Chapter 190

People, leaving one by one, Nai Bao Bao couldn’t stand the scene like this, and asked why in the guild chat window.A group of people comforted her and made her see the ugliness of human nature.

It was there one second before: the person comforting her will leave the group in the next second! Several! In the end, after waiting for a full two hours, Wang Mang looked at the number 172 and asked.

“So, no one has left now?”

“Boss, I won’t go!”

“I’m anyway… If you don’t go, whoever loves to walk will walk, and those who walk will be stupid.”

“That’s…, is it not clear where the development is better? Obviously our guild is the best!”

“Naibaobao, don’t be sad, those people are brainless people, you shouldn’t be sad for them!”

“Yes…, you don’t see how many people have left, the rest will be with you!”

28 people left! It was beyond Wang Mang’s expectation.

“To be honest, someone will leave. I’m 100% sure that someone will leave. I won’t be able to keep it! But what I didn’t expect is that there are only so many leaving!”

Yes, Wang Mang’s budget is 50 people! It is the same as Shaoshan in jail.

Because he has a list in his hand, it was the list that was originally to be dismissed, and it was as high as 4! But! The people who left were all on this list, but only 28 people left! The remaining more than 30 people were given in an instant Bonus points! The main problem on this list is that there are more paddling and sneaking. In short, it is…just enjoying not doing work! But this time, Wang Mang silently gave this group of people. Added a few points to let this group of people continue to be determined.

Anyway… the internship period is still early, this is only one week past, and there are still three 3 weeks! “Okay, since you are here, then take care of yourself, the new version is updated, you have too much to work hard. , The world’s No. 1 title, let’s keep it well, new members are also ready to recruit, you can recommend it, even if it is an ordinary career, but there must be outstanding points, such as playing games well, obedient, or Calm, game talent, command talent, or management talent is all right, but there is a prerequisite!”

“You must have a good character. If you are sneaky, sneaky, and mess around, you can even eat and not cook. I’m sorry, absolutely don’t!”

Personality is the most important thing! Strength can be cultivated. It is too simple for Wang Mang to cultivate a person. It needs to be equipped for equipment, hidden occupations for hidden occupations, pets are also available, and even late-stage artifacts can be obtained for you! So, Personality ranks first! Next is… talent, this thing Wang Mang cherishes, because talent is really given by God, such as management talent, Wang Mang lacks such people most, Song Qiangwei is a supervisor, but she is The art director, to put it simply, she has no experience and talent in personnel management.

Then, command talent! Commander! This is a very important profession in the game, the sharp commander, it is almost the same as the ancient military division, even… military division! Planning a tactic, a decisive battle thousands of miles away, Lunjin, in an instant , The enemy is caught in many traps, and the ashes are wiped out! And in this era, there are two types of conductors, battlefield conductors and dungeon conductors, and you know what they are doing by listening to their names.(Read more @

The former is to command the battle, the latter is to command the dungeon! The latter is proficient in various dungeon routines, and can instantly understand what the next stage of the dungeon’s mechanism is and how to deal with it.

This is the core of a guild, because the copy is the most important thing for a guild.

A top dungeon conductor can easily support a guild and make this guild extremely powerful.

The battlefield commander is the thigh of a trade union battle, a battlefield, or even a national war. Generally speaking, such people are rarely fixed in a guild, and even some of the world’s famous battlefield commanders are scattered people, and they often join some Guilds, familiarize themselves with the strengths of the major guilds, and then deploy them in a unified manner during the national war.

These are all super bosses, there are civil, official, and even military.

Very good! There are some retired old generals. In the real world, they just play military exercises, but they are not addicted. They go to apply for the country, and then run the game to fight. There are hundreds of years of games and various game types, such as God. The hottest thing before the world is… a space game, space hegemony, a Titan-level battleship, cost two trillion, and the entire Europe and the United States only three. As a result, it was blown up by China in less than half a year, so it still affected In the entire European and American stock markets, the index fell by a full 8%, and it took two months to recover.

Wang Mang is… lack of such talents! “There are 272 people left, I think there are more!”

Wang Mang said directly that Wang Mang is really satisfied with this.

Then, Wang Mang also got a brand new piece of data! The next guild for the retired members! “Interesting, every guild I helped, everyone who dares to reach out!”

Surprisingly, Wang Mang helped a total of 14 guild monsters to siege the city.As a result, Wang Mang found that these 14 guilds did not reach out.

“Then they still have a bit of a brain!”

Wang Mang is satisfied with this.

These fourteen guilds didn’t make a move. Wang Mang’s face looked much better. They just helped them with the front feet and the back feet, and they came to dig people later. Isn’t it not giving Wang Mang face at all?” Put the list on the home page of the guild and wait for them Establish a gang, and slowly settle the accounts!”

Stingy Wang Mang must be stingy.

People blatantly come to make trouble for you. If you don’t take revenge, then it’s impossible! “Well, next, go to the dungeon for the dungeon, and upgrade for the level up. Does anyone want to go to the arena with me to play qualifying?”

“The fool is going to fight with you!”

Shaoshan goes to jail and directly complains, and fights against Wang Mang to die! “Boss, come to platoon the country, the people are full in an instant!”


Wang Mang was suddenly surprised, is this person so ridiculous? “You are in the platooning arena”

“Yeah, come on boss, the right stick area is already full, I’m shooting the Europa area, Dongying: The area is also full, they are about to go to war!”

“Fuck, wait for me!”

Wang Mang hurried to the arena, but was surprised to find that there were a lot of people around, and more importantly, a lot of foreigners! The entry of a lion man instantly attracted everyone’s attention, and then one by one, all The pupils shrink, because they recognize that this is Wang Mang! “Hellscream!”

Everyone around recognized Wang Mang. Wang Mang took a look. The increase in the number of foreigners shows that the city of Dawn has gradually entered everyone’s field of vision, but fortunately, the increase in competitiveness can also urge the players. progress.

Soon, Wang Mang stood in the area of ​​the National Warfare Arena, and then turned on the screen. Simply put, here is the battlefield of Huaxia vs. all other game areas, and then players can go to queue! But, the stick area, Dongying: District, South Monkey District and other places are already full! “Europa still has 1% position!”

Wang Mang did not hesitate to choose the Europa region and clicked to enter! This heads-up champion must be him, but this country is the first in the national war, Wang Mang must keep it in the country if he is killed! First! To read the novel without underline, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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