Chapter 233

“My curse…”

“Draw a circle and curse you!”

Su Bai cleanly trampled the last Cthulhu clone to death.

This level of clone,

Each can harvest 2 levels of God-killing effect.

A total of 8 clones, 16 floors.

Su Bai’s god killing effect is superimposed to 42 layers!

According to Elno’s introduction,

The God Killing effect may have a maximum stacking limit,

Su Bai stacks up till now,

He was content before he hit the ceiling.

Solve all Cthulhu clones,

Everyone’s crisis came to an end.

The evil gods are extremely angry.

Just now,

Their clones have fallen!

“The power to kill is once again present,

Have you ever thought about the consequences? ! ”

Killing authority,

More than half of the evil gods present did not understand what it was.

The twelfth evil god who has survived the longest,

Jie Jie smiled and said,

“Two powers can achieve the position of God.

One authority can become a demigod.

Ten thousand years ago,

A demigod in the Eternal Continent,

Holding the authority to kill,

The twelve gods at the time,

Slaughtered in half! ”


Many evil gods present,

This is the first time I know this secret!

There are also evil gods who do not believe,

“Old twelve, you have a mouth, just want to scare us?”

Everyone is an evil god,

No one is scared.

The second evil god suddenly said,

“What Old Twelve said is true.”

The second evil god has a gang of accents,

It really looks like a fake!

This guy has no credibility at all!

“The mouth is no proof!”

Many evil gods insist on a piece of evidence.

At last,


The twelfth evil god never tires of it,


“Ten thousand years ago, I was the first evil god,

After that war, the strength regressed,

Ten thousand years in this position will not make any progress.

Is this evidence enough? ”

The evil gods:…

Who would have thought,

The twelfth evil god who has never revealed the mountains and water,

Will be the first evil god ten thousand years ago!

if it is like this….

The demigod who held the authority to kill back then,

How terrible is it? !

“Don’t talk about these happy things.”

The second evil god interrupted the discussion of the gods.

“Tyrant has only one person and can only take away one authority!

He is determined to win the power of war.

The plague authority, we all rely on our ability! ”

“Good!” “It’s a deal!”

The avatar of the Nine Paths of Evil God,

Once again rushed into the broken kingdom of God.

This time,

They will never have a head-on conflict with Tyrant and others.

There is only one goal:

Plague authority!


(Second change card, meal, code, red!).

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