"Achen, you're finally back!"

As soon as Su Chen stepped into the tailor's shop, the proprietress Keqing greeted her with a look of surprise.

"Near the nearest village, quiet and unexpected!"

"Those demonized monsters that used to sneak up on the village have recently settled down a lot, but the more so, the more I have a sense of foreboding!"

The proprietress twisted her graceful body and said with some unease.

"There will soon be a big crisis in the village, and if my expectations are correct, it will be tomorrow!"

"Darkness erodes light, this is destined to be a world of great controversy, all races are in ruins, and people are miserable!"

Su Chen nodded slightly, and said positively.

Although his previous layout transferred the disaster that originated from this newbie village to the guild of the Glory Alliance.

But the sudden death of the undead archmage and the undead ghost general, the undead lord will definitely not give up!

Although every time Su Chen made a move, he concealed it very well and did not show any traces.

But it is precisely because of this that the Undead Lord is likely to attribute the deaths of the Undead Archmage and the Undead Ghost General to the hands of the Morning Star Temple.

After all, the Morning Star Temple did send a lot of power to lurk here secretly.

After the Undead Archmage learned about this earlier, he must have reported it to the Undead Master.

With the undead dominating the heart of the retribution, I am afraid that this time it will not only affect the original novice village, but it is very likely to anger the entire Shanhai Town!

At that time, an even more violent bloody battle will surely be set off!

"Our mother and daughter, don't ask for anything, just want to be by your side in peace."

The proprietress Keqing's eyes were like autumn water, and she said with a trace of resentment.

Indeed, in this world of strife and war, the best way for a woman without a chicken to survive is to attach herself to a man.

But fortunately, she still thinks that she has some pose, and her daughter is also at the age of budding.

This is the best gift she can give back to Su Chen.

Su Chen patted her willow shoulder and said comfortingly:

"Don't worry, with me, it is not difficult to protect your mother and daughter."

"After tomorrow, after the end of the war, I will leave with your mother and daughter."

Su Chen was about to enter the house to see the elf princess Sosiah, but was grabbed by the proprietress Keqing and dragged back to the house.

Su Chen's face was full of black lines, and he knew what he was about to face.

In pain and pleasure, a soft and warm body is strongly pressed on the body.

After the lights went out, Su Keqing brought her mature side to the extreme.


An hour later, Su Chen came out with some soft legs supporting the wall, and he faintly regretted it in his heart.

I have already learned the power of the boss lady once, and I should have prepared early.

"Apart from solving the crisis in the novice village, there is nothing more important than maintaining one's self-esteem as a man."

Su Chen recalled the condescending posture of the proprietress like a queen after the lights went out.

Let yourself always remember it, if you don't think of some way, trample it under your body, Su Chen feels that he has lived a life in vain, and he can't even suppress a woman, how can he talk about returning to the peak and sweeping the gods?

After Su Chen left, he summoned the Wings of Thunder and came to the side of the Morning Star Holy Girl.

"Tomorrow, the dark forces will invade the village in a big way!"

"I want to go to the Undead Domain again and attack the Undead Palace, so that I can distract the undead lord!"

With such words, Su Chen once again obtained a teleportation scroll that had reached the Undead Domain from the Morning Star Holy Girl.

"Unexpectedly, this guy is not so disgusting, at least he has a heart that hates darkness."

Listening to these words, the Morning Star Saint Girl had some changes in her opinion of Su Chen.

Su Chen crushed the teleportation scroll of the Undead Domain, and a Xuanzhi Xuanzhi energy surrounded him.

When he opened his eyes again, he had already arrived at the dark and desolate Undead Domain.

If you want to complete the meat refining step for two pets, you have to kill 90 more dark monsters or NPCs.

This time, he didn't plan to sneak around, but directly attacked the city!

He wants to kill the enemy, kill the enemy of the dark camp!

Su Chen wore a black robe and walked towards the entrance of the city gate of the Undead Domain in a bright light.

As soon as he stepped forward, a group of skeleton guards swarmed up, staring at Su Chen with a hostile expression.

"Who are you?"

"Dare to break into the undead domain, shoot and kill!"

The captain of the guard riding the black-scaled lizard pulled out his horse chopping knife and pointed at Su Chen and said coldly.

"I'm the one here to kill you!"

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Su Chen's mouth, and with a wave of his big hand, two summoning rays, one green and one white, suddenly appeared.

Even though the skeleton guards had already rushed up murderously, but Su Chen started earlier, driven by a thought, Xiaoqing was already above the sky dome, condensing ten thousand thunder!

"Secret Technique, Heavenly Thunderstorm!"

-23172! (Attribute restraint!) )

-23172! (Attribute restraint!) )

-23172! (Attribute restraint!) )


The terrifying thunder fell, and these skeleton guards, who were already extremely afraid of thunder and lightning, were instantly crushed and ashes.

Fifteen skeletons guarded, all killed in an instant!

"Congratulations! Your pet "Queen Medusa Xiaoqing" crosses the level to kill fifteen diamond high-level monsters "LV30 Skeleton Guard", you and Xiaoqing gain 15,000 base experience points, and an additional 7,500 leapfrog killing experience points! "

Although these skeleton guards are not experienced individually, they are better than enough in number.

After killing it, a wave of rich experience points poured into Su Chen and Xiaoqing's bodies.

The next moment, a familiar white light burst out on Su Chen and Xiaoqing.

"Congratulations! You reach level 25 and gain 2 strength, 2 agility, 2 intelligence, and 2 physique."

"Congratulations! Your pet 'Queen Medusa' has reached level 21 and gained 15 free attribute points. According to your habits, Xiaoqing has been automatically assigned 15 intelligence points!"

"Congratulations! Your pet 'Queen Medusa' has reached level 22 and gained 15 free attribute points. According to your habits, Xiaoqing has been automatically assigned 15 intelligence points!"

"Plunder works! You and Xiaoqing have gained 15 intelligence, 25 strength, 30 physique, and 5 agility respectively!"

"Xiaoqing has gained an additional 45 evolution points!"


Seeing that more than a dozen of his guards were instantly slaughtered, the Captain of the Headless Knight's eyes were blood-red, filled with incomparably strong killing intent.

"Dare to kill my subordinates, I will twist your head and sacrifice to the heavens!"


The headless horseman harnessed the black-scaled lizard, brandished a giant knife glowing with black flames, and rushed towards Su Chen!

"Bell~bell~bell~Bell~!" ~"

And at this time, the Bone Tribulation Heavenly Bell in the Undead Domain City had also sounded a piercing enemy attack alarm!

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