On a plank road along the mountain, teams of mandrills, carrying baskets on their backs, flew along the plank road into the deep valley.

The back baskets behind them are full of goods looted by fierce beasts.

Among them are precious medicinal herbs, necessary materials for refining certain medicines.

Precious trading currency, the best equipment wrapped tightly, everything is there.

"Red-eyed manbat, we have made a lot of money on this mission. When we return to Lich Castle, the master will definitely give us a lot of benefits."

"Of course, but we have waited for so long, all the goods that should be collected are here, why haven't those mid-level summoned beasts come back?"

Another bone spur human demon endowed with spiritual intelligence said.

In the cave where they were, there was a wind blowing from the depths.

The deeper part of the cave leads to the outer world, and the enchanted teleportation array can directly reach the Lich Castle.

The cave was filled with emptied baskets, and treasures were packed into hundreds of boxes.

Divide into gold boxes, silver boxes, and bronze boxes, and put them neatly together.

Just wait for an order to take the treasure chest elsewhere.

"Haimo himself doesn't dare to be so bold. You idiots still stay in the secret cave, don't you think I, Nirvana, are too low?"

The person who came did not come in from the entrance of the cave, because the direction of the sound came from the location inside the cave.

Something strange happened, and the two high-level beasts immediately changed their faces.

【Red-Eyed Manbat】

【Level: lv45】

[Life value: 1.9833 million/1.9833 million]

[Skill entry: spinning blood sucking, furious bite, assault claws, night devil gaze...]

[Talent entries: Ascension and Shift, Variety Demon Monarch, Limit Sweeping Wings...]

【Bone Spike Demon】

【Level: lv48】

[Life Point: 2.1098 million/2.1098 million]

[Skill entries: Spike Fang Tear, Lightning Slap, Backstab Dance, Human Voice Roar...]

[Talent entries: galloping clone, left and right raid, dazzling mutation...]


After Fang Han digested these attributes, he sighed softly: "Hey, it's no wonder that so many caravans were attacked, and Yixing City deserved to suffer heavy losses. Haimo, an old demon, sent out monsters that are stronger than most of the powerful people in Yixing City. How could the team not suffer? It seems that the major guilds were right not to take part in the counterattack beforehand! You two vicious monsters..."

When the red-eyed manbat saw Fang Han finished sizing him up, he immediately began to curse.

He also scolded its owner once, and immediately lost his composure.

"Human race? You came out of the cave? Have you been to the Lich Castle?"

The bone-piercing demon snorted coldly: "If he had been brave enough to go to the master's place, he wouldn't be standing in front of us alive, red-eyed manbat, prepare to give him some flair. This human talent can quietly walk from behind. Approaching us, he may have discovered the secret of the portal, and he must not be let go."

"Hey, bone spur demon, don't act like you're giving orders to me. I, the red-eyed manbat, don't like this... But, this human talent exudes the light of elemental energy, and his cultivation is obviously very powerful. Eat him , should make my level surpass yours, tsk tsk, he is mine!"

The red-eyed manbat is jealous that the bone-piercing monster is higher than itself.

Even if there are human talents standing in front of it, they still show their jealousy indifferently.

This is not only a direct manifestation of animal nature, but also a kind of arrogance.

The barbed brow of the bone spur demon frowned, and cursed angrily: "Even if you swallow him, you may not be able to surpass my level, but the elemental light on this guy is so powerful, I will give you a chance, let's eat it together!" he!"

"You don't need to do it, he is mine."

The red-eyed manbat was already summoning its wings, and soon, the pair merged with the darkness.

A bat with long wings full of veins appeared behind him, with a wingspan of seven or eight meters.

Fortunately, the cave is wide enough.

The depth of 100 meters x 100 meters is enough for several talented people to fight here.

Fang Han sneered when he saw the arrogance of these two goblins.

The first move was a [Swift Sudden] ride, and then a [Crazy Bomb] dropped suddenly, and the left and right wings flapped on the pair of wings of the red-eyed manbat.

[Your "crazy bomb" hits the target red-eyed human bat, and the blood volume is reduced by 279554]

[Your "crazy bomb" hits the target red-eyed human bat, and the blood volume is reduced by 331540]

[Your "Crazy Bomb" hits the target red-eyed manbat, triggering a double attack and reducing HP by 583621]

With just one move, Fang Han almost cut off half of the blood volume of the red-eyed manbat.

Frighten this ferocious beast into the state of [Demon Madness] immediately.

The lv48 bone spur demons realized that they were in big trouble.

This human talent is by no means comparable to those caravan guards outside.

His strength is almost as powerful as their master, the evil Summoner Heimer.

"What is your identity? Why do you want to fight against the Lich Castle?"

"Hey, I'm absolutely willing to admit that you are evildoers of the Lich Castle. Aha, didn't that old ghost of Haimo tell you that you will have to pay back sooner or later when you come out? Rebellion], and use it for your own use. But now it seems that your animal nature cannot be changed! Then annihilate it.”

Fang Han [Frozen Ray] was released for the second time after the first wave of blows from [Crazy Bomb].

One left and one right, the two fierce monsters were all covered within the attack range.

The fierce cutting produced by [Frozen Ray] shattered the treasure chests around the two monsters and behind them.

The summoned beast, who loves money like life, let out a heart-piercing canthus.

The fangs stick out, and the sharp claws crazily clap in the air.

The red-eyed manbat, who needed to restore the demon blood, instantly used the fierce skill [Rotating Blood Sucking].

The Bone Spike Demon used the skill [Left and Right Assault] in coordination, one attacking the top of Fang Han, and the other attacking the left, right, front and back of Fang Han, almost leaving the surrounded Fang Han with nowhere to go.

"That's it...??" Fang Han chuckled, [Crazy Explosive Bomb] under the blessing of [Melee Flashing s], with several times the attack power [Double Casting s] stimulated, frantically popped up, left, right, front, back, up and down.

Then... and then... the two fierce beasts lost his shadow.

But I saw [Crazy Explosive Bombs] exploding at a very fast speed at the entrance of the cave.


The cave began to collapse, and the red-eyed human bats and bone-thorned demons were unable to use their animal talents under the burning flames, and they couldn't even use their [Beast Escape] and [Abandon the Battle] skills.

They were imprisoned! What imprisoned them was the "flame cage" formed by hundreds of [Crazy Bombs]!

ah ah ah ah ~

Whoa, whoa, whoa! !

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