
“Game tip: The server of “God’s Pet” is temporarily closed, and you are about to go offline.”

Accompanied by a tone.

Luo Fan’s screen went black, and before he could clearly see the rewards, he quit the divine pet and returned to the real world.


“Take a good rest.”

Luo Fan took a long breath, in order to rush from the [Vampire Castle] to the [Snow Lion Camp] in time, he did not go offline for a day and a night, and now the game attributes have not synchronized reality, and his body can’t eat it at all.

Back to the bedroom.

Lying on the soft feather bed, Luo Fan was just about to fall asleep, but when his eyes swept over an old photo on the desk, he looked in a daze.

Photo content.

It was a handsome Asian man snuggled up with a fair-skinned but unreadable woman, holding a newborn baby in her arms.

This is the only “family portrait” of Lofan.

Baby, it’s Lofan.

The handsome Asian man is Luo Nanlin, the father Luo Fan only met once at birth.

The white neodymium who can’t see her face clearly is Luo Fan’s biological mother who has also only seen once, a woman of vague origin who does not know her nationality and is named “Elva”.

Information about parents.

Luo Fan didn’t know much, only knew that back then, under the leadership of his father Luo Nanlin, the Luo family had become one of the richest families in the world alongside the Rothschilds, Morgan families, and Rockefeller families.

Even the “Nine Elder Families” of the Xia Kingdom did not dare to despise the Luo clan.

And it was then.

The “Rocky Energy Company” founded by his father discovered the largest oil field project to date in the North American Gulf of Mexico, with a total reserve of 1.48 trillion barrels.

It accounts for 47.5% of the world’s proven oil reserves.

In order to swallow this large oil field, the father concealed the discovery and borrowed heavily to buy permanent oil exploration rights for the entire Gulf of Mexico from the Mexican authorities.

In short, for the largest oil field of Blue Star, the total offensive used 15 figures.

If the plan goes well.

The oil extraction of Lowe’s Energy Company will crush the entire Middle East, and Rock’s will also take this opportunity to become the richest family of Blue Star, and he will also become the richest second generation of Blue Star.

In those crazy days.

His father Luo Nanlin met his mother “Elva” by chance, and he was born at that time.

However, the good times did not last long.

Not long after he was born, a large explosion occurred in the seabed exploration project, and Luo Fan’s parents happened to be on the bottom of the sea to inspect the exploration situation, and were affected by the explosion, and finally the body was not found, and it was determined that he died at the bottom of the sea.

That one explosion.

Rocks lost a lot of equipment, the Gulf of Mexico was polluted by gushing oil, and the secret of Bluestar’s largest oil field was revealed to the world… All kinds of huge compensation, sky-high interest came one after another, coupled with the covetousness of the world’s major families for the oil field, which made Luo’s unbearable for a while.


The delay of the project led to the collapse of Rock’s funds, and as a last resort, grandfather could only list “Rock’s Energy Company” for sale, and filled the debt hole with the returned funds.

Later, Rock’s Energy Company was taken over by the world’s major families and renamed “United Oil Company”, which is currently the world’s largest oil company, with a valuation of millions of dollars!

This event.

It is known as the most exciting business case of the 21st century, and the title “Rocker Waterloo” is recorded in all business MBA textbooks for students to study.

“If memory serves.”

“The developer of “Divine Pet”, Divine Pet Company, used to be an IT department under Lowe’s Oil Company, but later, it was packaged and sold.”

“So this game is also a gift left by your parents, right?”

Looking at the yellowed old photo.

Luo Fan thought faintly.

That’s why.

Every time he played “Divine Pet”, Luo Fan felt very close, as if there was a pair of eyes watching him.


Su Family Manor.

Inside the villa.

Sister Su Jiatong is looking through a thick MBA textbook, titled “21 World’s Biggest Regrets: How Lowe’s Missed the Throne of the World’s Richest Man!” 》


“I finally took a break, why are you watching these tomes again?”

Sister Su Jiaqi came out of the bath, wrapped in a white bathrobe, and muttered as she walked.

“It’s a pity…”

“Back then, Luo’s position as the richest man in the world was only half a step away. It’s a pity that an explosion made Luo’s lose the young head of the family and lose a fortune of a trillion yuan…”

Sister Su Jiatong sighed.

Although Luo’s history is only less than a hundred years, the family history is extremely wonderful, in contrast, the Su family of a thousand-year-old family is undoubtedly much more dull.

“I know.”

“Lowe’s capital leverage was too high, the debt was high, coupled with the obstruction of oil field construction, and the joint difficulties of other large families, Roth’s Energy had to be sold at a low price, and then Lowe’s Energy became today’s “United Oil” valued at tens of billions of dollars. ”

“Luo’s earned millions of dollars less, and brother Xiaofan also passed by the world’s richest second generation…”

Sister Su Jiaqi pouted.

“That’s right.”

“But do you know that the Divine Pet Company was once also a division of Luo’s Energy.”

Sister Su Jiatong cocked Erlang’s legs wrapped in hey silk.


“The Divine Pet Company used to be the company of Xiao Fan’s brother’s family, and now, Luo’s abandoned everything and entered the Divine Pet. I heard that he has recently borrowed heavily to buy Divine Pet Gold Coins…”

“Is there any connection between this?”

Su Jiaqi scratched her brain.

“Pet of God is by no means a simple game.”

“There are too many connections between Luo’s and ‘Divine Pet’, perhaps, only Luo’s people can unlock the deepest secrets of ‘Divine Pet’, right?”

Sister Su Jiatong sighed slightly.

She always had a feeling.

“Divine Pet”, a game that theoretically does not seem to be a product of Blue Star technology at all, will eventually cause a huge change on this planet.

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