Chapter 160

“Drink slowly, don’t be anxious, both have.”

Su Bai took dozens of panacea,

Diluted a drop of life spring water,

Distributed to nearly a hundred federal prisoners.

They were extremely injured,

The level of many people has declined,

The breath is not as good as a first-class martial artist.

If Su Bai directly pours them with life spring water,

They can’t bear the violent life energy at all,

Will be torn into countless pieces!

After taking the antidote,

Everyone’s injuries improved at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Their mental injuries,

Temporarily unable to heal.

Most people have been tortured for a long time,

His eyes were hollow and numb, and he was unlovable.

The few people who are still sane are also crazy,

Sometimes sober, sometimes confused.

it’s here,

They endured the most terrifying punishment in the world,

After the dark and inhuman torture,

I didn’t see any hope,

Until a man in black with a crow standing on his shoulders appeared! !

“Give me a knife…”

Among the hundred prisoners,

The only one who can talk normally,

Is a middle-aged man with a disheveled hair,

He had the least injuries,

Obviously the shortest time to endure the torture,

Therefore, a lot of sanity was retained.

The middle-aged man said to Su Bai,

“Give me a knife,

I sent all the brethren on the road, and then…”

There was a crazy light in his eyes,

“Then I fought with those gangsters!”

Su Bai18 rolled his eyes silently.

Laozi spends the spring of life to save you,

Good for you,

If you speak, you will kill all the brothers.

Didn’t I save it in vain? !

Let’s not do business that is losing money!

Su Bai ignored the words of the middle-aged man,

But asked,

“Can you understand me?”

Nearly a hundred people,

Only seven or eight people nodded slowly.

The eyes of the remaining people are still very hollow,

Unable to communicate normally.

This psychological breakdown,

It takes a long time to reply,

It may even be impossible to recover for life.

The only certainty is that

This group of people,

Not only has no combat power,

On the contrary, it will drag Su Bai’s hind legs!

I want to carry nearly a hundred burdens,

Escape from the nest of the monsters in the crypt,

It’s as difficult as climbing! !

Su Bai wants to try.

“Listen, I’ll just say it once.”

Su Bai sent a knife to the middle-aged man,

“I will save you all,

But I need your cooperation,

especially you!

This knife for you,

If you want to commit suicide, be agile.

If they want to kill others, they have to go back to Earth and live a good life.

Understand? ”

The middle-aged man was taken aback, trying to digest what Su Bai said.

He didn’t take the knife,

Shook his head blankly,

“Impossible, no chance…”

“If you talk nonsense, you really have no chance.”

Su Bai put the knife into the middle-aged man,

This is the only person with mobility among a hundred people.

“You don’t want to inquire,

I carried a watermelon knife in Baichuan Crow and cut it from Ye Xiao to Grand Master. I cut it for three days and three nights without blinking! ”

The middle-aged man suddenly asked,

“Don’t blink your eyes for three days, don’t you know how to do it?”

Su Bai:…

Middle-aged men are also very strange,

Baichuan Crow… Who is it?

Su Bai put his plan,

After talking briefly with the middle-aged man,

Only one thing needs the cooperation of middle-aged men:

“When you hear my name,

Tear this scroll of the directional teleportation array, do you understand? ”

The middle-aged man said in despair,

“Those who don’t send it,(Read more @

Even if the formation in the city does not block,

Jue Dian will not let us easily…”

“No more nonsense, Laozi will die here with you!”

Su Bai said,

Stopped all the pessimistic remarks of the middle-aged man.

Even if he is a little crazy,

Can also understand,

Infiltrating Zhilan City is itself a matter of life and death!

This person named Baichuan Crow,

Planning the escape plan very seriously,

He… is really going to save these people out!

In a desperate situation,

Still do not give up the elusive hope!

The other party is still fighting for escape,

I am talking coldly at this time,

What is it?

He took the knife and nodded heavily.

Even if I don’t believe that the other party can do miracles,

The middle-aged man still decides,

Give the other party a little psychological comfort.

At least before everyone died,

I saw the light!

“There are nearly a hundred old people who are weak and sick, you can take care of it!”

Su Bai ordered before leaving,

“After you send it out,

If you encounter a warrior of the Federation, you will report the name of Baichuan Crow. ”

The middle-aged man just wanted to say,

Why can’t we report our own name?

He was stunned suddenly, and a question surrounded his mind:

“What is my name?”

There was a sharp pain in the brain,

He was madly tortured by the monsters in the crypt,

I realized at this time,

In order to protect myself from going crazy, I even took the initiative to forget a lot of memories!

This is the autonomous response of the brain’s defense mechanism.

Many people have this situation.

Su Bai saw that the other party was confused,

“I will remember it when I return to Earth in the future,

The most important thing now is to go back alive first! ”

The middle-aged man nodded in confusion.

Go back alive!

That was a dream he didn’t dare to hope for!

The figure of the man in black disappeared in place.

The chaos in Zhilan City has gradually subsided.

It doesn’t rely on superb management methods,

Instead, kill all the monsters running around!

The demons are concerned about slaughtering their own people,

Has been quite learned.

As long as the monsters die, there will be no chaos!

In order to protect the magic crystal,

The monsters moved the magic crystal out of the burning warehouse.

Under high temperature or severe collision,

These magic crystals are prone to powerful explosions!

Now on the flat ground,

Much safer.

A pair of eyes stared at the mountain of magic crystals on the flat ground.

“This is the closest to the defensive formation.”

“That’s it.”

“Death Scourge!”


In the previous battle, Su Bai had already piled up the buff of a hundred battles.

All attributes have been greatly improved, and the combat power has reached the peak!

He brazenly shot,

Sneak attack on the unguarded magic crystal, and it will be a natural hit!


A violent explosion occurred in the southwest corner of Zhilan City! !

The power of the explosion,

Compared with the chaos created by the previous human masters when they broke in,

Ten times bigger, a hundred times bigger!

They think the crisis is over,

Pile most of the magic crystals on the open space,

I didn’t expect Human Race to have a back hand! !


Almost a tenth of Zhilan City,

Was instantly destroyed in the explosion!

The aftermath of the explosion has spread to half of Zhilan City!

Killed more than 100,000 monsters and injured countless people!

For a time, the whole city was full of wailing voices!

Such a big movement,

Naturally, it attracted the attention of the Great Master who was playing against it.

“Liu Wanlou, is this also a good thing you did?!”

The Great Master of the Caverns is incompetent and furious,

It can’t figure it out,

There are no human races in the city,

How did this explosion come about! !

Liu Wanlou was also very confused.

Am I so good?

This is the 670 I left behind?

2 people from the previous human race led the team,

The losses caused are not as great as this explosion! !

This explosion,

Expanded the results of this federation dozens of times! !

A doubt also followed,

Who the hell is it? !


Everyone’s doubts were solved.

A corner of Zhilan City,

A certain black man laughed wildly,

The voice spread throughout the battlefield!

“Baichuan crow is here, who dares to kill me!!”

“Baichuan crow is here, who dares to kill me!!”

It’s the crow! ! !

In Zhilan City,

I heard the words “Baichuan Crow” coming from outside the prison.

The middle-aged man followed the crow’s orders,

Immediately shredded the directional transmission reel!

The white light slowly lit up,

It will take a few breaths before they can be teleported away!

The middle-aged man clenched the knife tightly,

this moment,

He even hoped that a miracle would happen!

Could it be…. really can escape?

The time for a few breaths is as long as a century!

White light flashed,

Teleportation array, take shape!

Nearly a hundred federal warriors,

At the same time it was teleported to a clearing hundreds of kilometers away!

Until the transmission is completed for a long time,

The middle-aged man was relieved,

Looking at the strange environment around,

His heart could not be suppressed with excitement.

“I, did we really escape?”

Excited and ecstatic,

Only one name reverberates in his mind!

Baichuan Crow!

The man who took a watermelon knife and cut from Ye Xiao to the master.


Created a miracle! !


(Had a nightmare and woke up at 6 o’clock.

Someone keeps knocking on the door frantically in my dream,

Ask me: ‘has it been updated today? ’

…. Good morning, codeword man! Chong Chong Chong! ).

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