Chapter 180

“It’s broken through 50, 10 billion, whose guild is this, 9 billion hasn’t arrived yet!”

Before the words came down, I saw that 1 billion instantly became 10.1 billion, and then after a second, the 87 billion next door jumped directly to 10 billion! “I…”

Shaoshan went to jail and pointed to the post, and said in disbelief: “This is impossible, it’s your childcare!”

“Fuck you, I’m crazy, I will pay 25% tax to the system for nothing”

Wang Mang said angrily, but the battle over there was not over yet, and he saw that after the first two 10 billion, it seemed that it had been fixed, and the number did not move, and then the third token suddenly jumped to 0 billion. The third token followed closely, and it was also 90 billion! Next, it seemed that there was a tacit understanding, and all were fixed on the number of 90 billion! “Fuck,, fuck,, fuck,, This group of people are crazy, they must be crazy!”

Ah! For a guild token, 90 billion was spent. This is no longer the world’s first guild and the world’s second guild! This is the world’s fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth guild! “Obviously ,you are stupid!”

Wang Mang watched Shaoshan go to jail, then directly picked up a pot of wine, took a happily, and said: “Do you think this group of guilds are spending money to buy tokens?”

“Is not it”

“Say you are stupid, you are still really stupid, they are spending money to buy time!”


In an instant, Shaoshan went to jail and understood! “What you said is that these more than a dozen guilds, together, unite to occupy the majority.


Shaoshan went to jail and finally got a little smarter.

“It’s very simple, seize the opportunity. There are 12 guilds. Obviously our guild is taking the elite route. They all know that, so there are 14 guilds left, up to 1 guild, and they will seize the entire God Realm together. The guild in the Huaxia region service!”

“Gold, power leveling, materials, etc…, all will be controlled by these dozen or so guilds!”

“In this way, you say, 10 billion is a mere mere 10 billion, is it appropriate?”

“In Huaxia District, billions of players, one person consumes one dollar a day, that is billions, one hundred a day, that is hundreds of billions, and even, it does not take long for their money to be paid back, and then The labor costs are earned back. As far as my budget is, no more than 2 game months, we can completely repay the cost!”

“Attention, I’m talking about them, referring to all guilds that bought tokens!”(Read more @

As long as you are playing games, there will be consumption! In the game, there are some very common consumption methods, such as common gold and bosses, and generation upgrades, which are all common.

There are also those who sell materials and specialize in mining and mining herbs, and even those who specialize in medicine.

Players don’t have a great inventory in the early stage. French food and water creation are very useful. Going back to the city to buy medicine and wasting time. This will come out of an ancient industry and call a guest! They are all from the public class. But under the name of the guild, I bought a lot of potions, and then went to the leveling point to sell them. For hundreds of years, this industry has been in the scene, usually a 5% bonus of the drugstore price, if the auction house can provide For lower-priced drugs, back: the prices of pharmacists are about the same as those sold in stores.

“You said, buy medicine from the City of Dawn, and then send it to Lionheart City, or a human city, and sell it. I will add freight and increase the price by 20%. Does anyone want it? “There must be someone who wants it, the alchemy of the City of Dawn. The magician is much more powerful than the main city. There is no level limit for the medicine. If you have money, the average player can completely fill a bottle of medicine with blue and red!”

“So, this is the market. They can monopolize such a market for at least one month!”

“Then, upgrade, play gold, and directly control the price of gold. What do you say, when a large number of players come in, the first to increase the price?”

When Shaoshan went to jail, he suddenly realized: “The price of gold!”

That’s right, the price of gold coins will inevitably skyrocket in a short period of time, but it doesn’t matter to us, no one is short of gold coins! At this point, Wang Mang is still very generous. No one in the team issued 20,000 gold coins, although later It consumes a lot, but now, there is no need to strengthen equipment, enchantment++ or anything, so the consumption of gold coins is still very small:

In addition to their own reserves, everyone is a small rich woman.As for selling gold, in fact, everyone does not care. The second dividend will be issued soon. By then, one person will be several hundred million. Who is still short of money.

“Tsk tut!”

Shaoshan went to jail and looked at Wang Mang weirdly, and Wang Mang was horrified: “What’s the matter?”

“How did I discover that your kid is so smart, so good at calculating, these guilds, but you are playing around!”

“Hehe, basic psychology and market economics, in the final analysis, there are more people smarter than me!” Wang Mang quickly opened the private message list, and sure enough, all 12 guilds sent prices!” Hey, there are too many rich people!”

Yes, there are too many rich people! Hundreds of years of asset accumulation, in the hot game industry, all came in to eat such a piece of cake, but what is more terrifying is that this piece of cake, the bigger and bigger the cake, the more you do The bigger! It’s so terrible that it’s a market of tens of trillions of billions of dollars behind! Why is it so huge is simple, because people all over the world are playing! As long as there are people playing, there is a market, and when people all over the world play together, the market is even more It’s huge.

A petaflop market is nothing for… such a high population of the earth. Any company that occupies more than 20% of the world’s market value can reach this level.

“Look at, Cloud Cat Guild, it will directly issue 10 billion, and we need to help them fight first!”

“How much are you asking for a hundred million yuan”

“Billion, actually 2 billion I nodded, but I want to pit it!”

“…Well done!”

This money is dividends, and the more Wang Mang asks for, the more they divide it.

“Who to call first?”

“It’s very simple, open the post and let them compete!”


Shaoshan went to jail and was directly stupid by Wang Mang’s operation. This can all be posted. “Of course, I’m just paying attention to it. How boring!”

Wang Mang quickly edited a post and posted it on the forum…

“In view of the fact that 12 tokens have been auctioned, there are still disputes over the order of guild monsters. This post is here to explain that the top of the gods is money-oriented, so everything depends on capital to speak, as long as you don’t break the law, you don’t Anyone who violates morality can find us, so this time the monster siege order adopts…the dark sign mode, please take the token guild, use the payment account to send me a private message, and give you the money you are willing to pay for the monster siege. After 30 minutes, the monsters will be attacking the city in the order of price. Here is an announcement. Please also convey to each other, thank you!”

That’s right, Wang Mang’s operation is…so sorrowful! Feilu reminds you: Three things to read,

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