Don't get me wrong.

The next step is to climb the mountain.

"I don't understand, why would you come to such a dangerous place like the Heigs Mountains?"Ye Mo asked the question in his mind.

Ye Mo got a lot of information in this plot.

He gradually felt that this world might be real.

Maybe the New Era and the Blue Planet where Ye Mo was located had an unknown connection.

"Because... I am one of the protectors!" Princess Loya said;

"Every planet in the universe is protected, and there are protective shields on the outskirts of their galaxies to block their coordinates!"

"And I was born as a body of light, and the energy for that protective shield is provided by me!"

"Likewise, it is also my responsibility to repair the cracks and suppress the darkness!"

"The Heigs Mountains are a prison of darkness. If anyone else comes, they will be eroded by darkness. Only I am the most suitable person to come!"

Ye Mo paused.

This... is actually like this!


If this world is real, then···

Many things can be matched.

This game that surpasses technology.

The concrete reality of the future.

The coordinates of the blue planet were leaked, leading to siege.

From the information obtained now, Ye Mo gradually formed a general worldview.

Deep in the universe, there is an extremely powerful force.

Among these forces, there are two systems, light and darkness.

Light guards.

Dark destroys.

The balance between light and darkness gradually collapses.

This made the guardians develop such a game.

This online game that transcends time dimensions helps those weak planets grow.

So that in the future, after darkness breaks through the restrictions, they will have some ability to protect themselves.

And the various versions shown in the previous life game.

It is the epic battle between light and darkness.

I didn't pay attention to these before.

Now, these fragments of the truth are pieced together.

Only then can the original appearance be truly revealed.

"The coordinates of the Blue Star in the previous life were leaked. It seems that Princess Loya was hurt, or... killed by the invasion of darkness."Ye Mo thought to himself;

"To put it another way, if I can keep Princess Luoya by my side, otherwise if she gets into trouble, wouldn't it be from another perspective that I can protect the coordinates of Blue Star!"

Ye Mo was very courageous.

He dared to think about things in a big way.

If it were someone else, they would not think so at all.

They would not think that a game character could actually affect the demise of a galaxy!


At this moment, Ye Mo was very glad that he chose this mission.

The news in the plot made him think of the relationship between the New Era and Blue Star.

And... this is very close to the truth!

In the era of great defeat in the previous life, people were like ants, not understanding, puzzled, and confused.

They didn't understand why they were fine, but had to experience a catastrophe.

Now... the truth is out!

"I seem to have reached the point of destiny."

"My choice now is interfering with my future destiny!"

"If I can keep Princess Loya by my side, then···This is the beginning of changing your fate!"

Ye Mo decided secretly in his heart.

After this mission, he must find a way to keep Princess Luoya by his side.


The two walked towards the mountain together.

This was the highest peak in the Heigs Mountains.

On top of it was the Dark Seal. There was no one to stop them along the way.

It seemed that after the Tauren Chieftain boss was killed, the monsters stopped blocking them.

This allowed the two to reach the top of the mountain peacefully.


The first sight!

It is enough to make people gasp.

On the top of this mountain, there is actually a dragon lying!

The dragon!

It is really big.

Even lying there, it looks like a small mountain.

It closed its eyes, as if it was taking a nap.


Every time it breathes, flames burst out of its nose.····

Suddenly, the dragon's eyes opened.

It raised its proud head and looked down at the two men.

"No···Although being disturbed is not a pleasant thing"

"But... seeing that the person coming is the Princess of Light, I also forgive you for waiting," said the Dark Dragon Corey

""The dragon defector, Corey!" Princess Loya gritted her teeth and said.

She said that she knew all the dragons.

As expected, as soon as the dragon opened his mouth, Loya knew which one it was.

"Abandoning the dragon clan and losing the dragon heart, is this the reason why you turned to darkness?"Princess Loya asked.


As if it had touched its pain point, Corey roared angrily, and then roared with his earth-shaking throat;

"Those elders are idiots! Dragons are born noble!"

"Why are we banned from the planet?"

"Can you release the freedom of the dragon clan just by relying on this virtual world of gods created by you?"

"Stop dreaming!"

"One day, our dragon clan will roam across the sea of stars, conquering all the way!"

"I pursue darkness because darkness is the essence of freedom!~"

"Princess Loya! One of the six guardians of light!"

"It's a mistake for you to be here!"

"As long as I kill you,···Delicious cosmic life, just unpacked, waiting for us to enjoy···"

Corey looked at Princess Loya with greed and desire in his eyes.

He never thought that it was Princess Loya who came to the Heigs Mountains.

Oh my God!

One of the six guardians of light.

Normally, she would not be touched by anyone, let alone the possibility of killing her.

Now... she actually came to his door!

"cough cough··"Ye Mo, please cough.

Hello, hello, hello····

Don't ignore the protagonist, okay?

"oh···I'm sorry there's a bug next to it." Corey said contemptuously;

"After all, in front of the Guardian of Light, you really don't want anyone to look at you any more!"

Ye Mo spread his hands and said;

"Take a closer look now, otherwise when you die, you won't even remember what your enemy looks like, which will be a big loss for you!"

When Corey turned his gaze to Ye Mo

, the suffix on his head gradually appeared.

【Corey LV45 (Platinum) (Dark Dragon!)】

"Boy, you pissed me off, get ready to die!" Corey's hatred was held back by Ye Mo.

It roared, flew high into the sky, and was about to launch an attack!

PS; Having written this far, I have finally written out my worldview······Thank you all for following along, the story ahead will be even more exciting!

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