【Ding! He Yan touched the wings of the sun, and the power of light increased by 1]

【Ding! Donglai touched the wings of the sun, and the power of light increased by 1]


"Oh wow, it's amazing."

"It feels great, the sun wings of God Nirvana can actually increase our light power through contact~"

"It's really interesting. I found that as long as you don't leave the range of light radiation from the Sun Wings, the power of light will always exist in the attribute panel. It's amazing."

Fang Han, who was a fan of the crowd, greeted the crowd and put away his Sun Wings.

Then, a scout from the city-state alliance came into view and reported the news to Fang Han.

"I already know, you go down."

"Yes, Great God Nirvana."

Fang Han turned to the players who were still comparing their wings: "Everyone, the strength of the city-state alliance still depends on your efforts. In the last team battle, we almost wiped out the plague of mad witches, but why didn't we kill them? ? There is only one reason, our strength is still not strong enough, so strong that the Calamity of the Mad Witch bows down!"

"In the foreseeable future, there will be another earth-shattering contest between us and the Calamity of the Witch. If you don't want to suffer the pain of being suppressed by other plane forces, you can only prove your worth with your strength."

"In order to facilitate everyone's cultivation, I announce that the Alliance Dungeon in Misty City and Yixing City will be open to all guild members under my command for free."

Misty City, in a dark room where the coordinates have been changed.

The mysterious old man was still leaning against the table to take a nap, seeing that the whole room was penetrated by the power of light, he narrowed his dull eyes.

"One word is the end of life and the beginning of death. The person who challenged the light and thunder of God's Domain has returned, either to obtain the sun's wings, or to become a part of the wings! Heaven Designated, you are finally back!"


【Wings of the Sun】

[Level of wings: lv12 (Supreme Wings)]

[Introduction: The wings that have been blessed by the gods of light can help the owner reach any place irradiated by the power of light. Its magic lies in the fact that each feather incorporates the will of a god of light...]

Fang Han, who has received the blessing of light, opened his attribute panel.

ID: Nirvana (team battle glory)

[Level]: lv65 (disregarding the entire server)

[Race]: Human race (flame) "Strong" (Heaven Designated)

【Occupation】: Annihilation Mage

[Lord]: Tier 5

HP: 817.55w/817.55w

Mana: 653360/653360

Five-dimensional attributes: Intelligence 5862, Constitution 4216, Agility 3917, Energy 5519, Charm 3740

Attack: 32069 (group soul bonus 30%)

Defense: 59622 (group soul trigger bonus 26%)

Critical rate: 184%

Anti-riot rate: 141%

Movement Speed: 1600%

Damage Passive: 125%

Group Soul Awakening: 12% (lv1)

Light Force: 12


Isn't that something to be proud of?

It is still the existence of "Disregarding the Whole Server", and it has also gained double the movement speed. What's even more exciting is that after being blessed by the identified Sun Wings, his overall attributes improved as much as obtaining [Spirit of Team Battle].

Fang Han took a deep breath, feeling the warmth from the wings of the sun, and fell into the ever-increasing imagination.

"Heaven Designated, do you know why you are the only one who can receive the blessings of the Gods of Light?"

The essence of the mysterious old man's question is also Fang Han's desire to find the answer.

But so far, he hasn't gained much. Because the answer itself just represents a recognition of strength, probably like this.

"Heaven Designated, where there is light, there is darkness. Where the sun's wings can go, there are places where the sun's wings can't. As your abilities become stronger and stronger, you will also discover an amazing fact , the greater your ability, the smaller, weaker, and powerless you will feel yourself!!!”

"Is that so? The embodiment of the will of light!"

"Oh, it turns out that you already know my identity, so take your pair of wings and go to the Nine Layers of God Realm! Before you entered the test of the light and thunder tribulation, I said that even if you are lucky enough to get this pair of wings, It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's not necessarily a good thing either. Let's experience the subtleties of it slowly. I'm gone, never see you again!"


The mysterious old man disappeared like a ball of burning light without leaving any trace.

——Old man, what do you mean?

——His words are so hard to understand!

——If it is too esoteric, then forget about him.

Anyway, nothing can affect my determination to conquer God's Domain! ! !

"Thank you for your help. The 'mysterious old man' who is the incarnation of the will of the bright group soul is a toast to you. It's a pity that you left before you had time to take a sip." Fang Han spilled the wine on the ground of this dilapidated house , and then turned and left here.

Now, he is moving in this time and space, and the number of times he uses the [World Teleportation Stone] is less and less.

Because of the blessing of [Wings of the Sun], you can teleport wherever the light can reach!


"God Nirvana, this is the tribute sent by the Calamity of the Witch. A total of 35 mysterious treasure chests, 126 golden treasure chests, 574 silver treasure chests, and 1,862 bronze treasure chests have been integrated."


All the treasure chests were opened, and after a ray of light bloomed, countless treasures exuded charming colors.

"Iron-faced students, lead these shrewd deacons to exchange the treasures tribute from the plague of mad witches into gold coins and distribute them."

"Okay Nirvana God! However, the best products from the mysterious treasure chest have a price and a market, but the market price is too high. It is difficult to find a buyer for a while, and if you find a buyer, it is difficult for the buyer to exchange so many gold coins for a while. It would be a little troublesome, but a sweet burden."

"This is easy to handle. In the alliance city-state, Yixing City and Misty City hold auctions at the same time. The auction will only maximize the value of these top-quality equipment and props. What do you think!!"

The castellan's eyes shined brightly.

Soon, he took hundreds of deacons who were in charge of this matter, and went down to finalize the details of the auction.

A few hours later, the Misty City Auction started in the main square of the city.

On the auction list:

Equipment: Star Silver Wind Chain, Ebony Staff, Golden Soul Gem, Holy Guardian Shield (for Shield Warrior), Millennium Healing Potion (large), Holy Skyfire (Mage skill)...

[Congratulations to "Midnight Scholar" for finally winning the Star Silver Domain Gale Chain with 523,700 gold coins...]


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