Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 277: Green Dark Light Of The Witch Clan

The guy who hid his identity information finally spoke after seeing Fang Han in the square.

And when he opened his mouth, he was very rude, as if he was attacking the other party.

"This weapon of yours should be obtained through fusion, not from the explosion of the boos. Judging by the poisonous light on the weapon, it should be the equipment that goes up to lv70, and it is the equipment equipped by advanced witch monks. "

"However, for all-round professionals, this equipment is not the best, at least it has some defects in magic, attack power, and auxiliary bonus, but all in all, this is a very important equipment. Equipment, how much do you want to sell it for?"

Fang Han spoke the truth as soon as he opened his mouth. These few words of weight directly left this proud Wu clan monk speechless.

The people around were all nodding in admiration. Unexpectedly, the city lord of Nirvana could calm down this arrogant witch master with a few words, which was really relieved.

"Okay, very good, the Lord of Nirvana really has some tricks. Since you can tell the origin of this [Green Poisonous Dragon Scale], please ask the Lord of Nirvana to equip it as a Mage and use it to do a few tricks. I don't know what the Lord of Nirvana has I don't have the guts!"

In the crowd around the square, a crusade broke out immediately.

"This guy is too arrogant. He knows that Nirvana is Mage, but let him equip him with voodoo weapons. This is too much."

"This guy is out of his mind, what kind of weapon is suitable for what profession, even if it is an all-around hidden profession, if the main job is not a wizard, no one would dare to touch this [Green Poison Dragon Scale] weapon."

"That's right, just look at the green light of this dragon-scale weapon. You can tell that its septic blood attribute is extremely strong. Don't say Mage takes it, even if you get close to it within ten steps, it will instantly bleed, and you may be poisoned to death." , His request is too much!"


Tie Miansheng frowned, this guy's identity is mysterious.

The origin is not simple, coming to the square of Misty City, it is clearly to provoke trouble.

"I really want to try it! But, before the test, why don't you, a young boy of the wizard family, refuse to reveal your attributes for everyone to see? If you dare not even reveal your identity and name, I don't think you should come to Misty City Alright. This is where the human race gathers, and you lich race monsters are not very welcome."

Tie Miansheng's words were very rude. It can be said that he slapped the other party directly in the face, making the other party unable to step down.

The wizard who hid his identity was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed loudly: "City Master Nirvana, is this how you treat guests? Then I will leave, as if I have never been to Misty City."


When Tie Mian Sheng stimulated the wizard, Fang Han had already deciphered the other party's professional information with secret techniques.

He even had a general understanding of this guy's origin.

After all, Haimo, the owner of Lich Castle, is practicing the Summoner secret technique.

But the lich aura exuded from him was almost the same as the person in front of him.

The sorcerer in the square must have been sent by a certain power of the sorcerer clan to test Fang Han's depth.

At this time, Fang Han had to behave appropriately, not only to allow the wizard to go back to work, but also to use his mouth to deter the forces of the witch clan behind him.

"It's so weak. Do you still dare to be so arrogant when you are in my territory? How about I stand still and let you fight? Do you dare to fight?"

Fang Han's words immediately detonated the audience, and the whole square became a sensation.

"God Nirvana is about to make a move! You should teach this shaman of the witch race a lesson."

"But God Nirvana said to stand still and receive the opponent's attack. Wouldn't it be a bit dangerous?"

"I am optimistic about Nirvana, but it seems that Nirvana is eternal annihilation. Mage gives the impression that he is a high-attack and crispy skin, not suitable for melee combat. If he can take down this mysterious Lich clan master standing still, then It will destroy my three views!"


"Green and bright light, it's too late for you to regret it now!" Fang Han's domineering fingers, combined with his gaze, directly shocked this proud lich and skinny horse.

"id: green dark bright light

[Level]: lv54

【Race】: Lich Race

【Occupation】: Wizard (Green Poison)

[Lord]: Tier 1

[Skills: Space Flame, Voodoo Darkness, Taboo Boundary...]

[Talent: Poisonous Ice, Frozen Armor...]

HP: 180.26w/180.26w

Lich Power: 19882/19882

Five-dimensional attributes: Intelligence 3621, Constitution 1880, Agility 2453, Energy 1875, Charm 775

Voodoo Attacks: 17526

Defense: 24119

Critical rate: 51%

Anti-riot rate: 17%…


I can't hide it anymore, I can't hide it at all.

Before doing it, Fang Han exposed Fang Yin's professional information, and even the skills and talents were scanned and exposed by Fang Han. Such a powerful existence made the dark light feel uncomfortable.

"180w blood, so weak!"

Uh... got ridiculed again.

Is it me, the dark and bright light, who came to Misty City to make troubles, or is this guy Nirvana doing troubles?

Why our identities seem to have been switched~

The feeling of being completely penetrated into a secret is very uncomfortable.

Lu Yinming's eyebrows sank, holding [Green Poisonous Dragon Scale] and stepping on the footsteps of witchcraft, he approached Fang Han in an instant.

On the square, the onlookers retreated a few steps again to make room for more space.

After all, the dark green voodoo emitted by the [Green Poisonous Dragon Scale] weapon is quite powerful, and if you are not careful, it will harm the fish in the pond, so for safety, it is better to take a few steps back and keep a certain distance.

At this time, almost everyone's eyes were on Fang Han.

Hundred steps...

ten steps...


At the moment when he smelled the [Different Space Flame] from the opponent and cooperated with the voodoo blade to launch a combined combat technique, Fang Han has successfully scanned the weakness of the opponent's attack.

Although it is said that [Different Space Flame] has the power similar to [Crazy Bomb], and it has the magic power of voodoo effect.

It will double the attack effects of [Blood Devouring], [Poison Curse], [Calamity Sticking], [Heavenly Fire Burning] and other combat skills released by the opponent's weapons.

Especially at the moment when the two fire-type combat skills [Different Space Flame] and [Different Fire Incineration] were released simultaneously, Fang Han, a master of fire, also secretly praised him.

After all, there is only so much space.

In the hands of a wizard whose id is Ludaring Light, these two flames can produce dozens of morphological changes, and each of them has a voodoo bonus, which is so frankly creative.

"It's time to fight back!" Fang Han chuckled and raised the corners of his mouth.


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