Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 127 Version Update Complete, Log In

The World Teleportation Stone is activated.

All the shadows in the sky disappeared, and there was no trace of the blizzard.

It's as if nothing happened....

"Nirvana... just left?"

Lin Fuqiang was dumbfounded.

Nirvana came down like a god of magic, and wiped out an army of one hundred thousand orcs...

One hundred thousand!

That's an army of one hundred thousand orcs! ! !


Lin Fuqiang:? ? ?

researcher:? ? ?

Soldier:? ? ?


This destruction is faster than a nuclear bomb!

Moreover, after the solution, they left directly.

They don't even have the time to talk to the Great God.

Just disappeared without a sound?

"Minister Lin, maybe Nirvana just doesn't want to deal with the secular world! But he can help us, and China, is already our blessing." The assistant on the side knew what the minister was thinking.

But some things cannot be changed.

"Oh, I was thinking too ideally. If it weren't for Nirvana, I'm afraid that more than 90% of the soldiers here will be sacrificed in this battle, and they may not be able to defend."

There seemed to be light in Lin Fuqiang's eyes: "Nirvana, is our Chinese hero!"

"However, it's really scary... Nirvana is so scary!"

It's what's on everyone else's mind, too.

After this battle, Fang Han's shadow image has been completely spread in China.

Of course, because no more clues could be obtained.

Once again, people can only express their admiration online.

"Worthy of being my Nirvana Lord of Rainstorm-Lord of Shadow-Blizzard Dancer-Body of Flame!"

"God Nirvana is indeed from China, I can't do it anymore, my saliva is about to come out."

"Quickly tell me upstairs, where's the drool?"

"I am so strong, I am Nirvana, I will solve all the invading scum, Nirvana is amazing!"



Orc civilization.


It seemed to be the sound of porcelain breaking.

"The bear soldier is dead, is he dead? Is it impossible for this foreign world to resist? The gods of the ancient sea clan are lying to me?!"

That is the high ancient Sea Clan, but the information is wrong?

The orc master fell silent.

It actually knew that it was just a puppet of the ancient Sea Clan.

The entire orc civilization is just a pawn under the so-called top civilization.

This time the invasion of other worlds was also controlled by them.

Otherwise, for the orcs themselves, food and lodging is already very nice~

Why bother with nothing?

But the other party's method is not something they orcs can solve. The ancient sea tribe can even control and guide the emotions of all orcs.

Weakness is the original sin, and the orc master feels helpless.

Damn it!

what to do?

If that alien world even counterattacks at that time, the ancient sea clan will kick the orcs away at worst.

But I, and all the orcs, can't escape at all.


The ten tribes wiped out the two tribes at once.

They are still the two tribes that are best at fighting, and they can no longer bear the blow.

Orc Master: I am really miserable!

The Ancient Sea Clan can't be shaken at all, and the opponent can control him at any time.

If this is really counterattacked by the outside world.

Maybe the orc civilization will disappear from now on.

"It seems that I can only make this decision against my ancestors."

For the continuation of civilization, it must pay something.

"That world...maybe also an opportunity to change the fate of the orcs..."



"Huh~" Fang Han went straight home.

It's only 10 minutes until the [Nine Layers of Gods] version is updated.

Now that the world's first big turmoil is over, Fang Han doesn't care about the discussion about him from all walks of life.

And some countries want to assassinate themselves.

I am afraid that I will be so scared that I will lose control of the front and rear holes!

Fang Han returned to the luxury game cabin and opened the game aggregation channel.

Compared with the discussion in the real world.

Most of the discussion on the [Nine Layers of Gods] aggregation channel is about games.

Just take a look at the situation of countries in the game today.

When looking at Huaxia District.

Fang Han saw the most prominent headline information at once.

"The three guilds form an alliance and establish the Nirvana God Support Club at the same time"

Fang Han:?

It's nothing to form an alliance, and it's nothing to involve yourself.

But what is it that you set up a support club?

After clicking in, Fang Han saw some key information.

It turned out that the recruitment of players was expanded in the name of the three major guilds, and the cards were shuffled internally at the same time.

Fang Han has a weird expression~

Because there is a little membership requirement, which makes him a little inexplicably ashamed:

"You must obey Nirvana's dispatch unconditionally at any time, and the tasks assigned by Nirvana will be given priority. Those who cannot do it will be dismissed..."

The first sentence is fine, but the next sentence?

"And say in front of God Nirvana without shame, 'God Nirvana is amazing!'," God Nirvana, I love you! " and other words to express their position. (Anyway, God Nirvana never visits aggregation channels, brothers and sisters, you understand (*?w?))"

Fang Han:  …

For words in parentheses, add this emoji.

Fang Han didn't add any embellishments, is this really a condition for membership?

Anyone who fails to be loyal to Fang Han will be washed out of the guild.

Fang Han is still very satisfied with this condition, the boy is quite good.

In fact, as long as there are smart people who can recognize the situation clearly.

Everyone should understand that only by following Fang Han can we have a future!

Whether in game or in real life...

And the comment section below is really enough to make him speechless.

"Nirvana husband, I love you, the child is already waiting to be called daddy~"

"It's a shame to show your love for God Nirvana? I'm used to seeing his sleeping face by the bed every day~(╯▽╰)~"

"How many dishes upstairs? Nirvana's husband just called me baby, it's your turn?"


Now, the second force player is still very happy.

"But it's good, this is a complete life!"

So, Fang Han chuckled and wrote a comment:

"Who said I don't watch aggregation channels? Wait for me in the game!"


This post was published with the guild account of "One Leaf Ark".

As long as a guild is established, the aggregation channel will synchronize a guild account.

It is jointly managed by the chairman and vice-chairman.

The personal account is bound to the game character account.

So everyone can immediately find that this is from Nirvana himself.


"Fuck, is it really Nirvana?"

"Master Nirvana, you are so handsome in the desert as the God of Dharma!"

"Hahahaha, boss Ye Fangzhou won't come out and explain?"

"This is the first time God Nirvana has commented, right? Slap in the face, slap in the face, die of laughter!!!"


Reply message instantly 9999+

Fang Han didn't pay attention anymore, because the update is over.



ps A certain villa in the world:

(Ye Fangzhou is stupid: Old girl? You want to kill me, don’t you!!!)

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