Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 165 Fang Han: I Am The Boss

"What the hell is this? Is the lv30 breakthrough trial so difficult?!"

"It's too bad I was fooled. I shouldn't have chosen a special profession. I can't even improve my level now."

"This must be a natural disaster in the arena, right? Which player can survive?!"

"Wait, look, there seems to be a figure on the giant sea."

"Damn, I'm not mistaken, right? Ji... Mi...? What kind of civilized man?!"

"Damn, is it really caused by this Nirvana? No, we can still play?"

"This creature from the alien plane is too scary. If you see it in the future, you must make a detour..."


Everyone was dumbfounded, and all their jaws were dislocated.

"Help, he is scarier than the boss, why is there such a big difference between the same water spells?"

The player of the Frogmen is autistic.

As a result, the situation on the battlefield changed from fighting each other to:

Fang Han is the boss in everyone's hearts, and the eight aliens exhausted all their skills in deep despair, but to no avail.

After all, normally speaking, even players at level 30.

Whether it is the acquired skills or the props that are carried, there are not many.

How can it be compared with Fang Han, a freak who loots like drinking water?

"He cheated, he must have cheated!"

"He must be a trustee sent by Tiangong, I don't accept it!!..."

Yin Hui of the Silver Wing Tribe tried to stretch his wings and rush out of the arena.

He didn't want to be directly washed to death by such a terrible tsunami.


Suddenly, an astonishing bolt of lightning shot out from Yunding Tiangong.

Then the silver glow of the Silver Wing clan was instantly split into black charcoal, and then turned into spots of light and disappeared.

[Ding, the player "Yinhui" insulted the fairness of the competition under the Tiangong in the arena, and tried to leave the arena. He was judged to be out of the arena for violation, and was punished by three times: he could not perform the breakthrough trial again within 90 days]

[Ding, the player "Yinhui" died, the current remaining number: 8/10]


[Ding, the player "Yinhui" once swore an oath under the Heavenly Palace, and the fact is true, so he will be forced to perform the behavior of "stand upside down and shit". The screen can be synchronized to the eyes of all surviving players, welcome to watch]


Suddenly, including Fang Han, a picture appeared in the air before the eyes of all other players.

The silver glow of death seemed to come alive suddenly.

It is in a closed space that is all white as far as the eye can see.

Upside down is very painfully emitting:

"Huh~huh! Huh—ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!"


Players: (wДw)?

Nunu: Shit, it's true!

After all, Nunu had personally heard what Yin Hui said.

"Fucking hot eyes..."

"Is this the Silver Wing Clan? It really opened my eyes~"

"The face of Silver Wing Civilization will be completely lost by him!"


These 7 foreign players soon dared not watch anymore.

Because, the tsunami, the tsunami, is unstoppable! ! !

Nunu: "Damn it, why can't my proud extreme ice ability even freeze seawater?"

This means that Fang Han's water mastery is much higher than his ice mastery.

La Baba: "He won't really want to wipe out the group with one blow, Zhuo!"

Shi Ga: "I am the strongest, this tsunami is so powerful, it must be just for show, let me cut everything!"

Shi Ga of the Sword Ghost Clan raised his momentum and chose to charge towards Fang Han directly.

"Hey hey, you are a crispy Mage, as long as you are caught by me, you don't want to be kneaded by others?"

It's really excited about its wit.



Shi Kara: "Ah!~"

[Ding, the player "Shiga" died, the current remaining number: 7/10]

Other aliens: ? ? ?

"That's it, it was killed before halfway through the flight?"

"So, that Nirvana who seems to be a human race... Nirvana is he still human?"

"I won't fight anymore, I don't want to break through, but I don't want to die ahhh..."

"I'm a player from Bucky Civilization, you will definitely suffer if you kill me...

[Ding, the player "Baki didn't" died, the current remaining number is 6/10]

[Ding, the player "Lababa" died, the current remaining number is 5/10]

[Ding, player...]


The tsunami washed everything mercilessly.

Fang Han ignored everything in front of him, like a real master.

The gap, the naked gap!

Let him once again understand the current progress of several civilizations, but isn't this just as it should be?

[Ding, the player "Nunu" died, the current remaining number is 2/10]


However, just when there were the last two people left.

Fang Han could no longer see any players.

He raised the corners of his mouth and spread his hands, did that guy manage to hide?

It is worthy of being the elite of advanced civilization.


Chagande is located underground in the megalithic scene.

"Hahahaha, those stupid guys are still thinking about fighting hard!"

"I'm still smart, so what if I'm stronger than Nirvana, if you can find me, I'll be naked... Wait, I can't set the flag, I can't set it! I can't set it!"

"It's dangerous, I don't want to die like that mentally handicapped Yinhui..."

As a quicksand family, it can even stay underground for 7 days and 7 nights~

"Hey hey hey, he can't find me, he might be crazy now!~"

"You can't just rely on brute force to fight, you have to rely on your brain too. Tsk tsk tsk, the final winner must be me."

He's going to drive Nirvana crazy.

Then it showed its flaws, that is when it won the victory in one fell swoop.


The imagination is beautiful, but the reality slaps him in the face.

"Is it interesting?"

"Of course! Hey, the thought of that goddamn Nirvana not being able to find me angry makes me so excited."

"How about something more interesting?"

"What's more interesting? Tell me...??? Quiet..."

Good guy, Chagande suddenly seemed to be stuck.

Its eyes widened, the ground, the back.

A pair of ruthless hands rested on his shoulders.

"Jijijiji... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!"

bang bang bang bang...

Beep, beep, beep! ~

bouncing, popping, bouncing~


[Ding, the player "Chagande" died, the current number is 1/10]


[The final victorious player "Nirvana" has reached the trial breakthrough condition and will be sent out of the battlefield soon]



After the trial was completed in this way, Fang Han felt more relaxed than last time.

Especially violently beat up a few alien races.

Damn, I feel more comfortable than ever~

Except for "Silver Brilliance", Fang Han looted 4 items from the other 8 aliens.

For a while, the aliens who returned to their own plane were all depressed.

"Whoa, my pants are gone~"

Yin Hui never thought of it.

It will get away with it briefly this way.

Yinhui: Listen to me, thank you...

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