Chapter 215

“Devil City Emergency Report!”

Su Bai just sent the news to the human position,

Another big thing happened!

Just a few hours after the all-out war between demons and humans ended,

The contemporary demon king,

Emperor Xuan,

Xiangquan Caverns,

All his subjects,

Sent a will!

A huge imperial list is posted on the wall of the City of Souls.

Attracted the attention of countless Mozu Street Liuzi.

“The Devil Emperor sins himself?!”

Two pieces of news appeared in front of Liu Wanlou,

The first news,

I don’t know where a demon genius popped up,

Sent someone to deliver the letter,

Have a fight with yourself tomorrow!

Liu Wanlou didn’t even look at it.

He threw the letter aside.

“It must be designed to kill the old man!”

“Although the old man is a bit upright,

Does it look so stupid? ”

Liu Wanlou’s attention,

It’s all on the devil emperor’s guilt!


“What is this f*ck written!”

“Not a word is human,

Who translates to the translator! ”

Liu Wanlou didn’t wait to translate,

But waited until two uninvited guests.

Xiaohu, and Zhao Zizhen who is proficient in sign language.

“Lao Liu, have you been challenged by Shura?”

Xiaohu said eagerly,



Liu Wanlou was confused.

How can this be agreed?

Xiaohu said,

Dispelled all the doubts of Liu Wanlou.

“Su Bai, still in the crypt!”


Liu Wanlou understood what Xiaohu meant.

This bastard,


Not only lurking in the crypt,

He still made such a big move!

At last,

Still challenge yourself?

What is the purpose of acting like this?

Could it be that….

A possibility emerged in Liu Wanlou’s heart,

This kid is going to do something again?

Liu Wanlou thought about it and didn’t know what Su Bai could do.

Can’t calculate the absolute top of the demons!

“Next, please invite the best employee of the month to come to the stage to receive the award!”

He is the legend of our company!

Thirty-three years in the industry,

Do not be late, do not leave early,

No overtime, no promotion,

Like a screw,

Worked conscientiously for the company for 33 years.

In thirty-three years, no mistakes have been made,

Never got angry, never scolded anyone,

An absolute model employee!

After he took the stage, he received an award,

Simply put,

“Thank you for the company’s cultivation, thank you 〃‖.”

Familiar acceptance speech,

Just right politeness,

Keep a distance from everyone,

This handsome and charming man,

Always hiding his extraordinary.

Until…. a pigeon flew to his table.

The expression of the office worker solidified for a moment.

He adjusted quickly.

“Sorry, go to the bathroom.”

When I came back from the bathroom,

He seems to be in a bad mood.

Before get off work,

Walked specifically to the head of the department,

“Supervisor, here are three of my paid vacation slips.

I want to take 3 days off. “(Read more @

“No problem, no problem!”

The supervisor nodded quickly,

“Is three days enough?”


Office workers are ready to leave,

Suddenly stopped,

“Right, supervisor.”

The supervisor was so frightened that he hurriedly said,

“what’s up?”

“My full attendance this month and the best employee next month…”

“Don’t worry, it’s all you, I said hello!

No one in the company knows that you are under my cover! ”

“Thank you supervisor for training.”

The office workers are very polite, and the supervisor is very scared.

5:30 in the afternoon,

He left the company on time.

Just 15 minutes after he left,

In the company,

Everyone stopped their work,

Concentrated in a large conference room,

Everyone is so serious as if they have changed their faces!

Have a meeting!

Centralized assessment,

The mental stability of the company’s only “best employee”!

“He is a bit unstable.

This is the second time this month! ”

“But the last time the sanitarium was attacked at night,

He did not make a move, indicating that his situation is better than we thought! ”

“I disagree,

It is recommended to issue an SSS-level alert to the Federation immediately! ”


At last,

The supervisor is out against the crowd,

Wiping the sweat from his forehead,

He insisted and said,

“When he left, he was worried about the full attendance bonus!”

“It should be…it’s okay!”

“Notify the Federal Evaluation Results,

Maintain the SS level alarm unchanged.

To maintain the monitoring of the Supreme Master,

There is no need to dispatch the invincible master for now! ”

“What the hell is this written?”

Things that Liu Wanlou couldn’t understand,

Su Bai didn’t understand either.

Under the emperor list,

Surrounded by a bunch of people who don’t know how to eat melons.

No wonder everyone is uneducated,

It is true that the Demon King is not a son of man,

They are all slurred and obscure old prose.

A Mozu Street Liuzi beside Su Bai enthusiastically translated,

“It’s actually very simple, just two sentences!”

Everyone asked,

“Which two sentences?”

“The first sentence: Laozi is wrong, let me tell you.”

“The second sentence: If you refuse to accept Laozi, you will become the demon emperor after you have won.”


This translated,

Really spiritual!

The sins and edicts from ancient times to the present,

It has always been this routine.

The Devil Emperor is not admitting his mistake at all.

It is telling the entire catacomb:

No matter how badly the Demon Race loses this time, how much the Demon Imperial City has lost!

Laozi, still the only emperor of the demons!

It’s just…why would he do this?

Su Bai suddenly remembered,

Could it have something to do with the skeleton that you let go?

“Your Majesty, the ground has returned the news!”

A pigeon was sent to the Emperor Dove,

Such a cute creature is not used to make soup, but used to spread letters,

What a waste!

“You retreat.”

Emperor Jiu looked at a letter that appeared in front of him,

Did not intend to share it with Shadow.

Dove Emperor is alone in a room,

Open the letter,

With a kind of elegant font on the paper,

“Strictly speaking, I am thirty-three years old and work in an ordinary department store…”

The end of the letter,

His grandson,

Heir to the throne of the future crypt,

clearly states:

“…I want a peaceful life.”

“This kid, won’t you come back?!”

Emperor Dove can’t wait to kill the ground,

Tied back his own grandson!

This kid,

In the thirty-three years on the ground,

What have you experienced?

The letter paper was crumpled into a ball by the Emperor Dove,

He suddenly noticed that there were pen marks on the back!

Flatten, with the eyesight of Emperor Dove,

Even without a pencil stroke,

You can also see the content of these handwritings.

Font on the reverse side,

It is completely different from the front font.

Is cursive,

Just take a look,

You can feel the wild grass with the storm right in front of you!

The back of a full sheet of letter paper,

Full of:

“If you dare to bother me, I will kill you, kill you, kill you…”

Even if I haven’t met,

Emperor Dove is also sure,

My own grandson,

Probably the legendary split personality patient.

There is only one thing,

Emperor Jiu didn’t quite understand,

Regardless of the positive side of the letter,

Or the opposite,

His grandsons all asked a question:

“The hand of the Devil Emperor, do you look good?”

This is a strange question.

Given that the other party is mentally ill,

It’s not that strange.

Now that the two sides have broken up,

Emperor Jiu couldn’t force his grandson to return to the crypt.


As the devil king of the past,

How can there be no arrogance?

He puts up a pen,

Wrote a simple reply,

“The Devil Emperor, except for the Devil God, is the most perfect existence in the world!

The hand of the demon emperor,

Naturally the most perfect hand in the world! ”


(The eighth is sent, so sleepy, good night brothers!

Thank you brothers for all your support to Song!

I hope I can dream of a rich woman tonight! ).

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