Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 107 Is It Awesome To Cheat?

"Mysterious guardian!"

As Fang Han felt more and more gravitational force, he was a bit too much for the level 20.

Therefore, the "secret guard" effect of the mysterious guardian is directly used.

Immediately isolate gravity!

Fang Han has a premonition that he will soon reach the end of the space!

"The players below are completely invisible."

Wait, where is it?

When he reached a certain distance, he seemed to suddenly pass through a layer of celestial membrane.

The surrounding scene completely changed.

On the top of the stone pillar, there is actually a world in the clouds? ! !

Both feet stepped on the clouds, and the soft elasticity lifted him up.

And among the clouds, there is a phantom pond.

"I'll go, the accumulated water will form a river! It's all space magic essence."

That being the case, there must be something that generates magic essence in it, that is, the cornerstone that maintains the stone pillar!

I didn't expect myself to be far ahead of other players.

So I explored it curiously, and it seemed that I really discovered something extraordinary.

Of course, this is also thanks to the "mysterious guardian"!

So Fang Han took advantage of the last minute and quickly plunged into the fantasy sea of ​​space.

If Mage, who majored in space, stayed in it, his strength would probably rise by rocket.

"found it!"

Fang Han's eyes lit up immediately.

In the very center of the fantasy sea, there is a small stone tablet.

【Space Monument】

[Information: It contains huge space magic essence, which can continuously stimulate the generation of surrounding space power]


"It really is this thing, it's a big profit!"

This kind of stele does not exist in the world of the first level of God's Domain.

In the previous life, I have seen some space masters have this thing several times in the past.

In addition to continuously improving their spatial ability.

It can also be used as a fulcrum for a special space.

If this stone is placed in the main city of the Sea Territory, no creature in this world will be able to enter without Fang Han's permission.

But now I was summoned into this space as a player, so I was granted permission by default.

From the inside, of course it can be taken away.

"Oh my god, I picked up a big deal~"

Some existences in different spaces may not have been thought of at all.

There are players who will be so boring and keep going to the sky...

Fang Han suddenly felt that the ancient sea clan had done him a big favor!

"Take it, take it, take it~"




"Hey, what's going on, why is there something wrong with the stone pillar?"

"Fuck, everyone, run, this stone pillar is collapsing..."

"Isn't it? Obviously only half of the time has passed, and I can still continue to output!"

"It seems that not only our space, but also the stone pillars in other spaces are collapsing. What's going on?"


Sure enough, when everyone turned on the world channel.

Players all over the world are crazy.

"Nani, I kept accumulating hand punches just for the final ultimate move, but the stone pillar suddenly collapsed?"

"ohno!!! I'm also using the energy storage skill, and the points are still 0!"

"Axi, I just got an a and then I got diarrhea, so the final score is only 1???"

"itis bug???"

"This is definitely a bug, Axi, our stick demands a rematch!!!"


At this time, a Huaxia player looked at the personal leaderboard.

"What the hell is going on, what the hell!"

【Global player points personal leaderboard】

[First: "Nirvana", points: 9999999999999999——]

In this case, there are still a lot of numbers behind.

But it's too long to show at all.

Then continue to look down:

[Second: "Ye Fangzhou", points: 100968880]

[Third: "Yunfenglin", points: 100915145]

[Fourth: "Mu Qingcheng", points: 100887573]


From the 1st to the 100th, all of them are Chinese players!

No, if only the other players could be a little more careful.

You will find that Nima is all in one team.

"China First Squad"!

And they generally have 100 million more points than players from other teams.

【Global Team Points Ranking】

[First: "China First Team", points: 999999999999999——]

[Second: "China's second team", points: 3432465443]

[Third: "Nordic First Team", points: 3423243343]


You know, team points are the combined scores of all the players in the entire team!

"Baga! I want to report that the Huaxia No. 1 team cheated!!!"

"What? Why are each of them more than 100 million taller than us?"

"Assi, it's not fair, Nirvana is definitely cheating!"


Compared with the current situation, players from various countries are furious.

The thousands of people in Fang Han's space were even more dumbfounded?

"Brother, what did Brother Nirvana do?"

Ye Fangzhou looked helplessly at his older sister and spread his hands.

"I don't make it either!!!"

The top few thousand personal points in the world just correspond to the number of people here...

Was completely covered by the first team of Huaxia!


Fang Han, who had just put the space stele into his backpack, also realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Ah, ah, it's a big game now!"

However, it was Nirvana who did it anyway, so what does it have to do with me, Fang Han?

At this time, all players suddenly received the long-lost announcement.

[World Announcement: Since the damage caused by the player "Nirvana" exceeded the upper limit of the stone pillar, and the points reached the upper limit, 10 points of five-dimensional full attributes will be rewarded. At the same time, other players in the team will receive an additional 100 million points, and 3 points of five-dimensional full attributes will be rewarded]

[Special reminder: "Nirvana" belongs to the Huaxia camp, and all Huaxia players will get an additional 5 points of five-dimensional full attributes, which will be settled after the challenge is over]


【World Announcement: Due to player "Nirvana"...】

【Special Note:......】


World Announcement!

The world announcement that lasted 3 times is coming!

"Nani, how is it possible?" Abe Matsushita, who was in Fusang District, stared wide-eyed.

"No matter how powerful Nirvana is, it is impossible for her damage to exceed the upper limit, right? The long string of 999 numbers on the leaderboard is simply too magical!"

"Why am I not the wuwu in the Nirvana team ┭┮﹏┭┮, reward 100 million points directly!!!"

In the Huaxia District, Huang Xiaotian may be the one who regrets the most.

"How is it possible... If I didn't escape to other Novice Villages, would I be in Nirvana's team?"

"ohno, it's not fair to us!!!"

However, most ordinary Huaxia players learned that they could still prostitute 5 points of full attributes for nothing, and instantly became Nirvana believers and started laning.

"Others are so awesome that they hang up? You crooked nuts can't afford it?"

"Why don't you try to hack into [Nine Layers of God Realm]? Hahahaha, do you have the ability!"

"Breaking defense, breaking defense, crooked nuts breaking defense..."

"Come and see the clown, is it difficult to admit that you are not as good as others, hee hee!"


Because Fang Han took the stele and destroyed all the stone pillars in the supporting space.

Therefore, the self-consciousness of space is judged to be destroyed only when the damage exceeds the upper limit.

The result is the same, but the meaning is completely different.

In the last ten minutes, players all over the world stopped because there were no stone pillars to fight!

But the time has not come, the space will not disappear...

And Fang Han also began to descend from the clouds, and saw countless worshiping eyes below.

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