Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 306: The Mysterious Appraisal Of The Elderly

[World Announcement: God Nirvana has won the main city upgrade reward, all members of the city-state alliance have +1 power of light]


Iron-faced students, Alexander and other city lords came to the main city of Piaomiao City at this time to congratulate God Nirvana.

They came from the region of the plane Boos, bringing with them precious gifts.

As soon as Alexander opened his mouth, there was a familiar smell: "Heaven Designated, you have quietly completed the great cause of star promotion in the main city, and all members of the alliance have enjoyed the bonus because of this. It is really amazing."

"God Nirvana, Misty City has been promoted again, the plane has expanded, and the Boos area has also expanded. I am now in the main city, and as the city lord, I feel a little lost. Are you surprised?"


The iron-faced humor resonated with everyone, and the star jump in the main urban area has indeed brought countless benefits and changes.

For the new players who settled in, it is undoubtedly great news.

[Sparkle of Li Guang applied to join the city-state alliance forces]!

[Eat me to apply to join the city-state alliance forces]!

[I want to ascend and apply to join the city-state alliance forces]!


Fang Han merged these planar powerhouses who had just applied to join the alliance into the Misty City faction presided over by Tie Miansheng.

Now that the stars of Misty City have jumped, the aura of the main city has covered the entire territory of the alliance, and Alexander, the city lord of Yixing City, has been ranked after the iron-faced student.

Then, Fang Han allocated the wealth plundered from the planes and the tax gold coins collected from the main city to projects such as "expanding the main city building" and "recruiting city patrol warriors".

Then, Fang Han went to several mysterious places.

Sure enough, this secluded and dimly lit room will always be the "mysterious old man"'s favorite place to visit.

Probably because of the smell of wine here, even the "mysterious old man" from the plane couldn't resist the temptation from the [Five-Star Main City] Wine Shop Street.

After entering the house, Fang Han saw an old man in tattered clothes in [Dark Secluded Cabin].

"Heaven Designated, how did you find this place?"

"This old man, where have we met?"

"You answer my question first."

Fang Han greeted two jugs of wine first, and then brought a table of good food, and then sat down and chatted.

"I came here following my own feelings. Whether I should say it or not, it seems that meeting you is destined somewhere."

While talking, the wine has been poured.

This mysterious old man received preferential treatment from Fang Han.

As the master of the city-state alliance, he poured wine for the other party. With this "mysterious old man", his favorability has increased.

Because this can also be sensed from the change in the old man's expression.

"I went to patrol the Misty City, which was promoted to a five-star main city, and there was no weapon blacksmith in any place that satisfied me. Even the weapon blacksmiths of the Awakened and the Apocalypse Halo, none of them could fight... ..."

"Then, I came to this place just by instinct."

"Are you going to build a weapon?"

"Yes, but not quite."

After finishing speaking, Fang Han took the initiative to take the [God King Staff] out of the package, observed the movement around him tactically, and found that no one was paying attention to his side before handing the things to the old man with confidence.

"Oh hoo!~"

The different lights emanating from the [God King's Staff] made the old man seem drunk just by looking at it.

Hehe smiled: "Heaven Designated, you are a shrewd guy. But it seems not enough to ask me to comment on this magic weapon for you with a jug of wine! How about it, since you invite me to drink good wine, then I will give it to you." You can make a discount, and only charge you an appraisal fee of one million gold coins!"

Fang Han almost fought with his tongue.

The appraisal fee is one million gold coins, so if he is asked to help modify this weapon, wouldn't he charge hundreds of millions of gold coins? ? ?

Reverse and reverse! ! !

Seeing Fang Han's expression, the mysterious old man acted foolishly: "Why, you think it's expensive? How about charging you two million gold coins?"

"The deal, one million gold coins is one million gold coins. I'm just thinking about paying you in cash or writing an IOU."

The mysterious old man sneered: "I don't think so. You are now the city lord of the five-star main city of the Nine Layers of Gods, the adjudicator of the city-state alliance, a mere one million gold coins, and the main city's taxes will come out in a few days. You should say it or not. Those soldiers you recruited are too strong, I was beaten up by them for missing a few gold coins in taxes when I entered the city. My chest still hurts to this day!"

Fang Han opened his mouth wide - he never knew about this...

He is innocent. If the mysterious old man wanted to rob him, he would say it clearly. Why did he use this reason to fool him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's all due to my negligence as the leader of the alliance. But you, the mysterious old man, just come to the city to drink and report my name. Not only will you be exempted from taxes, but you will also be exempted from all expenses. treatment......"

"Then there's no need. The car takes the driveway, and I go my own way. I'm not a gregarious Nine Layer God Realm existence."

The mysterious old man was afraid that he would be "framed" by Fang Han if he kept chatting. After all, this kid can speak well, and he can drink a few more glasses of words.

If the "million gold coin" appraisal fee was fooled into one hundred thousand by him, it would be too much of a loss.

"Of course, I don't care if I'm not in the position. I, the lord of the city-state alliance, am miserable. Just upgrading the main city, building the city, and hiring patrol warriors, I have spent hundreds of millions of gold coins in the guild funds. The main city has been upgraded to [ After the main city of the world], I lost more than 100 million gold coins, and it is estimated that it will take several months to get back the money, do you think I cried poorly?"

The mysterious old man stopped immediately: "Don't say anything. One million gold coins for the appraisal fee, if I lose one coin, I will turn around and leave!"

"no problem."

【Ding! You have traded a million gold coins to the mysterious old man]

【Ding! The mysterious old man has collected your gold coins]

[The identification of the divine king's staff failed! ! ! 】

wipe! ~

Fang Han looked at this "mysterious old man" who existed like a flying fairy in surprise, and fell into the myth of "is this guy a liar after all?"

The mysterious old man was also in a hurry, and quickly drank another cup.

The knuckles full of vicissitudes and a little withered covered the [God King Staff].

"I've been fooled, I've been fooled. This [Scepter of the God King] has been inlaid with nine [Eye of the Lich King] attribute gems. Sorry, its appraisal fee is five million gold coins, and it will not be refunded if the appraisal fails That kind! For each additional appraisal, an additional five million gold coin appraisal fee will be added, and so on..."

"Are you kidding me?"

Fang Han really wanted to kill this greedy old man with wine.

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