The first thing released was the display video of the Holy Dragon Soul skin, and the moment they saw the video, the whole network players collectively soured.

"Groove! This Holy Dragon Soul skin is also too perverted! This appearance, this attribute, and this skill special effect, actually each skill has been secretly changed and enhanced, it is simply a limited edition signature model of 18 streets with turns! "

That cub seed designer who was greedy for blue moon just now, didn't you say that the whole network begged for a cut, and immediately reported the coordinates to Lao Tzu!"

"Hey, this is really good skin, compared with the skin of the great god, we can only be regarded as a beggar at most."

"Oh God! I am willing to pay the price of turning my little tinker into three centimeters in exchange for this set of skins, please fulfill me!

"Groove! Brother, you are also too ruthless, have you considered your sister-in-law's feelings!

"You know a fart, I'm talking about standing three centimeters off the ground!"

"Groove! Brother, you are also too ruthless, have you considered your sister-in-law's feelings!

Then, Lin Xiao's operation video was also uploaded.

Previously, there were two operation videos of Lin Xiao circulating on the Internet.

One is when he followed % in the wind to rob the fire-toothed eagle wolf, and the % in the wind was live streaming and recorded him.

And the other paragraph is when he took 5 kills, which was officially recorded and uploaded according to the 5 kill rule.

It can be said that Lin Xiao has never taken the initiative to upload a video, and this time Lin Xiao is really admired by himself, so he can't help but share it.

Sure enough, the melon-eating masses who were still praising the flowers and snows just now, and when they saw Lin Xiao's operation at this time, they were all shocked by the titanium alloy dog's eyes.

"What a cheat! The ghost man rushed over like a sports car, in this case, he not only dared to catch the flying chop, but also caught it! What kind of immortal operation is this!

"Before the fight started, I started to sprint directly, I originally wanted to spray a silly beep, but it turns out that if you don't drive in advance, you have to die, what the is this immortal consciousness!"

"In the end, insisting on using the Dan Talisman to return blood when there are only 600 blood points left, this simply calculates the damage to the extreme, which makes us waste full of blood and drugs, how embarrassing!"

"If the operation of the snow goddess, I can learn it a few more times, the immortal operation of the sword feather god, I ask the actor to cooperate, and I can't play it!"

"Hmph! You guys see if the goddess Ruoxue is really to learn technology, I'm embarrassed to break you.

"Hahaha, just a big-breasted girl, also worthy of talking about technology?" Players who really want to learn technology will only watch the video of the god of sword feathers, and real gamers like us don't need women! Under

the video of the flowers, there are more than 100,000 comments, and the comments uploaded by Jian Yuhou have risen to more than 4 million.

Blossom Ruoxue finally understood that gamers are a special group, in their eyes, games are greater than everything, and it is simply impossible to conquer them by the beauty of the goddess.

She quickly sent a voice invitation to Lin Xiao, and the corners of Lin Xiao's mouth raised and connected with a smile.

"Is there something wrong with me?"

"Great God, I was wrong."

Blossom Ruoxue's tone was very sincere, and Lin Xiao frowned: "What do you mean?"

Flower Ruoxue smiled bitterly: "Actually, I was so high-profile before to prove to you that I am very powerful."

Lin Xiao said, "Do you have any strength to do with me, is it necessary to prove it to me?"

Blossom Ruoxue said: "Yes, because I think that when negotiating with someone like you, I must show my strength in order to win your respect, so that I can win the most favorable negotiation conditions for myself, but it turns out that I am wrong, in front of you, I have no strength at all."

This was the true words of Blossom Ruoxue, Lin Xiao said coldly: "What do you want to talk to me about?"

Blossom said, "This... I'm afraid I can only talk to you in person, do you see it convenient?

Lin Xiao said, "I made it very clear, I will not meet anyone offline before the change of the cangxiao. Hua

Ruoxue hurriedly said, "But..."

Lin Xiao directly interrupted her: "You know very well that you don't have the strength to negotiate conditions with me, so the conditions can only be determined by me, now, I want to have a meeting with all the newly promoted gods in Fengxiang Tower, do you want to participate?" "

Since the people were invincible and others all immigrated, there were 48 vacant seats on the Great God List, so there were many newly promoted Great Gods who filled their vacancies.

In these newly promoted gods, they all get the first kill point by killing various wild bosses, although there are also many bronze bosses, compared to the crazy invincible them, the data is much better, but after all, the bronze boss's first kill point is only 10 points, even if it is the second ranked blossom Ruoxue, there are already 37 first kill points, compared with Lin Xiao's 560 first kill points, it is not a level at all.

Because they have seen the end of people crazy and invincible before, so these newly promoted gods are very well-behaved, and after entering the big god chat group, they dare not say a word other bad except for shooting Lin Xiao's.

Blossom Ruoxue was stunned: "You want to give us a meeting?" What meeting?

Lin Xiao did not answer, but said: "I naturally know when I come, I don't have to explain to you if I don't come, and I decide whether to come or not."

After speaking, Lin Xiao hung up his voice.

Soon, all the newly promoted gods came to Fengxiang Tower, including the flowers and snow.

Lin Xiao summoned them in the reception room on the 2nd floor.

Lin Xiao sat on a dragon chair and ignored everyone in front of him: "Although you are all great gods, none of you can get the daily great god reward, I think, each of you is very unhappy in your hearts." "

The great gods looked at each other, no one dared to speak, but not opening their mouths is equivalent to showing their hearts, of course, they all want the great god reward, but helplessly Lin Xiao's strength is too strong, all the good bosses have almost been brushed by Lin Xiao alone, and they can only be helpless.

Lin Xiao continued, "If I give you a chance now so that you can get the daily Great God Reward in the future, are you willing?" The

eyes of the great gods lit up.

ID I said for the player of the sword maniac: "Great God, you... Are you serious?

Lin Xiao said, "Of course, I used to just have a feud with people who were crazy and invincible, and I didn't have anything to do with you, so I didn't have to kill you all."

Blossom said, "Then... What conditions do you have?

Lin Xiao said, "My conditions are very simple, in the future, if you take the reward for the first kill, you will share half of me."

"What!" Immediately, several players shouted.

"Now there are few bronze bosses, if you want to take the first kill, you must fight the silver boss, we team up to take the first kill of a silver boss, not to mention it takes twenty minutes, and it may not be successful, the original reward is not enough points, the god you have to take half of it, isn't it too much!"

"If you do this, won't we all become kneeling and asking for food."

Although they were also afraid of Lin Xiao in their hearts, after all, they were related interests, so they had to pluck up the courage to fight for themselves.

Lin Xiao said coldly: "It makes sense, you guys have already worked so hard to fight the boss, I still have to take half of it, it's indeed a little excessive, then okay, then everything will continue as usual, in the future, I will spend two hours a day specifically to find the boss to get the first kill, the boss's first kill is gone, you don't have to work hard anymore."

When the gods heard this, they were immediately dumbfounded.


The author has something to say:

Thank you - Ten Thousand Realms God Lord Blazing God Temple Ye Chen, W- sent a reminder reward, wipe, in fact, it is not W, but that character I really can't type, hey, your ID is really embarrassing for me, in short, thank you for the tips of the two big guys, long live the big guys!!!

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