Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 112 Ravaging The Platinum Level Boss

So, Fang Han quickly flew to the west.

He remembered the summit of "Crown Mountain" on the edge of this desert.

There is a brutal flying boss!

"The water for this boss is too deep for other players to grasp."

Therefore, it is better to let yourself accept it.

And there is another point, the map theory of each team in this battlefield space is interoperable.

Just kill this boss and go through "Crown Mountain".

Fang Han can also run into other teams' areas.

Grab wild monsters!

Grab the boss! !

Grab points! ! !

"Crazy Shadow Bullet, let's go!"

Bang bang bang bang bang bang...

Along the way, Fang Han was intercepted by several groups of desert dragonflies again.

But under his unsolvable bombing to open the way.

The sky is unobstructed~

"I see."

The upper layers of the majestic and towering peaks are covered with thick snow.

And among them, there is a giant ice crystal eagle with the blood of the phoenix!

In theory it does not belong to the boss that players will encounter head-on.

Instead, it guards the boundary between regions and regions.

Commonly known as the enchantment guardian beast.

There are a total of hundreds of them in this space, scattered in various boundaries.

Although the players in the previous life found them flying across the sky, no team dared to fight to the death.

Still choose the silver-level boss on land.

Gold level bosses have to think twice, otherwise there is a risk of destruction.

Only the Ice Crystal Giant Eagle has reached the Platinum level!


Fang Han is an adventurer who breaks into the territory of the Ice Crystal Eagle.

Naturally, he felt the other party's angry cry.

Fang Han glanced at his points, "10323".

But the second one is different from the previous life, it is actually "Bairasedon", "305".

This life seems to be because of my first round of messing around.

Players from other countries no longer dare to hide and hide, and almost all their cards are played.

"Tsk, it's only 10,000 points higher, but I'm still slow to kill~"

However, the points of this platinum-level boss may be worth tens of thousands of wild monsters.

Fang Han stroked Lie Yan lightly, then motioned for it to return to the mount space.

"咴咴咴, 咴咴!" (Master, I want to fight too!!!)

"Haha, you're just growing up now, you're too fragile, after all you only have one life, I can't bear you gg!"

Then the "dark sky" began to attack the top of the mountain.

【Shadow floating】!

I have only one person, and the ice crystal giant eagle on the opposite side has only one bird.

Hawkeye was staring at him unkindly.

Fang Han immediately threw an investigation.

[Ice Crystal Giant Eagle] (platinum-boss) (environmental bonus)

【Level: lv30】

[Life Point: 1238w/1238w]

[Skill entry - blizzard, eagle eye, death phoenix cut, ice crystal bullet rain, ice protection]

[Talent entry-Ice Nirvana: After receiving fatal damage, you can forcefully retain 1 drop of blood and get a shield of 100,000 health points (only real damage can break it), unable to move, if the shield is not broken within 8 seconds, you will be resurrected with full blood ] (boss)

[Talent Entry - Snowstorm Aura: The control time of "Frostbite" caused in the snowstorm environment is doubled, and there is no built-in CD anymore] (boss)

[Talent Entry - Ice Crystal Skin: Immunity to "Frostbite", "Burn", "Poisoning"] (boss)

[Environmental bonus: Elemental damage received within the territory is halved]


It has to be said that this guy is both skill and talent.

All made Fang Han salivate.

The two talents "Ice Nirvana" and "Ice Crystal Skin" can be described as epic life-saving talents!

Even if it is not used now, it can really save lives after the world merges.


The giant ice crystal eagle began to call for a violent storm, and the snowflakes in it became thicker and thicker.

"Small, blizzard is not just your special skill!"

Then Fang Han's side also began to be surrounded by a snowstorm.

Unlike the ice crystal giant eagle, the periphery is accompanied by more and more severe rainstorms.

When the raindrops in the central area fall in the field of wind and snow.

It even turned into ice cones!

"You can't!"

In terms of momentum, the giant eagle has already lost to Fang Han.

Then, 5 phantoms appeared.

Along with the "element replacement", 288 crazy "ice" bombs rose up.

"Spirit scream!"

While it cannot be frozen, it can still be stunned.

Countless magic bullets immediately found the target and fell.

Boom boom boom trance...

Even if the damage is halved, the value of a ball is still 10000+.

Then don't give the other party a chance to breathe.

"big Bang!!"


-10w! -220.4w! -2w! ...

An unsolvable percentage hit directly cuts off more than 20% of the life value.

"Just ask if you are afraid?"

Ice Crystal Giant Eagle:? ? ? Self-destruct? No, that cunning human race is actually full of joy!

Obviously, it was seriously injured just after meeting each other.

How could this weak human race be possible?


Countless ice crystals began to surround the two sides of the huge wings, and then flew towards Fang Han.

In terms of quantity, it is no less than Fang Han's countless hockey pucks.

Energy and energy friction, collision...

"Bang bang bang..."

At this time, the characteristic of Fang Han's [Fake Blood] is triggered, and he becomes invincible directly.

He didn't even need to pay attention to the oncoming crystal explosion, but increased the coverage of the "dark sky".

Storms, rain and snow fall, and the darkness permeates the country!

Each phantom body inherits 30% of its own attributes, and the output ability of 5 phantom bodies even exceeds its own body.

"Praying for rain" gradually took shape under the powerful effect of "rainstorm jade beads".

At one time, the "blizzard" fields of both sides were covered in all directions.

Combination skills of attributes need to be powerful!

The full-range indiscriminate attack combination of "Storm Waterfall" + "Storm Water" is launched.

Because the effect of the "torrent" pointed directly at the giant eagle from between heaven and earth.

The super-large attack skill formed by the rainstorm and superimposed with the five phantoms has far exceeded the power and scope of the massacre of thousands of players before.

"What it is now is what it really looks like!"

If the Ice Crystal Eagle could speak, it would probably say on the spot:


Why are we face to face, you are the boss?

"You haven't felt it when you grow up so big, have you? It's time to send you into Nirvana!"

Countless water columns weave into a huge skynet.


In the environmental field where the torrential rain is powerful, even the freezing power of ice crystals is useless.

At this time, Fang Han saw a spherical barrier appearing around the giant eagle at the last moment.

This is the "Ice Barrier" in its skills.

"It's useless! I've already figured this out~"

[Close-up flashing] Pick up "Xuntu" and eat me with a stick! ! !


Ice Crystal Giant Eagle: What are you doing~ Whoops!


The astonishing value keeps soaring.

And Fang Han accurately calculated everything, and ravaged and played with the famous enchantment guardian beast!

The battle came to an end.

In fact, from the moment Fang Han found it, it was destined to end like this.

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