued to walk inside.

But at this time, the High Priest of Light stopped Zhou Twilight’s footsteps.

“There are revenants ahead, be careful.”

But when saying this.

It’s already a step down.

A familiar figure slowly appeared from in front of Zhou Twilight’s eyes.

This is clearly one of the souls of those previous lost soul NPCs.

At this time, Xivier’s soft voice quietly transmitted from the pet space to Zhou Twilight’s mind.

“Master, these souls have been sacrificed once, these are the grievances who survived by chance!”

·· Ask for flowers0····

Hearing this, Zhou Twilight couldn’t help but frown.

Obviously, these souls are not good people.

However, after seeing their attributes.

I couldn’t help but feel a little relieved in my heart.


Grade: Elite

Level: 1v45

Blood volume: 600,000

Skill: Unknown

Introduction: The once famous tailor of the Lost City, who used to make robes for temple sacrifices.

Seeing this grievance, the High Priest of Light couldn’t help but exclaim.


But not only did the grievances not mean to greet the high priest.

Instead, he pounced directly on them.

The High Priest came back from the dead and gained part of the power of order.


At this moment, the pride in my heart multiplied.

Eager to show his value in front of Zhou Twilight.

Directly stood in front of Zhou Twilight.

[Spear of Judgment]!

With the high priest’s light drink, a white spear of light gradually took shape.

The power of order contained in it.

It seems to add a bit of power to the entire light spear.

And the grievances are not afraid at all.

Directly reflecting the light spear, it pounced.

Only a pop was heard.

The light spear penetrated directly into the body of the grievance.

Then he was pinned to the wall.

At this moment, three more grievances rushed over when they heard the sound.

Seeing this, the High Priest of Light frowned.

Things are a little harder!

After all, in his opinion, stealing Guevara is fierce enough.

But hierarchical suppression still exists.

The main thing is that the speed of the grievances is very fast.

He couldn’t handle it alone.

But when he turned his head to look at Zhou Twilight.

But found that Zhou Twilight didn’t say a word.

Directly rushed towards the three grievances.

At the same time, the scythe burning with black flames carried infinite power.

Directly slashed at the three irrational grievances.

[Soul Shattering] launched!




The High Priest of Light looked at Zhou Twilight’s indomitable figure.

I couldn’t help but mumble in my mouth: “Sure enough, the characters who hold the power of order are all so fierce!” “_

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