[I found the lv100 shadow magic king in the patrol of the magic city of the plane! The world will undergo drastic changes, please be ready to accept the changes, the masters of the guilds under my plane in the Nine Layers of Gods! 】

Tie Miansheng was shocked.

With this news, he immediately went to find the Bull Demon God.

The Bull Demon God also came to him, and the two met in the square of Misty City.

At the same time, Alexander also came.

Surprisingly, Dragon Sniper Moon from the Bloodland League is also here!

"What the hell happened to Heaven Designated?"

Alexander asked the newly joined masters of the city-state alliance together.

Tie Miansheng said: "Should I say it or not. All of us know about the fact that God Nirvana went to break through the magic city of the plane. But the appearance of Boos Shadow King made me suspicious again."

"Hey, why does my old cow listen to you so hard? Brother Tie Mian Sheng, can you be more straightforward?"

[Bull Demon God True God] said.

The leader of the blood domain, Dragon Sniper Zhiyue, sighed: "The iron-faced city lord means that this incident may trigger the reorganization of the Nine-Layered God Realm! Plane reorganization! Space forces and plane forces will make it difficult for the area, in other words. Once The demonic city of the plane is pierced, and no one can guarantee that the forces of other passages will pass through here, and what means will be used to affect the entire Nine Layers of God Realm!"

This guy is not stupid.

No wonder it is the alliance partner chosen by Nirvana.

Winning over Dragon Sniper Moon is definitely a smart move.

Tie Miansheng clenched his fists and said following his words: "Everyone, just in case... I just said in case. Something bad happened. Please be mentally prepared."

"What are you talking about? If you dare to curse God Nirvana, I will serve you with an iron fist!"

Alexander was stunned.

Quickly persuaded: "Brother Niu, don't worry. In other areas of the Nine Layers of Gods, I also know a powerful person who distributes tasks. Let me contact them. Make a decision after clarifying the situation."

【Bull Demon God True God】I can't wait any longer.

He asked Tie Miansheng, Alexander, and Dragon Sniper Moon from the Bloodland Alliance for some [Equipment Forging Stones (God)], and immediately went to the mysterious old man's hut.

This time his temper was very hot.

When they broke in, the whole restaurant collapsed. It's all the fault of the bull's horns!

But [True God of Bull Demon God] still found that incredibly powerful yet very thin body in countless ruins.

"Old man, how is the [Soul Seizing Fork] that you upgraded for me now?"

"Ox Demon God, didn't you agree to pick it up in five days? It's only the third day, what do you want to do?"

The mysterious old man is also very angry.

Upgrading a peerless weapon is a very tricky thing.

As an old man who treats upgrading equipment as an art.

The attitude and demeanor of [Bull Demon God True God] ruined the style of the restaurant when he came in, making him very speechless.

But the other party is in a hurry. I'm so anxious that the horns are dripping with sweat~

"Hey, mystic brother, old cow, I'm sorry for you. When I return from the war, I can kneel down and kowtow to you. But now I have to take the Soul Reaping Fork!!!"

See [Bull Demon God True God]'s resolute attitude.

The mysterious old man also showed a puzzled look.

Then he directly asked a sentence: "Because Sting????"

[Bull Demon God True God] knocked down a scrapped wall with one fist, and said viciously: "God Nirvana, he is surrounded by shadow Mage!"

That's it? ? ~

The mysterious old man is very curious.

The Bull Demon God was impatient. He roared: "What the hell is the demon Mage above level 90, ten, ten, do you know? Moreover, there is such a terrifying Shadow King, his level is..."

Bull Demon God directly moved the received message to the mysterious old man.

The mysterious old man focused on the key of "lv100".

Then he just passed out.

"Hurry up and help me up, I will help you upgrade your equipment."

"Mysterious old man, you can't lose the chain at the critical moment. My old cow said that I would crush your balls to scare you."

Bull Demon God Zhenshen expressed that he was very hurt.

His huge hands are desperate to help.

But he messed up some materials for upgrading the equipment, and was directly sprayed out by the mysterious old man with a mouthful of thousand-year-old phlegm.

"Go, go, go, go!!!"

The aggrieved [Bull Demon God True God] stood outside the [Broken Restaurant].

He wiped the saliva off his face and sighed: "This old man is so powerful, my old cow's face was flooded by his saliva... It's so embarrassing. Wait, it's okay, there is no one on the street!"

He is not confused at all.

He quickly threw the acceleration consumables needed to upgrade the equipment to the mysterious old man. While the latter was leveling up, he was receiving the things thrown by [Bull Demon God True God], and he was able to pick them up one by one without looking behind him.

This skill proves that when the mysterious old man was young, he was 100% the same existence as the God of the Nine Layers of Gods!

The power of the Misty City City-State Alliance, even a mysterious old man is so powerful. Human race, don't underestimate it! ! !

【Ding! Your upgraded equipment, the Soul Seizing Fork, has been upgraded...]

On the street, because of the collapse of the restaurant, there was too much dust.

The equipment I just received was actually covered in dust.

The Bull Demon God flicked his huge sleeve, and the big golden font that burst out from the equipment appeared: ... The upgrade was successful!

"Aha, God Nirvana, my old cow is here. My old cow is here to help. Destroy the magic city of the plane!"

The Bull Demon Domain must participate in the battle!

Leave a phantom Magelv level above 95 for me to deal with, hahaha, the war has started, there is nothing more joyful than starting a war. "

[Bull Demon God True God] His nature is exposed.

This is why Fang Han took a fancy to him.

Otherwise, to survive in such a dangerous space as the Nine Layers of Gods, whoever is full and has nothing to do will raise a pet that eats up a whole city to pass the time.

Fortunately, Fang Han's eyesight is good, and the Bull Demon God can fight as much as he can eat.

Now, on the first floor of the Demon City of the Plane, Fang Han had already stopped, and made a move to the first challenger, the lv97 Shadow Mage [Blood War Dynasty].

【Scanning Eye SS】

[ID Blood War Dynasty]

[lv97 (magic)]


Those who have cultivated to lv90 or above, and can become the subordinates of the Shadow King in the Demonic Palace of the Plane, are generally [demons]!

The opponent's level is very high, full of mana, even if he is not summoned, he is still covered with a layer of Mage's exclusive shield.

This is a bit different than Summon Shield, but the nature is the same.

If the opponent is very strong, he has to break through his multiple shields before he can use his powerful attack power to penetrate his life restricted area.

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