Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 281 Killing Boss Smartly And Easily

"This Boos, there is something. I stimulated it so much, but it can still keep calm. It is worthy of the existence of lv95 boss-level Boos."

Fang Han, who wanted to cheat his skills, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and retreated to the underground palace about 50 meters away.

If the enemy does not move, I will not move!

He began to think about ways to destroy this super boss.

【Green Poisonous Dragon Scale】!

"Yes, it's [Green Poisonous Dragon Scale]!"

This thing is very attractive to the [Human Toad and Spider King] of the big Boos of the same-sex witch world.

Compared with Fang Han's earlier provocations, this wizard artifact with the modified dragon scales as a weapon has just fallen into his hands, and it has attracted great attention from the King of Toads and Spiders.

After all, it belongs to the "voodoo" sequence, seeing some familiar luster and smell spreading from the [Green Poisonous Dragon Scale], the Man Toad and Spider Emperor was a little impatient at this time.

At the same time, the brigade players are flocking here.

Before they arrived, they spontaneously formed a team that was not from the "Shifting Star City" forces.

This team has already separated from the Yixing City Guild.

In other words, any accident happened to them has nothing to do with Alexander.

"I'm Warrior! Although I don't have as much HP as Nirvana, 2.3 million/2.3 million HP can be considered a talent, and I can resist green poison attacks!"

"Count me in. If I die, I will be blind, but once we succeed in attacking [Human Toad and Spider Emperor], we will make a fortune."

"I have a set of Star Silver Domain equipment, and I also joined the Death Squad, fighting against that giant octopus."

"Lv95's [Human Toad and Spider King], I've ordered all magic attacks, so I'll take a gamble with you guys."

"The action begins!"

This team of strong players from the plane quickly rushed to a certain underground palace space behind Fang Han, and looked at [Human Toad and Spider King] from a distance of a wall.

"Uh - why are they here? Didn't they tell Alexander to restrain his subordinates? If the King of Toads and Spiders is so easy to challenge, there will be signs of poisoning in the whole city? How reckless!"

Fang Han was a little bit taken aback, but he quickly read their intentions from the chat of this group of strong planes.

It turned out to be a death squad composed of a group of lone wolves!

Just in time, "[Human Toad and Spider Emperor] releases [Shard Ice Armor], Fang Yuan's 12x12 km target is covered by ice armor..."

[Your "fake body" has been hit by the netting shattered ice armor, the fake body is in the "netting" state, the movement speed is zero, the freezing damage is reduced by 45221 life points per second, and the "fear effect", "damage effect", "Frozen Fragmentation" effect]

As soon as the voice sounded, Fang Han knew that the group of death squads were going to die.

If it were Alexander's subordinates, Fang Han would still try to save them.

But this is a group of death squads out of Alexander's control, so don't worry about them.

It just so happened to take this opportunity to observe the power of [Netting Smashing Ice Armor]!


In the Death Squad, the crowd became restless, thinking that the team members who hid in this house-shaped underground palace structure would be able to avoid harm.

After being covered by [Netted Ice Shard Armor], all members have been hit.

They let out a series of exclamations and screams.

Then the body turns into a state of [Rapid Freezing].

Then he was shattered by some kind of Boos's secret power, his whole body turned into ice powder and scattered all over the place, and he was instantly killed by Boos!

Fang Han withdrew his gaze and sucked in a breath of cold air through his teeth.

"Such a strong attack power, such a powerful Boos witchcraft, [Network Smashing Ice Armor] really lives up to its reputation!"

After calming down, anger turned into strength. Fang Han squeezed a [Crazy Bomb], and he had already started to take the initiative.

After all, the strength of [Human Toad and Spider Emperor] has been verified.

Although the strength of the Big Boos, which has devoured the attributes of the Death Squad, has increased, it happens to destroy it during its "eating" time.

Stepping on the ethereal [Sudden Sudden] skill, he left his own shadow in almost every captured position in the space.

But none of these shadows are real.

When the compound eyes of [Human Toad and Spider King] turned around and suddenly turned under the eyelids, it found a terrifying figure.

Fang Han! This human race with the name "Nirvana" on its head has now entered the blind spot of [Human Toad and Spider Emperor].

The spider's compound eyes twirled chaotically in the eye slots, and [Human Toad Spider King] panicked instantly.

Subconsciously, it used its giant pincers to attack the lowermost space aimlessly.

Fang Han felt the sound of breaking wind coming from behind, and dodged several times from the attack of this giant voodoo body.

Then, according to the established plan, he released the enhanced [Crazy Bomb] that had been brewing for a long time.

"It's time to end!"

The sound of strengthening [Crazy Bomb] sounded.

Fang Han had already stepped through the void, and with the help of the [Close Flickering] aura, he dodged to the underground palace tens of kilometers away.

In the distance, there was a sound of shocking explosions.


"Heaven Designated, why are you back? [Human Toad and Spider King]?"

Hush! Fang Han made a gesture of "Don't talk, and listen to the sound of [Crazy Bomb]".

Alexander was stunned.

Then, with the light of destruction bombarding all the open flames in the direction of the underground palace, they passed the endless corridor in front of them.

The underground palace shook violently, and with several violent howls of beasts, after being bombarded by several waves of fire, the underground palace slowly turned into a state of dead silence.

Darkness has taken over the light, and the aftermath of [Crazy Bomb] has been exhausted.

【Ding! You killed the lv95 Human Toad King]

【Ding! You have gained 700 million experience points and 140000 gold coins]

【Ding! You have obtained the challenge qualification of "Big Boos in the Wilderness", and the challenge range is 5 million kilometers X 5 million kilometers from Star City]

【Ding! You got 300 Boos points]

【Ding! You have plundered the skills-entries "group voodoo", "frost green ring", red ice ball burst, smelly ice wind column, lich blizzard...]

【Ding! You have plundered the talent - entries "Ice Prism Armor", "Frozen Ball", "Ice Voodoo"...]


This reward is directly against the sky.

Fang Han singled out [group voodoo] and combined it with [totem spell].

I got a copy of [Enhanced Totem Spells], and practiced immediately with joy.

The mighty [Human Toad and Spider Emperor] was finally wiped out.

At this time, those Yixingcheng forces that surged out from the space of the underground palace rode their war beasts, and drove from Fang Han to the battlefield in front of Fang Han.

After the tail team also passed, Alexander came to Fang Han accompanied by several entourages.

"Heaven Designated, look what a gift I brought you!"


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