Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 149 The Spirit Of Enchantment, The End Of Firman's Entrustment

However, at this moment, the light quickly dimmed.

A sliver of darkness rises from the center.

Then it eroded everything domineeringly with lightning speed.

"Hey, let me just say that the holy light is not enough, it depends on our great power of shadow." Several dark elves shrieked in front of the light elves.

More Fang Han in the field was the first to feel the drastic changes.

"This is... the rise of the Dark Realm?!"

That being the case, it's his specialty.

"Dark skies!~"

Fang Han no longer sat in the center of the field, but floated up.

In the endless shadows, I feel like a fish in water.

The dark and dead energy in the body is finally no longer obscene under the tower, it seems to have obtained the power of the six gods, and strikes hard!

Fang Han's sudden movement moved Fernut.

"All elves, leave this place immediately, this is an order!!!"

After all, Fernut is also a powerful user of shadow power!

When ordering everyone as a high priest, he showed his domineering majesty.

Then he stared at Fang Han with a serious face: "Little friend Nirvana, what are you doing?"

Li Yaona frowned, "Nirvana, can you tell me the reason for doing this?"

After dismissing all the elves.

The husband and wife stepped into the field at the same time.

Light, shadow intertwined, very eye-catching!

"Tsk tsk tsk, these two have touched a threshold where light and darkness blend together~"

Fang Han has long experienced the horror of element fusion.

Especially light and darkness, the simple fusion of these two skills can exert several times the power.

At this time, two seals appeared in Fang Han's hand.

They are "Seal of Light" and "Seal of Darkness".

The main task of the dungeon is completed.

But for him now, the shadow element affinity has naturally reached 100%!

How can such a unique situation be missed?

"Two high priests, I have no malicious intentions, you may wish to witness the next scene~"

Seal income space backpack.

At this time, an egg with golden patterns suddenly appeared in front of Fang Han.

"This is?" Fernut wondered.

But Li Yaona on the side exclaimed: "My God!"

"What are you going to do with this child?"

At this time, Li Yaona is like a kind mother, looking at the slightly flickering light egg.

"Ms. Li Yaona, this egg can't hatch due to special reasons, but just now when I realized it, it suddenly moved. It seems that this place will be its newborn place!"

"If you don't mind, I will compensate you after it hatches~"

Fang Han told a white lie.

"Really?" There seemed to be light in Li Yaona's eyes, "We don't need your compensation, but what should we do? If I'm not wrong, the egg is a pure spirit of the light element."

"Perhaps the two high priests understand that light and shadow not only restrain each other, but can also be born together?"

Just as Fang Han explained.

The dark sky has been fully formed, superimposed on the shadow field at this time.

He is waiting for an opportunity.

A moment of light and dark.


"It's now!"

Countless shadow forces spewed out, much to Fang Han's surprise.

"Dark and dead air" seemed to understand his own thoughts.

After leaving his body, wrap the light egg tightly.

The realm of light has arrived.

"Nut~ I didn't expect that we could personally witness the birth of this child today."

"Ahem, cough, wife~ How about we make our own children after we abdicate?"

"I hate it~(????)"

"Hey hey, how can there be o(n_n)o haha~"


Fang Han:  …

Do you two have to flirt in front of me!


There was a crisp cracking sound.

"Crack, click!"

The sound is getting louder and soon it will be successful!


"Huh? No, why do I feel that there is a trace of shadow power in the egg!"

Fernut soon noticed this.

And the corner of Fang Han's mouth finally raised, the perfect spirit of light and darkness~

The egg finally broke open by itself.

A small black space elemental spirit emerged from it.

At this time, the little Flame Fairy in Fang Han's body also came out.

"Ring ring ring?" (partner?)

Little Flame Fairy floated beside the newborn elemental spirit, poking the other's little face curiously.

"What..." (She bullied me...)

The elemental spirit floated towards Fang Han with a buzzing sound, and then directly burrowed into the center of his eyebrows.

The little guy quickly fell asleep in his own body.

"In that case, I'll call you from now on!"

"Ring ring ring?" (Why did you run away? Huh~)

Little Flame Fairy was bored for a moment, and got into her eyebrows together.

[Meme] (Spirit of Enchantment) (Light) (Darkness) (Light and Darkness)

【Owner: Nirvana】

[Characteristic - Enchantment: Enchant the "light" and "dark" element skills of the owner, so that the damage caused will be permanently increased by 100%, and after the damage is caused, 10% of the opponent's five-dimensional attributes will be temporarily stolen, and the upper limit is the own five-dimensional attributes 1000%! 】

[Characteristics-Fusion: Fusion of the "light" and "dark" elements of the owner, but will gradually become exhausted, absorbing the power of holy light and shadow can increase the threshold of exhaustion]

[Characteristic-Elimination: Reduce all non-"light" and "dark" final damage received by the owner by 50%, including real damage]


how to say?

An elemental spirit similar to Little Flame Fairy but completely different.

In a sense, Little Flame Fairy is a living body, but Memo no longer belongs to the category of living body.

But a "special prop" with self-awareness?

Therefore, even if Fang Han really died, it would not die.

"Very strong!"

Stealing five-dimensional attributes is too much, and it can even reach 10 times!

Moreover, on the protection ability.

In addition to light and darkness, even the real damage will be reduced by 50%.

And light and darkness have "dark death energy" to reduce damage.

His defense method has been strengthened a little bit! ~

If "Meme" is counted as a special item, it goes without saying that it must be at the "legendary" level.


The "dark sky" slowly dissipated.

Li Yaona said curiously: "Although I am very curious about the change of this elemental spirit, I am even more curious that you have two kinds of elemental spirits!"

"You may not be able to find a few of them in the entire first layer of God's Domain, they are like Chinese cabbages in front of you..."

Fang Han smiled slightly.

"There may be many unknown opportunities in the outside world!"

The three exchanged briefly again for a while.

Fang Han should get down to business: "High Priest Fernut, you may be somewhat prepared, but I still want to tell you personally that this is your great-grandfather's urn..."

Fang Han sighed.

Take out the special urn prepared by Firman.

"This is indeed an item from the dark elves! Actually, I have no impression of my great-grandfather. Regarding this, I can show you my grandfather, alas."

When Firman was mentioned, the high priest looked a little sad.

However, it seems that the other party is not very resistant to him.

The cause from Firman can finally be resolved.

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