Chapter 173

“What do you want me to do?”

Su Bai has no taboo,

His identity as a crow,

Has already dealt with Luo Chengming.

This bad old man,

Before, he looked like he was going to die,

After swindling out that Su Bai was a crow, he immediately yelled that he didn’t want to die.

Since Luo Cheng has also saved himself several times,

Su Bai will be even.

“Do you remember the group of people you rescued?”

Luo Cheng said,

“Previously, the monster in the crypt killed-broke the line of defense and rushed to the ground.

The blood of the Demon Emperor among them is almost the same as ours.

If one mind is hidden, only the strongest can check them out one by one!

There is a flaw in the blood of the Demon King: bloodthirsty!

The earliest batch was quickly exposed,

But we speculate that there are still many lurking in society!

There is even the blood of the Demon Emperor! ”

Su Bai nodded.

“I know, I learned the history class in the second year of high school, then what?”

Luo Cheng has a serious tone

“They stared at Baichuan Crow,

Also eyeing these prisoners who were rescued! ”

Luo Cheng and Su Bai explained clearly.

The Federation spoke out,

It claimed that the operation was codenamed “hurricane rescue”.

Curated by Su Bai,

Tyrant, Crow execution,

Liu Wanlou and others cooperated,

All the masters participate!

Specifically to rescue the captives of Zhilan City,

And the rescue activity!

The successful rescue of these prisoners,

Not only did the Federation have no losses,

Also gains countless!

This made the morale of the Federation’s warrior army soaring, and everyone was not afraid of death!

For Terran,

It’s great news,

For the demons,

That’s the bad news for Tianbeng!

If anyone can at this point in time,

Assassinate a human hero!

It is a huge blow to the morale of the warrior legion!

They will never miss such an opportunity!

“So, the other party’s target is me, followed by the people in the nursing home?”

Su Bai quickly reacted,

If the blood of the Devil Emperor wants to do it,

Definitely prioritize lock-in nursing homes!

strictly speaking,

Pretending to be a sanatorium, forcing the crow to show up!

In the nursing home,

There must be no one in the world. They are sent to the door, and there is no difference between looking for death!


The act of attacking the nursing home.

Will make Baichuan crows show up!

“I understand, I’ll start now.”

Su Bai knew clearly,

As the bloodline of the Demon Emperor who has been lurking on the ground for decades,

They must be extremely careful in doing things.

The first day of today,

Most of them are investigation and snooping, and the possibility of a decisive battle between the two sides is very small!


When the two sides have finished finding out,

Once the Demon Emperor’s bloodline felt that there was a chance to start.

Thunder means will be applied!

And the nursing home,

As a battlefield where the two sides confront each other.

Su Bai passed earlier,

Familiarize yourself with the environment earlier,

Try to use your home court advantage.

From the awakening talent,

Su Bai takes her every battle seriously!

Whether it is eternity, or Earth, or crypt!

On Earth, if it dies, it’s really dead!

Even if it is rumored that the strongest have the ability to come back to life,

After all, it is just a rumor.

Su Bai does not need to pin his life on others!

“This time, Liu Wanlou is your partner.

Don’t go wrong! ”

Luo Cheng reminded.

Su Bai knew what he meant.

Liu Wanlou went through a battle in the crypt,

Su Bai’s identity has long been suspicious.

This cooperation,

In case Su Bai was spotted again.

Can only reluctantly ask Luo Cheng to kill him! !

Liu Wanlou: So brotherhood will disappear, right?

…(Read more @

Imperial capital,

Outskirts sanatorium.

The old urchins are also very excited at night,

No need to sleep at all, and still play in the hall.

A male doctor pushed the cart into the hall,

The car is full of apples.

Everyone fell silent immediately,

He looked at the male doctor with a look that could catch people’s horror.

“Have a supper!”

The male doctor is holding a clipboard in his hand,

“Everyone writes a number and can receive an apple after writing it.”

Everyone was silent.

After ten seconds,

A burly middle-aged man stepped forward,

Write down the number ‘568’ and take an apple.

Everyone lined up quietly,

Write numbers and lead apples.

No one eats the apples in hand, they are all held in their hands.

And that handsome male doctor,

I don’t know where to go after sending the apples.

Someone noticed the movement outside the window,

“Look, the blue crow!”

A jackdaw stood on the treetop.

Seems to be disturbed by the actions of the old people,

The jackdaw flew away.

Drive countless crows to take off together!

Everyone found out,

That tree is full of crows! !

“It’s time to sleep.”

In the hall, 97 people slept on the ground.

On the sky of the sanatorium,

Hundreds of thousands of crows circling!

Baichuan Crow uses the most arrogant way,

Tell anyone who tries to spy on the nursing home,

Weigh your own weight!

Is it enough for the crow to rush for one wave, if it is enough, how about two waves?

Hundreds of thousands of crows declared silently:

from now on,


It’s the crow sanatorium!

“It’s really a Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger!”

Su Bai looked at the information he had collected.

Ninety-seven people,

1 Ao Shi Grandmaster, 12 Transcendent Grandmasters, and the weakest remaining are the fifth rank martial artists!

Does this need someone to protect it?

As long as it’s not an absolute shot,

The combat power of this group of old men is enough to deal with most situations!

Even so,

Nor can it be taken lightly.

Su Bai has a hunch, there must be someone in the blood of the Demon King who has achieved great success!


I will not try to do anything to the nursing home!

Last night,

Su Bai really caught a lot of spies nearby.

But they are all running dogs of evil gods,

Rank 5 and Rank 6 rubbish in the Assassin Alliance!

Sent here as cannon fodder,

Specially test the crow and the means of the Federation!

· ·········Ask for flowers···············

It was easily taken by Su Bai!

The sun rises,

The crow left the nursing home.

Last night, nothing happened overnight!

A coffee shop in the imperial capital.

The cafe that originally opened at 12 o’clock,

The door opened at 8 today.

At a long table,

There were seven people around, and their skins were all white and red.

There is a strange beauty that can’t help but feel weak.

In front of the seven, there was a cup of coffee that had already been cold.

Someone said leisurely,

“Boss, the coffee is hot, not good.”

“Just think of a way to blow your mouth.

Drink coffee,

Maybe you will be the best? ”

Become a temptation to the top

No one can refuse,

Everyone started brainstorming,

How to cool the coffee.

“I can keep the coffee from flying.”

“I can bring the coffee down to 300 degrees Celsius.”

“I can….”

Everyone exchanged eyes,

Six of them decided to do it!

“I just want to go to work quietly.”

A man in a suit wears a shoddy human skin mask and uses a voice changer.

Under the human skin mask, there is still a human skin mask.

He hid his identity very well,

Over the years, it has been unknown.

Even if he participated in this meeting, no one knew his true identity.

All I know is that he likes going to work and likes it very much.

The man in a suit said,

“I won’t drink this coffee.”

Heard the other party not drinking coffee,

The killing intent of the six people skyrocketed instantly, and the suit man was locked!

You know all the plans,

Now say not to drink coffee,

Is it a bit late?

Even if it is the blood of the Demon Emperor, you can’t keep it!

“Do it!”

They just wanted to say that.

The man in a suit spoke suddenly,

Interrupted everyone,

“Your hands are so beautiful!”

“Can you… lend it to me?”

The cold light flashed!

In the cafe, all items are intact.

Only six people sat blankly at the coffee table,

The body trembled uncontrollably…

They are still alive,

But not alive completely.

Everyone’s hands were cut off from their wrists!

Just a moment’s matter!

If Hanguang sweeps not the wrist but the neck,

Then they have…

The strength of the opponent is for the six,

Absolutely crushed!

With 12 fresh hands,

The man in a suit walked out of the cafe,

“Being late for work, the full attendance bonus will be deducted,

I am an outstanding employee for 33 consecutive years! ”

Before going out,

He did not forget to turn around and exhorted,

“Next time, don’t do it with others casually.”

“You have such beautiful hands, please cherish them.”

“If you don’t cherish it, I will kill you all!”


Another ordinary day for office workers!


(Sixth more sent! The dialogue in the coffee shop, [Coffee] refers to [Crow], I hope everyone knows.) Corpse.

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