Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 268 Playing With The Blood Wolf King

"Bang!!!" The blood-red [Light of Calamity] drew back.

Before Fang Han finished speaking, he bounced back the bloody light released from the castle.

This is him fighting against the big shots in the castle.

[Calamity Light] has the effects of stealth killing, silent curse, death bondage, and mysterious stripping.

The power of its effect depends on the realm of the releaser. Generally, those who can trigger three kinds of killing effects already belong to the top character.

The blood wolf king of the sky saw that this human named "Nirvana" bounced back the [Light of Calamity] easily.

A red arc of light converged in an instant, then exploded in an instant, and sent back to the interior of the castle in the opposite direction. Can this be tolerated?

Go to hell, crazy Terran.

The wolf king in blood form stood up instantly, and a secret method of summoning beasts that manipulated the void was released. Above the castle above Fang Han's head, including the top of the cliff, everything turned gray and dark.

The color of the sky was instantly blocked, and all the shadows projected from the thousand-year-old trees were the color of the blood moon.

A blood moon rose instantly, and a little bit of light shone on this [Yunkong Blood Wolf King].

Its hair became more terrifying and dense, and the image of the wolf king in human form immediately became mighty and terrifying.

"Aww!!!" Yunkongxue Wolf King made a "wolf howl" movement, and suddenly turned into a swift shadow, bursting towards Fang Han with the momentum of tearing everything apart.

[Five Elements of Wind Claw: This skill can produce 5 kinds of claw trace attack effects, namely fire claw, crampon, frost claw, iron claw, thunder claw, each trace attack can produce a fatal blow to the target, fire attack freezing, Frost, sharp scar damage and other effects can absorb 15% of the opponent's life force and convert it into attack power, the movement speed is increased by 72%, and the effective attack distance is 2000 meters...]

This beast has cultivated such a powerful skill. It also combines ice, fire, stabbing, and lightning strikes into its claw strikes, and it can be demonstrated remotely. The strike range has reached two kilometers, which is something.

In order for Summoner Haimo to get to know himself again, let’s not say let him open the middle door and welcome him with drums and gongs.

At the very least, he should be made to pay for his arrogance.

So, the moment Fang Han raised his eyes, he had already made a decision.

He wanted to kill the blood wolf king at the same speed as Ben Lei, so as to deliver a satisfactory "meeting gift" to Haimo.

", this is his plan.

Ge Laozi, if Dad doesn't show off his power, you can deal with me as "Nirvana"? ? ?

Just you, a top-level summoned beast that has cultivated to level 50, and you want to fight against my lv59 'Eternal Oblivion' Faye?

Did you make a mistake.

Grabbing in the void, there was already an extra thing in his hand.

Fang Han stepped back into the void, and then threw the thing out.

This is his first move.

After all, it took him a lot of time to collect and fuse several "summoning collars".

Especially researching the mysteries of Summoner's skills made him get stuck in this skill - I'm sorry, Fang Han's curiosity is too heavy.

But in the eyes of [Blood Wolf King Yun Kong], such a strange thing makes the Blood Wolf King more uncomfortable than calling it a "dog".

Because thousands of years ago, it was already the summoned beast of the owner of the castle, Summoner Haimo.

Fang Han is still holding a fusion summoned beast collar to "ding" it, how can this not make this summoned beast that has awakened its intelligence go crazy.

The moment he saw this thing, the blood wolf king added skills such as [Wolf's Variations] and [Space Devouring] on the basis of the offensive of [Five Elements of Wind Claw].


The whole castle space shrouded in the blood moon has become more terrifying than the "vampire's tomb territory".

It seems that this is a place where the God of Light has no way to get involved. There is nothing here, no law, no justice, no life...

"Good guy, does this irritate you? I thought you would be an unusual existence as a lv50 summoned beast, but I didn't expect you to be so easily angered and burst out so many skills at once... just for me to accept It's you!

[Suddenly] Flashing rapidly, Fang Han's figure was also in the predictable eyes of the wolf, and suddenly transformed into human phantoms, appearing within a few hundred meters of Fang Yuan.

So many figures?

How did it form in an instant?

What's more terrible is, should we attack the brightest light, or attack the weak shadows together? ? ?

The rage of the blood wolf king in the sky seemed to have lost the target of venting, and even the target of attack also dissipated.


At this time, the summoned beast, which Summoner Haimer called "the bloody wolf cub", realized the horror of the intruder.

After all, it is a powerful human race expert who can use this method to avoid the attack of the Five Elements Claw, which is considered to have never been seen before.

At the same time, the effects of [Five Elements Claw of the Wind], such as anger, frost, and broken claw attack, were all emptied.

On the ground, the sharp claws plowed out 100-meter-deep furrows.

On the cliffs in the distance, wild trees were burning wildly, and the hundreds of feet of cliff boulders close to the castle were actually frozen by frost...

But even with such a mighty beast attack technique, it still didn't have any effect.

So far, the blood wolf king has not even caught Fang Han's fingers.

blind! ! ! How did he lose his target, how did he become invisible, why did Ben Yao miss?


"Aha~" Boom, boom, boom! Fang Han's phantom jumped back and forth in the space.

The light and shadow are strange, and there is no way to capture them. This is the effect of releasing [Sudden Sudden].

When he changed from a semi-illusory state to a full-illusory state, he had already retrieved the fusion beast collar.

And in the next second, [Crazy Bomb] was thrown out.

Under the illumination of the blood moon, the bright fire of [Crazy Bomb] seemed to be strengthened.

Use the fire of the bomb to deal with the fire of the beast's blood, and use the crazy kill to deal with the claws of the beast!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

[Yunkong Blood Wolf King]'s skill: Gale Wind Five Elements Claw, all the attacks were sucked into the core of the bomb in an instant.

Then, Fang Han's will extended from the center, and spread out in an instant, Fang Han at the core of the bomb disappeared.

Cloud Blood Wolf King:? ? ?

The ferocious blood-colored wolf's eyes were shrouded in a layer of blood-colored splendor of moonlight, but a little tremor that was only slightly detectable seemed to flicker slowly in the wolf's pupils.

This—is too unbelievable.

This human race has the ability to resemble the master.

"Aww!!!" Yun Kongxue Wolf King felt the heat of the surrounding flames.

I want to transform into the state of [Yun Kong] and escape from the core of the explosive bomb's power.


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