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In their hearts, there was a very special feeling.

They were a little angry, but also very relieved.

They were angry that the Dragon Nation players did not stop, but bit them instead.

They were relieved by the bloodiness of the Dragon Nation players!

Not bad, they have the momentum of our great Dragon Nation!

They come when they want?

They leave when they want?

Ugh! If I don't beat you up until your face is covered in blood, you really don't know who your father is!

"Mo Chen, we have high hopes for you!"

"You have to grasp the direction of the players."

"Yes, it’s not okay to just rush in like this."

A group of bigwigs said

"Yes, yes, I will definitely correct it."Li Mochen said.

As for what to correct.

Li Mochen himself didn't know.

The words were so vague that I couldn't guess.

"Well, you should admit your mistakes and correct them!"

"With so many players being mobilized, we must have a plan, so as not to suffer any losses!"

"This concerns the players' wallets, so we must be cautious!"

"Well, it depends on the players’ wishes, but they must not suffer losses!"

The big guys continued

""Ah?!!!" Li Mochen was confused.

Wait... didn't they say they wanted to stop fighting?

Why are they fighting again?

"You old guys are really vague in your words."Zhang Zunguo, the leader of the Dragon Nation, said with a smile.

Then, he said to Li Mochen;

"Regarding the impact of the new era on reality, Mo Chen, you have seen it"

"We want stability, step-by-step development"


At this point, Zhang Zunguo's tone changed.

"I have to admit that I, and everyone here, are old!"

"We can endure humiliation and bear heavy burdens, but... young people can't!"

"They must be brave!"

"Just like what Xinghai said at the beginning;"

"Anyone who raises a weapon against our Dragon Nation will be killed without mercy!"

"Tsk tsk···So comfortable!"

"Our Dragon Country has a long history, with both prosperity and humiliation."

"But...we never lost a thing!"

"That's the backbone!"

"It’s still the same strategy used by the coalition forces?"

"Do you really think that Longguo is still the same Longguo as before?"


Zhang Zunguo slammed the table hard and said;

"Fight back!"

"Knock out their teeth that want to gnaw at the flesh and blood of our Dragon Kingdom!"

"Tell them that anyone who takes up arms against our Dragon Kingdom will be killed without mercy!"

"You are worried about the pressure from reality!"

"Things are different now!"

"The world is still the same as before, but Dragon Country is no longer the same as before!"

Zhang Zunguo, the leader of Dragon Country, made the final decision!


Li Mochen took the order and left.

At the same time, the main theme of this meeting was also transmitted through the Internet.

That is···

Players, just do your best!

Dragon Nation will back you up!

Now, the players are all crazy;

"Wow! Awesome! Thumbs up! Blow up my Dragon Nation!"

"But I am not well educated, and all I can do is say"wow" to express my opinion. Anyway, my Great Dragon Country is awesome!"

"Dragon Kingdom is awesome, Star Sea is awesome, Tianxing Pavilion is awesome!"

"Kill! Kill these bastards! Make money!"

"A little merit is worth hundreds of dollars, kill!"

"Kill, kill, kill, rush into their territory, merit bonus 50%!"

"The coalition forces are coming to attack us? Fight back!"

Morale is often indescribable.

At this moment, it really broke through the difference in numbers.

The four lines of defense of Longguo were all pressing the opponent.

This strong attack confused the opponent.

The opponent was already confused in command.

Some players wanted to fight, and some didn't.

The top leaders in the country were arguing loudly.

Should they retreat to their own country for defense or give it a try? They were arguing fiercely.

Sure enough, they could only play a favorable game.

Once they encountered an unfavorable situation, they would be dumbfounded.

Various beneficiaries always wanted to preserve their own interests, and it was difficult to reach a unified opinion.

They didn't know that every minute they argued, a huge amount of wealth was transmitted to Longguo through data.

In fact, this kind of wealth transmission is battle damage data.

The equipment on the players is wealth. Rich.

Whenever a player dies, he will drop equipment, and this equipment will be picked up by the Dragon Country players.

The more people die on that side, the more equipment will be dropped. The more wealth will be lost.

Of course, this is just a metaphor.

There are too many things that truly contain wealth.

But war damage is a very accurate indicator. There is only one way to reverse the flow of wealth to the Dragon Country, reverse the war damage!

Time passed bit by bit.

The players of the Dragon Country finally advanced into other countries in all directions.

At this time, the top leaders of those countries received a report.

The data analysis report of the American country!

All of a sudden, many mysteries were solved.

Defeat in war will lead to social unrest.

That's because a large amount of players' wealth has been plundered by the Dragon Country players.

The way to stop all this is to reverse the war damage.


Kill the Dragon Nation!

This report seemed to solve the headaches of the four nations in an instant.

Is the economy of the country in turmoil?

It doesn't matter!

You can drink the blood of the Dragon Nation to stabilize it!

And how to drink the blood of the Dragon Nation?

That is to win the national war!

Reverse the losses and let the wealth flow back.

Not only will it not be affected, but it will also improve the economic situation of the country!


"Now I finally understand why the Dragon Kingdom is so determined to attack!"

"This is not just a game, it's more like a war, an invisible war of wealth!"

"The Dragon Nation is trying to find another way to bypass our encirclement and rise up.··"

"Encircle! Encircle in the new era and suppress the development of Dragon Country!"

"���Wrong, the once great Eastern power must not be allowed to rise!"

"Organize the players and fight back!"

This is the world.

No one is a fool.

When everyone understands the benefits, they will go all in!


The four-nation alliance realized it too late.

They lost the initiative and gave Dragon Country's trump card time to grow.

The battle line was stalemate back and forth.

Several hours had passed.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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