This piece of equipment was originally owned by the overlord of the Bloodland Alliance, "Dragon Sniper Moon".

In the team battle, he was robbed by Judgment Lian.

Later, Judgment Lian rewarded it to the Fa Nan elders who performed well.

but now......

"Lord Lie Yan!"

"God Nirvana, please command!"

"Give this ring back to your guild master. Tell him that the Bloodland Alliance will win the team battle against the Scourge of the Mad Witch!!!"

Lie Yanhou was so excited that he held the [God of Bloodthirsty Battle] in his hand like holding a sacred object, and shouted excitedly: "God Nirvana said, the blood alliance will win!"

"Must win ~ must win ~"

"Must win ~ must win ~"

"Must win~ must win!"

With the prestige of a small victory, Fang Han returned to the Bloodland League under the halo of the great god "Nirvana". Before returning to the Bloodfield League, he went to the [War Field] where the two guilds fought to check the situation there .

"Bury a [Team Battle Reflection Totem] in this place!"

"Bury a [team battle life totem] in this place!"

"Bury a [Team Battle Healing Totem] in this place!"

"Bury a【Team Battle Blood Curse Totem】in this place!"

Under Fang Han's command, dozens of high-level totems have been buried by the Warriors of the Bloodland Alliance, just waiting for the time to start a team with the plague of the mad witch.

"Master, do you see what we have brought?"

Bloodland Alliance Guild Hall.

Lie Yanhou placed a piece of equipment in front of Long Yi Zhiyue.

The other authorities of the Blood Domain Alliance all stood up with a bang.

Their eyes were as big as eggs, looking at this ring that symbolized glory, and then symbolized the shame of the guild, with extremely excited expressions.

Long Sniper Zhiyue asked in shock: "Why, did it succeed?"

"Successful! The conspiracy of the elders of the Lich clan's law troubles has been completely smashed by our side. God Nirvana will help you and regain this glorious battle ring!"

Long Yizhiyue said excitedly: "What did I just say? If the Bloodland League can be merged into the City-State Alliance, it will definitely gain a great expansion of power. When we defeat the Witch Clan and the Wild Witch Disaster Guild, their status will be greatly reduced." All the territory will become our territory. Everyone, with the help of a god like God Nirvana, what reason do we have for not eradicating the plague of mad witches?"

At this time, the guild bosses had a collective epiphany: "I am willing to obey the command of the guild master, and wipe out the plague of mad witches in one battle!"

"Okay! Immediately give orders, everything will be divided into three groups according to Nirvana's previous instructions, and the forces of the Blood Alliance will be stationed in [War Realm]."



Guild of the Scourge of Mad Witches.

"Report! The guild master, the elders of Fa Nan and the two hundred Awakened Lich Masters who were sent out to carry out the mission were all wiped out!"

"What, who killed them?"

"It's the command of the Lie Yanhou Legion of the Bloodland Alliance!"

"When did a little Marquis of Lie Yan grow up to be able to kill Fa Nan's elder? I don't believe it."

"That's right, the leader, it doesn't make sense. The team will start soon. Marquis Lieyan was severely injured in a team battle before, and several ribs were broken. How could he have such a great power to frighten the old man? The level of the difficult veteran is three levels higher than him, and with the blessing of high-level witchcraft, it is properly crushed. How could he be beheaded by the command of the small army of Lie Yanhou, it is incredible."

The two sides were about to start a team. At this time, the news came that the elder Fa Nan had been killed. Judgment Lian, his elder council, and the Lich tribe's army were all caught in a huge whirlpool.

This is a huge blow to morale!

After deliberation by the elders of the Lich Clan, the wise man told Judgment Lian.

"Chairman, from a comprehensive judgment, it is concluded that the Bloodland Alliance has received mysterious reinforcements. Otherwise, the veteran of Fa Nan and the two hundred awakened Lich Masters will never be wiped out by the group!"

The leader of the Judgment Lian immediately reprimanded and asked, "Is this the opinion of all the Elders?"

"That's right! This is our concluding opinion!"

"Then go to the team battle and regain the dominance of the Mad Witch's Calamity. In the name of the master of the Mad Witch's Calamity Guild, I order to form a team with the Blood Realm Alliance and destroy the Blood Realm Alliance. Do not stay!"



[The team battle between your guild Mad Witch's Calamity and the Bloodland Alliance has begun, and you have been sent to the "War Realm"]

[The team battle between your guild and the Guild of the Sorcerer's Calamity has begun, and you have been sent to the "War Realm"]

[The team battle between your guild Mad Witch's Calamity and the Bloodland Alliance has begun, and you have been officially teleported to the "War Realm"]


After countless flashes of light, the entire War Realm is already crowded with people.

The battle for hegemony between the Bloodland Alliance and the Scourge of the Mad Witch has officially kicked off.

As the "battle horn" of both sides sounded.

A group of teams dispatched to participate in the guild hegemony have already arrived at the point of instruction.

On Fang Han's side, he appeared on a huge guild war platform [Blood Field Alliance] with the temporary authorization of [Supreme Battle Formation Commander].

But the halo "Nirvana" ID above his head is invisible, and no one can see it.

Long Sniper Zhiyue was standing beside him, wearing battle armor, holding a sharp blade, and wearing the precious [Bloodthirsty Battle God] on the little finger of his left hand.

"The first team of the Bloodland Alliance! Call!"

The team lined up neatly, and the Warriors riding the beasts let out earth-shattering howls and began to invade the enemy positions in the War Realm.

The Lich Warriors of the Scourge, wearing terrifying protective gear, also began to invade the Bloodland Alliance's positions.

A guild battle has officially begun!

"God Nirvana, my heart is beating so hard! I can't wait to get out now and compete with that old thief who tried to judge Lian. The shame of being suppressed by the Blood Domain Alliance before the blood."

Fang Han said lightly to Long Yizhiyue: "Didn't the opportunity come now? I promised you that I would help the Bloodland Alliance regain the supremacy of this territory. It's not a joke. I will wait for the enemy When Fang releases [Supreme Lich Spell], I will take action to imprison it and save the Bloodland Alliance."

Dragon Sniper Zhiyue clenched his fists fiercely and said: "In every team battle, the Blood Alliance is subject to the opponent's [Supreme Spell], if God Nirvana can help us imprison it, the Blood Alliance will surely win!"

In the distance, the number of participants from both sides expanded, and the entire war field was filled with dense figures.

Attack formations such as sword light, sword shadow, lightning, lightning strike, long-range attack magic, arrow crossbow, defensive tower, bow and arrow formation, etc. have also been fully integrated to form a situation where I am in you and you are in me.

Moreover, this situation has already blended the forces of the two sides together.

The war soon reached a fever pitch.

Dragon Sniper Moon couldn't wait any longer.


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