Chapter 125

The setting of rare monsters will always run faster than the player! So how do players need to limit them? Skills I’m sorry, most of the rare monsters have super low HP, generally 100 points to 100 points, even if it is level 20 Players can also be killed with one move, let alone a big boss like Wang Mang! What should I do? The scrolls brought by Wang Mang, come in handy! Instantly took out the “scream of soul”

, The scrolls brought by Wang Mang are all without attack power, including paralyzing scrolls, frozen scrolls, petrification, coma, holding scrolls, etc…, all of this! But he only brought three voices holding scrolls! Directly! Tear the scroll! The terrible scream, Wang Mang himself couldn’t hear it, but it was instantly instilled into the enemy’s mind. The body of the golden dragon fish stopped moving in an instant, and the sea in all directions was rolling like waves. In the next second, Wang Mang rushed directly in front of the Golden Arowana and grabbed the Golden Arowana! … [Congratulations on capturing the “Golden Arowana”


】… “Get it!”

The golden dragon fish, one of the strongest feng shui divine beasts, is here! When the time comes, get a big fish tank and raise it directly, and all the people in the guild will follow! Fortunately, I was underestimated by 1 point. In the crit, it is almost the same as nothing , But the explosion rate is very high! As mentioned earlier, the value, that is, the value of magic equipment, is based on the original explosion rate, and the explosion rate is 0. For example, the explosion rate of a piece of equipment is 0.

0% burst rate, then increase the value by 100%, that is, increase to 0.

0% level! However, the lucky value is not the same, the lucky value is forced to increase by 0.

1% burst rate! What concept is 0.

The burst rate of% will become 0.

1% burst rate! For…the equipment items with high burst rate, this may not be a big deal! But for…those…super rare items, this 1 point of luck is simply improved. Hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of times the explosion rate! This is much more useful than the heap value.

“It’s cool, I was born again, luck is here!”

Although he is not a super European emperor, from the perspective of now, he is also considered to have left the European Union.

However, Wang Mang has forgotten one thing, that is, this is not to enter Europe, it seems to be true, but in fact, in this deep sea, Wang Mang is alone… There is no other player competing, even if Being an African can also get a lot of good things.

The killing continued, killing monsters and opening treasure chests at the same time. Wang Mang was called a comfortable one. No one had robbed himself. It was strange, it was his own, experience, his own, equipment, his own, even the treasure chest. , Also own.

This kind of exclusive feeling is really cool.

Soon, a large number of lords swiped the screen and started again, one as fast as ten minutes, and at most half an hour slow.

Many players have discovered that the monsters killed by Wang Mang have begun to change.

“It turned into an ocean monster!”

Obviously, all the monsters on the ground have been lighted up! Now, Wang Mang has set his sights on the ocean.

According to calculations, Wang Mang killed the landlord the least, and now he started to kill the sealord! But the result… “The fifth one!”(Read more @

“The tenth one!”

“It’s so fast, it’s the twentieth one!”

“Damn, what kind of fairy place is this, there are 25 of them!”

“This night is too fast, too much!”

As the number of lords killed by Wang Mang increased, everyone began to be shocked! It was not Wang Mang’s strength, but Wang Mang’s strength. It was normal to kill the lords, but it was Wang Mang who killed the lords. quantity.

“Obviously, he is in the ocean, but never expected that the resources in the ocean would be so rich”

“This lord is too much!”

“It’s only been a few hours, more than killed last time!”

“Thirty, brothers, anyone wants to give it a try”

“I have tried it, and drowned hundreds of brothers!”


“Damn, another one!”

“This efficiency, no one!”

“Have you entered the lord’s den?”

“too frightening!”

The number of lords completely shocked a group of bigwigs.They were horrified to find that Wang Mang’s efficiency in killing lords was constantly improving, and what was even more frightening was that the lords seemed to be queuing to kill Wang Mang.

Too much! Too much quantity! To be honest, even Wang Mang himself is dumbfounded! Often a lord kills, Wang Mang is still there: looking for a treasure chest, he found another lord, even some At that time, five lords were hacked to death in a row, and I didn’t open a treasure chest! It was not that Wang Mang could not find it. The treasure chests were everywhere. The problem is that the wandering lords first discovered him! It is not the same as the land-conscious lords. But, the ocean The lord of, the territorial consciousness is very weak, but the offensive consciousness is very strong, as soon as he sees the appearance of Wang Mang, he rushes to attack without hesitation.

As a result, naturally, Wang Mang only saw them, and they had already hit the door.

The ocean is really great! In less than three days and 72 hours, Wang Mang killed more than 200 lords! Such an astonishing number of kills made Wang Mang’s level soar to 185. I have to admit that the experience value of the lord monster is really large, basically two lords can be upgraded by 1 level! Of course, the more the later the experience value, the lower the experience value, but the level of the lord is higher, and the experience value is higher.

“No way, there are too many things!”

Without any hesitation, Wang Mang directly rubbed the hearthstone and returned to the city.

The inventory in the inventory is full.

I’m sorry for the blue equipment, throw it all away! The lowest is gold equipment, no, the lowest is dark gold equipment! “Forgot to upgrade Inventory!”

Once I pat my head, there are still many things that I have overlooked. I have never worried about Inventory in my previous life. Because there is space Inventory, it is the same equipment as the space ring, and it does not need to occupy the position of the ring, but there is none in this life! Wang Mang I always thought there was one! “Upgrade Inventory when you go back!”

Inventory, however, had to return to Lionheart City. Wang Mang stored the equipment first, then decomposed the remaining decomposition, and then stored the materials.

Then I sent other people something in the past, it may be materials, it may be a skill book, or it may be low-level equipment.After sending it, Wang Mang will upgrade Inventory.

Wang Mang is now at level 185, and the equipment level that comes out can’t be low, but for these things, Wang Mang will still mail them, and then mail the others to Lin Muxue, because she wants to store these things and become a museum.

So things are naturally given to her, Wang Mang here, mainly put on suits, and ultra-rare equipment! “Then, tut, dog, your luck is really good too!”

Wang Mang took out an earring! Yes, the death earring! The burst rate of the first explosion is too high. With more than 20 lords, Wang Mang froze three out! Two of them are equipped by themselves, and one more is available. Acknowledge this son Shaoshan once in jail! “Shaoshan, come, call Dad!”

“Grandson, you’re here again”

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