Alexander: "Here, we are here. Is it possible that the city lord of Nirvana has arrived! Ah, I finally waited for you. The people I sent out died one after another, and there was no hope for help. I was ready to fight this witch The poisonous Boos will die together!"

As a powerful local force, Alexander was also very speechless when he encountered such a thing in his underground palace of the city lord.

After all, whether the Boos that was originally refreshed in the underground palace of the city lord, or monsters, big or small, can all be regarded as a kind of resource.

And this kind of resources, only the forces designated by the city lord are eligible to attack.

This is a great map to supplement clothing stores, weapon stores, apothecaries, special stores... in the city.

It can be said that [Nine Layers of Gods] specially opened up the Boos land boundary in order to reward these great powers with the ability to open mansions. The value of the underground palace cannot be overstated.

Because the Boos explosion rate of the underground palace is definitely not inferior to the outside world.

According to the setting mechanism of [Nine Layers of Gods], this underground palace should gather all the big and small Boos and monsters within hundreds of kilometers of Yixing City.

If you can get through the entrance of the underground palace, cut monsters and kill Boos all the way to penetrate it.

The wealth and equipment obtained are enough to make Yixing City shine, and I am envious of those forces who are not qualified to join Yixing City.

"Alexander, it's important to do business. Tell me what trouble you have encountered."

Alexander beckoned, and in the darkness behind him, teams of injured Warriors drove out.

Their faces were yellow and thin, their expressions withered, especially the whites of their eyes, all turned green...


"Yes, it's Voodoo, Yixing City forces, and after some guilds moved to Misty City, there are only a dozen or so guild forces left in my hands. This time, I organized them all. I wanted to make a fortune, but I didn't expect..."

Fang Han smiled and comforted the other party: "Alexander, let's talk about these things after breaking through the underground palace. Now I release a [Detoxification Totem] here, and you organize the injured people to come here to heal the poison. I and Tie Mian will be born. Help you clear the Boos in front of you!"

Alexander's eyes lit up, and after thanking him a thousand times, he rejected Fang Han's last kindness.

"My dear God Nirvana, this ice-type [Human Toad and Spider King] is already lv95, and its skills have caused the dozens of guilds and tens of thousands of Warriors I lead to suffer. You must not collide with it." I am afraid that if there is a mistake, I will lose my brother city-state Piaomiao City."

Tie Miansheng explained: "City Lord Alexander, don't be afraid, God Nirvana has a way of dealing with witches." Then he told Fang Han how to kill the dark green light and how to plunder the [Green Poisonous Dragon Scale].

Coupled with Fang Han's eyes shining with the sun at eight or nine o'clock, it gave the already frightened Alexandria City Lord enough confidence.

"I said what I thought it was. It turned out to be a [Human Clam Pearl Emperor] that has grown up. However, it is really rare for such a high-level lv95. I must know this Spider Emperor!"

Tie Miansheng patted his big shield and stood in front of Fang Han.

"God Nirvana, let me take the lead!"

"Student with an iron face, your shield is suitable for team battles. You can't deal with this spider king. But you can help me lure [Human Toad Spider King] out. After that, you will fight with Alexander and those victims of voodoo." Warrior stays together for totem healing."

Tie Miansheng felt that Fang Han's arrangement was appropriate and agreed on the spot.

Holding up his iron shield, he plunged into the absolute darkness ahead.

This underground palace is the existence of the great treasure of Yixing City.

Fang Han checked the space where the Warriors who were enjoying [Totem] healing were located.

Behind them, boxes of packed equipment, skill books, talent scrolls, and items from the Nine Layers of God's Domain world were about to be transported out.

But no one thought that the appearance of the big Boos completely disrupted the rhythm of the forces in Yixing City, and made Alexander a big sap.

Well now, with Fang Han's healing totem, the Warriors who were poisoned by voodoo basically recovered their combat effectiveness after being cured.

While they were talking, a loud cracking sound suddenly sounded in the space of the underground palace in front of them.

Then came the sound of the surrounding floor tiles, as if being torn apart by freezing force.


The sound of the giant shield's defense rang out again, forming an echo.

Shrouded in the vast underground palace of Yixing City, one's scalp tingles and his heartbeat suddenly speeds up.

"The big Boos I'm looking for is here!"

Fang Han rushed out of the door excitedly, and at the speed of [Sudden], blocked in front of a shattered large shield like lightning.

Blood spouted from the corners of Tie Miansheng's eyes, and what's more serious, green liquid was flowing from all seven orifices on his body.

He is poisoned! The blood turned green.

What's worse, when he saw Fang Han, his pupils had already started to dilate.

However, his will to fight seemed to be infected by Fang Han, and he turned his back to him with a weak breath.

Fang Han, who confronted the big Boos in the dark, said: "Master Nirvana, I have completed the task of luring the enemy... Let's go..."

After finishing speaking, he fell down with a bang, and pressed his shield on his body.

Behind him, dozens of fearless Yixingcheng forces rushed forward and quickly transferred the iron face.

Several Warriors left with the shattered shield, and their tails disappeared into the darkness.

"Puff Chi!!! Puff Chi!!!"

Seeing that the iron-masked life was relieved, and Alexander's people had taken him away to enjoy the totem healing in a certain space of the underground palace, Fang Han finally no longer had any scruples.

The existence of a lv95 Boos made all the blood in his body burn.

It's so exciting!

Unexpectedly, after Yixing City and Piaomiao City formed an alliance, they unexpectedly triggered the underground palace Boos, causing a monster-gathering existence to appear here that is thousands of miles away from Fang Yuan outside.

The unexpected sense of surprise is spreading, and every cell in the body is jumping happily.

This is the excitement before the war begins.

It seems that in the darkness, the pair of green compound eyes are also curious about the existence of this human race in front of them.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of looking at each other, Fang Han scanned this super big Boos!

【Ding! Your "Scan Glow" penetration failed, and the Boos attribute failed to display successfully]

! ! !

It seems that I have encountered a super Boos!

Even a violent existence like Eternal Annihilation can't see through this troll!

The failure of the scan made Fang Han's blood heat up again.

His excitement was like the sun being bombarded, the rays of light and heat were intertwined, causing the cells in his body to vibrate violently in the high temperature, his excitement was unbearable.

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