Chapter 151

Wang Mang suddenly laughed! Magic damage is what he is least afraid of. Non-physical damage is reduced by 85% first, and then he walks aside in front of the resistance, and then is finally reduced by 95%, and then the magic resistance is eliminated! , It can cause 130,000 damage, which is completely beyond Wang Mang’s expectations! However, I still want to laugh! “Hahaha!”

His skill attack can only cause 130,000 damage to himself. This is a magic attack. Whose magic attack, the damage is not doubled or even more than ten times! The result is 10,000 damage! If this is pure magic bullet damage , That is, a 100% magical damage skill, that is uncertain, not even 10,000 points of damage! “Comfortable!”

Any monster has its own characteristics and expertise, and now Wang Mang understands! This is not a sensitive attack route! This is a “mindevil”

It’s the route! It’s… agility and magic attacks are the main ones. The sonic attack just now is probably the most powerful physical attack! Sure enough, the next Tai Chi Tiger, in addition to… normal attacks, the next skills , All are magical attacks! The magical attacks that should have been particularly powerful, but now in front of Wang Mang, there is really no face! According to Wang Mang’s speculation, his own resistance plus magical defense, the enemy’s Magic can cause 0 to him.

5% damage is already very good! “But I still have to pile up the upper limit of element resistance!”

After the elemental resistance is piled up, the element damage reduction can reach up to 85%, but the resistance can be piled infinitely, because although there will be no magic penetration attribute later, there will be “reduced resistance”

Some equipment or skills.

This means that you have just piled up the 85% damage reduction resistance, it will be lowered, and you will still have to take a high amount of damage in the end.

In the last life, Wang Mang forgot who it was, a cursing mage, especially terrible, a “reduced resistance”

Go down, all enemies within a few kilometers, the elemental resistance is directly deducted to minus 300%, what is the concept, it means that you have to take an additional 300% elemental damage! “Yes, you can find this cursed mage, or Train one yourself, but I don’t know how that person’s routine is!”

Cursed wizards were particularly popular in the past life, but few have grown up.

Because you can’t afford it! Cursed Mage requires casting materials to cast spells. The more expensive the later, the higher the skill level, the more casting materials will be consumed, the lighter the range, and the more casting materials! The higher the skill level, The higher the power, the more it consumes. In the previous life, a guild of the top 500 in the world said that raising a cursed mage can raise 100 mages with the same level and equipment! However, the effect is very obvious, whatever you want The resistance of the person is reduced from 85% of the full value to minus 100%! “If the burning mountain goes to jail with a cursed mage, it is simply invincible!”(Read more @

One curse goes down, and then a series of go, who can stop “Cursing the Mage…”

In my team, there are all girls, so it is obviously impossible to let Go become undead, so here is to look for it outside.

“Look at luck!”

This matter can only depend on luck! Tai Chi Tiger’s biggest threat is gone, it is all magical damage skills, Wang Mang is too lazy to hide, so in addition to… ordinary attacks, Wang Mang is standing and resisting. , The 80-level defensive sacred beast, was swept like a cat by Wang Mang, ten minutes later, with a scream, Tai Chi Tiger crashed to the ground.

The main city of the orc, Tai Chi city, extinction! Once the Tai Chi tiger dies, the one that can stop Wang Mang ceases to exist, and the remaining soldiers are really unnecessary. Wang Mang rushed out like a hungry wolf and instantly beheaded. Everyone, finally demolished the city’s cornerstone directly! As soon as the city’s cornerstone was finished, the entire official foundation disappeared instantly, and countless materials burst all over the place! And this time!… [Congratulations to the player “Hellscream”

Destroy the “Tai Chi City in Peninsula District” alone

, His glory will be remembered by history, and the world’s honor value +!].. On Wang Mang’s side, countless prompts jumped out frantically! [Congratulations, successfully destroyed the “Tai Chi City”

!] [Congratulations, you will get the “Tai Chi City Vault”

“Tai Chi City Treasury Use Permission”

】【Congratulations, get honor +10, honor +10, free reputation +10!】【Congratulations, complete the achievement “One person breaks five, one city”

, You get 100 points of free attribute points and +10 points for talent points!] [Congratulations, your power has made Tai Chi Tiger surrender, Tai Chi Tiger is willing to be your pet, do you agree]… “Tai Chi Tiger, good fellow, murder Heart!”

There is a very interesting place in the national war, that is, the “city guard”

After being beaten, there will be a certain chance that the player with the highest output will surrender, and once surrendered, it will become the opponent’s pet, but it is not permanent! For example, Wang Mang will become a Tai Chi tiger, and then in the national war, he will be a stick player Kill, there is a certain chance that Tai Chi Tiger will return to the Bangzi area and will no longer be Wang Mang’s pet! “Yes!”

Of course, kill people and punish the heart. This is really punish the heart. Tai Chi Tiger is a national treasure of other people’s sticks. Now it has become Wang Mang’s pet! Just like a panda becomes a foreigner’s pet, Chinese players will be crazy. Kill that… until the player retires! In history, there really was such a battle, known as the “Panda Defense”

, It’s very simple, that’s… there is a game manufacturer who died, you think, pandas have always been China’s national treasures, but people all over the world like pandas, so what to do is very simple, in the game, add a gift package, krypton gold can be A panda pet! But… this person was originally a very good activity, but there was a problem. That is the game company, which cut down the domestic panda explosion rate and increased the foreign explosion rate. As a result, domestic There are less than 1,000 pandas for 1,00, but hundreds of thousands abroad! Suddenly, the players were angry, but the game company died, saying that it had given China the “copyright”.

Give the money! Because the panda is a national treasure of China, the patent period of the panda is unlimited. Anyone who uses the panda as a trademark or commodity must pay a patent fee! As a result, the players targeted the patent office and copyright ownership , Forcibly sprayed the two departments into sieves, and then went to other areas to kill the players who…have pandas, but still show off! Originally, national warfare is…for money, any country, The guilds are full of money! But, Huaxia said no! So, all the guilds of Huaxia united, sorted the materials, and gave all the materials to the strongest guild. Other general guilds worked for nothing, as tool people, to The top guilds provided supplies, and in the end relying on perfect logistics transportation, the China Guild didn’t charge up the money, so it stunned dozens of countries on the opposite side.

As a result, the opposing guild suffered large-scale losses, and what is even more frightening is that more than 90% of the players directly retired and stopped playing, which directly led to a decline in the economic efficiency of the game! As a result, the game currency is worthless, and no one plays the game. The cost was completely wiped out, and the game company apologized and kneeled down. It was useless. In the end, it directly announced the closure of the Huaxia server. After half a month, players from other Asian countries also retreated. In less than three months, the game was completely cool. Declare bankruptcy directly! This is the famous “Panda Battle”

And this time, Wang Mang is very curious! “Can I cause a Tai Chi Tiger battle?”

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