[Bull Demon God True God] The joy blossomed in an instant.

He asked himself that it would be very difficult to capture Fang Han, who possesses many strange abilities [Puppet Body], [Fake Blood], and [Speed ​​Break] alive. This demon Mage is too flexible.

But if you stand still and exchange punches with each other, or step on each other's feet, with his giant fist and Gai Tianniu's magic feet, it is estimated that he can directly step on the other party's shit.

As long as he hits, he will definitely die on the spot.

"It's a deal!"

"It's a deal!"

"Okay, you come first!"

Fang Han shook his head: "No, you come first!"

"Then I won't be polite."

Fang Han said: "I'm ready. You can do it!"

Fang Han first put a [Double Casting S] skill aura on his real body.

Under the blessing of this skill halo.

Any existence that strengthens the body, strengthens the vitality and other attributes will be multiplied.

Then, he secretly released a dozen [Life Totems] near the hillside.

And buried the [Reflection Totem] upgraded to lv12 peak existence under his feet.

After making all preparations, he began to bear the opponent's "blow from the bull god".

"I'm ready, let's punch!"

"Fuck, Grandpa Niu is going to trample you a thousand meters underground!"

With [Ox Demon God True God]'s strength, 1,000 meters is a little exaggerated, but it is easy to step on something 500 meters underground.

"Okay, I like being stepped on by cow's feet the most. Did you wash your feet yesterday? Come here after washing them."

The Bull Demon God is not stupid either.

Seeing that Fang Han was not afraid of being trampled by his "bull's feet", the huge bull's eyes turned around, patted his chest and shouted: "It's better to punch instead! This way you will die faster."

After saying this sentence, I immediately regretted it.

But fortunately, God Nirvana seems to have not discovered his "conspiracy".

"Yo ho, this Bull Demon God has really been fooled! What I, Nirvana, am not afraid of the most is Wang Baquan!"

After all, the reflection of [Sun Wings] plus the reflection of [Reflection Totem], and the reflection of "Mysterious Shield", as well as the reflection of body talent...

With so many reflected powers integrated into a whole, even if he receives a fatal blow, his blood volume will not be emptied directly.

What's more amazing is that [Fake Blood SS] has three seconds of "unable to be selected" and "unable to die" to burst.

This is an exclusive secret that is unknown to all enemies, even the tens of millions of players in the City-State Alliance. If you want to use it to fight against [Bull Demon God], you will win in minutes.

"My old cow's magical fist is coming, what's your last word?"

"No, I just want you to surrender to me."

"Let's enjoy the taste of my fist."

Bull Demon God's body was not elevated by [God Enormization], but his fist suddenly became as big as a mountain.

【Divine Fist】!

boom! ! !

The terrifying sound wave traveled hundreds of miles before it stopped.

The mountain where Fang Han was located had already been smashed into a huge depression by [Bull Demon God True God].

The dust rose thousands of meters high and did not disperse for a long time.

After the Bull Demon God blew the dust away for several hours, a tiny figure appeared under the giant pit.

Lying on the side of the huge crater that was smashed out by the Bull God Fist in this several hundred meter depression, [True God of the Bull Demon God] fainted directly.

"What~??? It's not dead???"

But it doesn't matter, although this Eternal Annihilation Demon Mage is powerful and successfully resisted my Bull Demon God Fist, but it is probably a piece of cake for my old bull to bear his blow.

Whoosh! ! !

Fang Han unfolded his movement skills, and [Crazy Bomb] directly brought him out of the depression, and in the next second, he had already appeared in the position of the Bull Demon God.

"Hey, you human race, how did you do it?"

"Actually, I almost died! But I have abilities that you can't imagine. Without these two things, I still dare to be the number one existence in the plane of [Nine Gods Domain]? Dream on."

[Bull Demon God True God] gave a thumbs up directly: "Bull!"

Fang Han cast a sidelong glance at the bull god.

"It's my turn?"

"Come on, come on, after you finish punching, I have to go back to the Bull Demon Palace~ By the way, are there any flowers around here? The kind that are beautiful and fragrant, wild flowers are the best, if there are no wild flowers, it's not bad to grab some flowers and go back to do business .”

At this moment, this beef cow is still thinking about those people from the Demon Bull Temple?

Sure enough, it is enough to "care for the family".

huh huh~

huh huh~

【Ding! You have merged with Crazy Bomb]

【Ding! You have fused the cryo-ray]

【Ding! You have merged the electric field]

【Ding! You have merged with the witchcraft curse]


Since Fang Han is an existence of eternal annihilation, of course he must use magic to condense and form a fist form, and then use this form to attack the Bull Demon God.

But he won't attack the opponent directly with his fists like the Bull Demon God.

When he integrated the energy released by the tens of thousands of skills he had practiced into a "fist form" space.

This space is like a space that was blown to the point of bursting, reaching the limit of 100 meters by 100 meters.

In the fist form, it is full of endless magic power.

These powers flow in the form of a stream, like a huge colorful bubble under the sunlight. It looks good, but it makes [Bull Demon God True God]'s head numb.

ya ya ya ya~

I'm afraid this fist didn't come out of the sky~

Ten thousand times bigger than a fist the size of a casserole?

This eternal annihilation big Mage, how did he do it?

This strength is indeed terrifying~

Here, the Bull Demon God True God, saw Fang Han's magically gathered fist, stretching the distance of a mountain from the front of the fist to the end of the fist, and knew that this punch was not simple at all.

He was promoted from a bull demon to a "true god".

Originally thought that even if it was Nirvana, it would be impossible to knock him down with a single punch.

After all, the opponent is a Mage, not the Blood Bull Warrior who is the main physical output.

It's just Mage, in the memories of all the powerful people in the Nine Layers of Gods, this is a crisp existence.

It is estimated that God Nirvana does not exceed this category! ! !

Obviously, when this "big mac big fist" was "blown" by various magic powers, [Bull Demon God True God] was really frightened.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

At this moment, a strange wind came over.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Han, who had the aura of ID Nirvana on his head, slammed down the "big fist" smoothly.

【Ding! You were hit by a crazy bomb...]

【Ding! You were critically hit by a fire attack...]

【Ding! You were critically hit by a freezing ray...]

【Ding! You have been critically hit by the electric shock field...]

【Ding! You have been hit by a magic ring resistance...]


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