[Mysterious old man has accepted your weapon upgrade consumable "Human Clam Spider Royal Silk X12]

[Mysterious old man has accepted your weapon upgrade consumable "Flame Flintstone X124]

[Mysterious old man has accepted your weapon upgrade consumable "Extreme Silver Mine X72"

[Mysterious old man has accepted your weapon upgrade consumable "Pearl of Extinction X1]


Then, the mysterious old man narrowed his eyes and calculated the price.

[You have received a transaction application from the mysterious old man]

"For the sake of an old friend, and it was introduced by Heaven Designated Nirvana, I will give you a 10% discount. The repair and upgrade price is 230 million gold coins. Not a single cent less."

"You old ghost, you just go and grab it. 230 million gold coins, where does my old cow have so much money?"

After all, although [True Bull Demon God] is powerful.

And it is one of the masters of the domain plane.

However, there are too many wives in his palace.

Ladies, all have little coffers.

Only the great Bull Demon God, True God, was looted by his wives, and he was so poor that only the bell around his neck was ringing~

It was not like this~

But who made [Bull Demon God True God] soft-hearted.

So, when he was about to use the money, he was dumbfounded!

Upgrading weapons is his love!

The lady in Niu Shen Palace is also his love!

It's hard to choose!

Tie Miansheng coughed.

Call the mysterious old man aside.

"For the sake of God Nirvana, old man, can you give Brother Niu another discount, such as 30% off? 40% off, 50% off can't be more. Okay, 20% off, 20% off, that's it! I’m going to Nirvana God’s Gold Curry to help you bring gold coins over!”

Half an hour later, I felt the mysterious old man who had been slashed for a bargain.

With heartache, he accepted dozens of carts of gold coins, a total upgrade fee of less than 200 million gold coins.

Then, the mysterious old man stood on the table very domineeringly, and pinched out five fingers to [Bull Demon God True God]: "Get out, don't disturb me. Come and get it after five days!"

"I'm so pissed off, mysterious old ghost, when I successfully upgrade my weapon, I'll crush all your eggs!"

Seeing Nirvana's face, Tie Miansheng quickly stepped forward and covered the mouth of the Bull Demon God, telling him not to provoke the mysterious old man.

Then, Tie Miansheng was ordered by God Nirvana to take the Bull Demon God for shopping, to the guild camp, the training place for guild experts, and the Boos power area to which the city-state alliance belongs.

[Bull Demon God True God] Wherever you go, where you eat.

With his mass, the merchants of the city-state alliance suffered a lot.

After all, as soon as the 【Ox Demon God True God】 arrived, those businessmen who opened the cafeteria would directly lose money to the bottom.

Tie Mian was born here, and received more than 1,000 complaint letters in a blink of an eye.

He opened one of the complaints and said: "Complaint: The God of the Bull Demon God ate all the food in my restaurant. He also ate up the unprocessed ingredients. He sneezed out... The store applied to put up a sign—the Bull Demon God will not be entertained in this store!"

Tie Miansheng replied directly: "Your store is operating in Misty City, and you will be tax-free for five years! Lord Niu Moshen is a friend of God Nirvana, please bear with us. The city owner's treasury will fill in the deficit of your store."


Fang Han was overjoyed when he received the news.

This Bull Demon God is simply a eater.

It was an anecdote that the restaurants and inns in the entire Misty City were eaten by him alone, which made Fang Han laugh half to death.

"Well, the food intake of this old cow is indeed amazing, but this consumption is nothing to our city-state alliance. We just need to send more people to harvest ingredients and get more animal meat. That's all, it will be enough. Consumption of food materials after joining the new forces!"

[Mission: The Second Floor of the Plane Magic City]

[Task Requirements: Kill the first floor Boos "Shadow King" of the Plane Magic City]

Fang Han, who gained experience in the magic city of the first level, flew to the innermost position of the first level after killing a wave of monsters.

Then, I found a magic city veteran who was in charge of teleportation.

After seeing the veteran's request, Fang Han used the [World Teleportation Stone] to go to another area.

Then, he encountered the existence of the first floor big Boos "Phantom King".

Their occupations are the same.

The difference is that Fang Han is a human race, and this Boos is a demon race!

After stalking and scanning each other, Fang Han and Boos Shadow King became excited.

【Human Race Heaven Designated, you are finally here! The powerful mana brewing in your body makes me very excited, if I drink your blood. I, the Shadow King, should be able to unlock the curse of the magic city very quickly, fly out from the magic city of the plane, and harm the Nine Layers of God Realm! 】

Fang Han sneered.

"With this limit, you dare to say you dominate the Nine Layers of God Realm?"

【Human Race Heaven Designated, don't feel horrible, and don't feel afraid. Let me tell you a secret. Anyone who has the ability to open the "Plane Magic City" exists. The magic city of the plane will open automatically, do you know why? Because I'm hungry! 】

[I guess you have already guessed in your heart by now that when you enter the magic city of the plane, you will not enjoy the same treatment as other strong people who enter the magic city of the plane. 】

【Because, only you are qualified to be my food. In other words, the deity is only interested in eating you. Are you surprised to hear this? 】

In connection with what happened in the magic city of the plane during this period of time, it is basically consistent with what Boos the shadow king described.

Moreover, there are so many strong people from the plane, including the strong from the city-state alliance, the strong from the bull demon field, and different players from other planes broke in.

Tens of millions of players have searched in the field of Powerless Demon City, and no player has ever discovered the existence of [Phantom King].

This proves that what the other party said is true!

And it is definitely not a coincidence that it appeared in front of Fang Han now.

"Are you the only one looking for me? No, another possibility is that I, God Nirvana, is also looking for you???"

"What an arrogant guy!"

Shadow method Wang Li immediately scanned the attributes of Nirvana master Fang Han.


[Level]: lv68

[Race]: Human race (flame) "Strong" (Heaven Designated)

【Occupation】: Annihilation Mage

[Lord]: Tier 6

HP: 870.31w/870.31w

Mana: 658329/658329

Five-dimensional attributes: Intelligence 5862, Constitution 4216, Agility 3917, Energy 5519, Charm 3749

Attack: 34599 (30% bonus for team battle souls)

Defense: 60426 (soul power trigger bonus 29%)

Critical rate: 191%

Anti-riot rate: 158%

Movement Speed: 1750%

Damage Passive: 145%

Group Soul Awakening: 24% (lv3)

Light Force: 22


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