Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 138 Diamond Level Boss, Moon Shadow Charm

Many years ago, there was a war between the human race and the elf race.

As a result, except for the forest elves who are heavily blessed by the forest itself.

All other races suffered heavy casualties and hated the human race.

So I entered the Canghai flower field to recuperate, and the entrance was guarded by the elves of the forest.

And the forest elves have been in contact with humans for several years.

They also discovered the good side of the human race, and gradually established the Kingdom of the Forest together.

It's just that this is not what other races are willing to see.

"Although all elves belong to one family, the elves of other races are obviously unwilling to interact with humans, so they have less and less communication with us over the years."

If you want barrier-free access to Canghai Flower Field.

In addition to the approval of the elves of the forest, the approval of the high priest of the elves is also required.

Obviously, other elves would not agree at all.

Even the forest elves themselves can only enter freely with the high priest.

Therefore, Fang Han could only choose another path if he only got half of the approval.

Defeat the guardian monster transformed by the will of the small world!

A diamond-level boss!

"Hopefully Nirvana can change this situation, he is the most special person I have ever met."

"Old lady Ye, have you taken a fancy to her? An old cow eats tender grass?"

"Yo~ You make it sound like you are different, you are both widowed and lonely old Aunt, what are you pretending?"

Andorna: "Cough cough cough... Elders, let's discuss business..."



Altar of God Forest.

"Nirvana, I have already greeted other elves, but if you want to get their approval, you still need to prove yourself by defeating the guardian monster."

"I can understand." Fang Han returned a big smile, reassuring Andorna again.

After all, in the previous life, I have seen the kindness and resentment between the elves and the human race.

As long as he can enter smoothly, he knows how to solve it.

Moreover, wouldn't this also trigger the storyline of "Fierman"~

A green flower pattern appeared on Andorna's forehead.

Then, a crack appeared in the center of the entire sacred forest altar.

The cracks gradually grew larger, and then turned into beams of light.

In the end, Andorna and Fang Han were wrapped up and disappeared in place.


Ye Luozhiya: "Kai Lier, send some elf soldiers to guard here, and report to Nirvana and the high priest immediately after they come out."

"Okay, elder!"


Fang Han felt that his skin was being stimulated by countless fine needles.

But then a green shield immediately wrapped it, and the uncomfortable feeling disappeared.

"You are the benefactor of our Sen family, so I won't let anything happen to you."

The purpose of Andorna's coming together is simple:

If Fang Han loses to the Guardian Warcraft.

She could force him out of the fight, at some cost, to leave.

As long as Fang Han successfully entered the Canghai flower field.

On the other side, there is a receptionist who has greeted in advance.

She can come back with peace of mind.

"Okay, Miss Andorna, I won't disappoint you~"

Andorna blushed and remained silent.

Without the elders, the little girl on the opposite side finally stopped looking serious.

Sure enough, she is also a girl at heart!

[Ding, you have entered the special dungeon "Canghai Huatian", mode: single-player dungeon]


[Ding, you are about to enter the dungeon guardian will trial, please get ready]


Fang Han found that the space between himself and Andorna was gradually separated.

Then, he was transported into an endless sea of ​​flowers.

"It's so beautiful, but it's a phantom~"

He knew that this was the original appearance of Canghai Huatian, and it had undergone tremendous changes under the transformation of the elves over the years.

Andorna only had a phantom between the white clouds in the blue sky.

In the words of the player, she is in a state of "watching the battle".

[Ding, you have obtained the trial task: Defeat the guardian monster "Moon Shadow Charm" (diamond-boss)]

[Reward: "Moon Shadow Charm" Summoning Shadow Stone (consumable) x3]

[Failure penalty: Can't challenge again within 7 days]


This task is generated by dungeons and has nothing to do with the boss itself.

So, as long as the challenge is successful, this is an extra gain~

Fang Han started serious mode.


A clear voice sounded from the sky, getting closer and closer.

A gust of wind blew over Fang Han's cheek.

Set off layer after layer of ripples in the sea of ​​flowers.

The sky changed rapidly. It was bright just a moment ago, but now it became dim.

A bright crescent moon is already hanging high in the sky.

Trying to fill the perfect circle at an invisible speed!

"This is the only Moon Shadow Charm in the first God's Domain!" Fang Han sighed softly.

Its talent is not simple.

Today's sky is not inexplicably changing.

The moment Fang Han stepped into this sea of ​​flowers, he had already entered the opponent's domain.


"Tick, tick, tick..."

In the sea of ​​flowers, there was a light rain patter, which tended to become more and more violent.

"Such a scene is more vivid when paired with 'Praying for Rain'."

In terms of field, Fang Han is naturally worthy.

"Praying for rain" also covers the entire Huahai land under the superposition of 5 phantom bodies and the increase of rainstorm jade beads.

Then, the "dark sky" began to spread with Fang Han as the center point.

This scene shocked the only audience.

Andorna: Oh my god, what a terrifying field!

Of course, she was feeling Fang Han's two fields. Until goodbye "Blizzard" at the center of the storm!

Andorna: So he has no ego at all...

Why is this young man so powerful?


Next, it's time to face the boss!

[Moon Shadow Charm] (Diamond-boss) (Guardian Beast)

【Level: lv55】

[Life Point: 3203w/3203w]

[Skills: Moon Step, Space Slash, Moon Shadow Bomb, Charm, Moonlight Blending, Moonlight, Destroy Death Light]

[Talent Entry - Stealing the Sky and Changing the Sun: In any enchanted space, you can perform a forced day and night replacement. If you replace "day" with "night", you will get a 30% increase in all attributes] (boss)

[Talent entry-Elf body: After death, all attributes will be reduced by 50%, and it will become an elf body, immune to any physical damage, can continue to fight, or leave the battle and recover after 24 hours] (boss)

[Talent Entry - Moonlight: It can only be triggered at night, a illusory new moon will rise, and it will change into a full moon according to the damage caused and received. During this period, only the accused will receive damage, and the same type of control will last 10 seconds If the full moon is formed, each hit will cause 20% of the target's maximum health damage] (boss)

[Guardian Suppression: For creatures below lv40, the damage dealt becomes 1%, and the percentage damage is invalid]

[Guardian Suppression: For every 1% of HP lost, the base attack power of attackers below lv45 will be reduced by 0.8%]

[Guardian Suppression: For creatures below lv50, each time they deal damage to the last elf body, they will receive real damage equal to 5% of their maximum health]

[Special introduction: A moon shadow avatar transformed by "Moon Shadow Charm" guards the small world where the elf descendants of the first layer of the gods are located. It is rumored that Moon Shadow Charm is one of the most intimate guardian beasts of the elf goddess, guarding the side of the elf throne]


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