Chapter 243

“This battle is no matter the sky or the earth,

None of us are protagonists. ”

On the wall of Zhilan City,

Su Bai said with emotion.

The battlefield in the sky,

It was Rift that was fighting against many demon gods.

The battlefield on the ground,

Terran is just riding chaos and fishing in troubled waters.

If the demon emperor’s attention is still on the crypt defense line,

Even if Su Bai has the ability to attack the city alone,

It will not win so easily!

“No matter, go home!”

Su Bai relied on the ultra-long teleportation array,

First returned to the City of Souls,

Then follow the Bawang and others, and return to Earth together.

On the way,

Liu Wanlou complained to Su Bai in a low voice,

“Why the guqin, who can play that thing!”

Now everyone in the group knows,

Liu Wanlou exploded the piano with one finger.

Although Liu Wanlou made repeated orders,

Let everyone not spread the details of this battle.

These are all federal high-profile secrets,

Temporarily designated as SS-level confidential information.


Look at the way they are holding back their smiles,

Liu Wanlou suspected,

Not out of the crypt,

The grandmaster of the entire federation knows it!

Su Bai was also very wronged,

“You are talking about it, what instrument do you know?”

“I will….”

Liu Wanlou got stuck.

What will he do?

He can be a hammer!

Those who can sing ducks can go out of tune,

Don’t embarrass him.

At last,

Liu Wanlou held out a sentence,

“I can chant poems.”

“Then you chant, I didn’t stop you!”

“Ahem…Can’t you write a song for me first?”

Su Bai:…

He didn’t expect,

A martial arts master,

He is so important to his literary fame!

Su Bai said the classic four words:

“Surely next time!”

Back to the ground,

Su Bai broke the shackles of Level,

Break through to level 400.

This time he even beheaded an extremist,

The perfect job transfer is no problem!

199 to 399,

Want to reach the SSS level transfer,

Even for a perfect job transfer, you need to go to the crypt to kill the enemy.

After level 499,

There are other needs for the transfer.

It is mainly related to which path of authority will be taken in the future.

When Su Bai killed Bai Shouhe,

After the opponent died, some strange substances were left behind.

strictly speaking,

That is the embryonic form of authority!

500 to 700,

It is a process of continuous improvement of the prototype.

Until level 730,

Completely integrate the rudiment of authority into the equipment,

Achieve the proud master.

799 level,

Basically at the end of the road of authority,

It is only the last step to complete mastery.

therefore,(Read more @

Transfer from level 499 to level 500,

It is a huge level.

It is related to the level of future achievements!

Su Bai needs to plan carefully.

At the same time he changed his job perfectly,

NPCs from Eternal City and Misty Town,

Once again ushered in the skyrocketing strength.

The major professional forums are directly paralyzed.

It is said that

Want to join the NPC of Wangu City,

The queue has reached 1000W+!

Under the eternal rules,

Batch after batch of NPCs were absorbed by Wangu City.

Even so,

It can’t meet their needs at all!

Tyrant is already level 400!

Leave them a chance to upgrade,

Not much anymore!

On the black market,

The identity of an NPC in Wangu City,

It was hyped up to 2 million gold coins!

That is the sky-high price of 2 million contribution points!

The identity of the NPC in Misty Town,

Only sold once,

Sold 20 million gold coins!

Enough to explain the madness of NPC!

Over Misty Town,

A huge number of [759] emerged,

Attract everyone’s attention.


It was another day when Elno was a clown.

Su Bai returned to the warrior cemetery,

It was strange to find that Luo Cheng was beating Qin Lin again.

Why use it again?

“Old Luo, work harder, didn’t eat.”


Su Bai attracted the firepower to himself in one sentence.


He stood outside the cemetery,

Luo Cheng is in the cemetery,

“You have the ability to come in!”

“I’m not capable!”


Su Bai defended himself,

“I’m going to beat the air for you,

Are you hurting me now, don’t you help the rift? ”

“The old man thinks he can do it again.

I don’t seem to need your help anymore! ”

Su Bai made a questioning voice.

“The Catacomb Report?”

An urgent report was delivered to the two of them.

Only a few words from Liao Liao.

“The former Demon Emperor, Dove Emperor, raised 300,000 troops, intending to raise important matters…”

“The current Demon Emperor Xuanhuang sent a million troops to encircle and suppress!”

“Three Demon Race Invincibles joined hands to block the Demon Imperial City,

Emperor Xuan was forced to come forward,

The old and the new two emperors fight forever, endlessly! ”

Everyone is guessing,

What is the hole card of King Dove,

Some people think that he is the ultimate master of the catacombs,

Some people think that it is the lurking of the former Demon Emperor’s line.

No one thought,

He doesn’t care about the belonging of Ninety-Nine City at all!

What he really cares about,

Is the seat of the devil!

Forcing the current Demon King to fight him decisively!

Both have the authority of the Black Emperor,

Want to become a god,

One must die!

“In this battle, the kid surnamed Xuan is so fierce!”

Luo Cheng commented.

Qin Lin with a blue nose and swollen face was puzzled.


Actually Su Bai didn’t understand either.

But Qin Lin asked for him,

This way you don’t appear to be dull.

“There have been rumors,

The reason why the former Demon Sovereign failed,

It was a sneak attack by the current Demon King!

The positive strength is stronger than the former Demon Emperor. ”

Luo Cheng explained,

“You think,

The former demon emperor was kept in the tomb for so long,

He has the power of the Black Emperor,

If the current Demon King can really seize power,

Need to wait till now? ”

An analysis is justified and well-founded!



The monsters in the crypt hit the dog’s brain,

It’s a good thing for Terran.

1.7 The only thing to note is that

Don’t let the catacombs give birth to too powerful demon gods.

On top combat power,

In fact, the human race has always been dominant.

If the Demon Race has an extra powerful Demon God,

Maybe the current situation of the human race is very good,

Will be ruined in a blink of an eye!

Accompanied by the battle report of the catacombs,

A new message came,

Luo Cheng looked at Su Bai with a smirk,

“Boy, I have bad news for you.”

“In the terms we played games back then,

You are banned! ”


Luo Cheng laughed wildly.

Only Su Bai was kept in the dark.

Are you banned?

What do you mean? !


(Note: Ming Deng and Ming are okay…

As mentioned in the comment section before, the Ming Deng is Teacher Luo’s industry Ming Deng.

Those who believe in science can Baidu. ).

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