Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 325 Fighting The Immortals

What a terrifying murderous intent!

[True God of Bull Demon God] was taken aback.

Even with the help of Nirvana, who helped him immunize most of the anti-killing magic, the Shadow King still took away one-third of his vitality.

This King of Phantom really lived up to his reputation.

When the two sides hit here, everything that should be tested has been tested, and now is the time to show their absolute strength and crush the opponent.

Fang Han's eyes met those of the Shadow King.

Then, both parties broke the previous agreement very tacitly.

Fang Han flew towards the opponent, and the Shadow King also flew towards Fang Han.


"Boss, why did you run away?"

"Ahhhhhh~ I hate you so much~"

【Ox Demon God True God】After Fang Han found out that he was fighting with the Phantom King, the remaining nine phantom Mage (magic) under the Phantom King's command all came towards him.

This situation is very bad.

Bull Demon God directly expressed that he couldn't bear it.

After frantically drinking a few bottles of life supplement potion, he held up the Soul Seizing Fork, and ruthlessly crossed towards a row of shadow mages.

On Fang Han's side, with the help of the penetration ability of the movement skill [Sudden S] in the extreme speed state, Fang Han gave the Shadow King a beautiful "Shock East and West" from the very beginning.

"Uh... was it empty?"

Shadow Law King's [Fire of Destroying Darkness] exploded in the distant airspace.

It turns out that Fang Han is gone!

Where did God Nirvana go?

Not good, it’s a slap in the face!

The [Sudden S] skill that caused a psychological shadow to the Shadow King exploded again!


It's that silky smooth.

In the next second, with the help of experience, he flashed in front of [Bull Demon God True God].

The [Crazy Bomb] summoned by the [Scepter of the God King] instantly blasted the nine remaining mages gathered together into scum.

"Sneak attack! Such a sneak attack!"

【Ding! Your Crazy Bomb successfully hits the "Heart of Great Light" and the opponent's HP has been deprived of 100%]

【Ding! Your Crazy Bomb successfully hit the "Magic Sword Master" and the opponent's HP has been deprived of 100%]

【Ding! Your Crazy Bomb successfully hits the "King of the Crazy Dragon" and the opponent's HP has been deprived of 100%]

【Ding! Your Crazy Bomb successfully hits the "Bewitching Calamity" and the opponent's HP has been deprived of 100%]


The message popped up six times in a row.

Killed the six great powers cultivated by the Shadow King in one go.

It doesn't matter if the other party points at his nose and calls Fang Han a "sneak attack".

turn around.

The face is a bull face.

"Bull Demon God True God"

"Boss, I'm here, please say!"

"How is my performance, boss?"

"Quack, croak, croak, croak. My old cow wants to do a hand dance to celebrate your performance, Boss! It's so awesome, no, it's so goddamn full!"

Fang Han tore off a beard on the face of the Bull Demon God.

Then blow it off!

"Then here comes the problem, I blew up 6 phantom mages for you in one go, and the rest..."

[Ox Demon God True God] patted his chest and said: "Boss, don't worry. My Soul Seizing Fork can take care of the rest!"


Before Fang Han returned to the battlefield to fight against the Shadow King, he also gave the Bull Demon God a healing light.

Then, a huge life totem appeared in the sight of the Bull Demon God.

【Ding! The war life totem healed your 2.26 million health points]

【Ding! The war life totem healed your 3.31 million health points]


Looking at the shadow of God Nirvana going to the other side for a decisive battle, [True God of the Bull Demon God] was directly moved and cried.

Put up the thumb that hasn't been washed in 800 years: "Good boss!"

This scene, the remaining few ghosts Mage couldn't bear to watch.

[Fairy's Luck (Magic)] He yelled wildly: "Hey, old cow god, why are you crying? Afraid of being surrounded and killed by us?"

[Twilight's Calamity (Magic)] snorted coldly: "The boss of his family, God Nirvana, killed our six shadow Mage in one go. Let's avenge this revenge! Peel his cowhide. Eat His divine flesh!"


"Hoo hoo hoo!"

Several frenzied shadows flitted away one after another, actively launching a world-destroying spell at the Bull Demon God.

Then, in the area where God Nirvana and the Shadow King fought, another wave of light that destroyed the magic palace formed ripples and transmitted to this side.

——What a fierce magic light!

I don’t know if the master’s skill casts spells, or the master Nirvana~

buzz buzz~

There was a sharp pain in the ears. It is estimated that after this light wave mana penetrated the space of the magic city of the plane, they had passively accepted the price of losing their hearing!

After all, the fight between the gods over there is a decisive battle between four magic gods and a bull demon god, which cannot be compared.


"I don't believe [Magic Formless Casting] can't destroy you."

"So what about the [Magic Earth Shaking Mountains] just now? You may still be interrupted by me in the middle of your formless spellcasting. If you don't believe me, just try it!"

huh huh~

After the Shadow King took a quick breath, his mana has slowly recovered.

His [Magic Formless Casting] is indeed violent.

I thought that this trick skill could make the opponent get down.

How could he know that it was his subordinates who hurt him, and——, a bull god~!

"What the hell are you doing? Boss Phantom King, are you crazy! A few of us have been tricked."

Seeing that one of the ghosts, Mage, had been tricked by their boss, the Bull Demon God laughed so hard that the bull's mouth was crooked.

"Oh, it's so funny, it's so funny! God Nirvana, look at this group of stupid shadow Mages, they are worthy of living in the Demon Palace of the Plane, and it is impossible to dominate the Nine Layers of God Realm!"

These words are the reverse scales of the four Mages!

The four eyes of Mage filled with hatred shot out fire-like light.


"Destroy him!"

"No bullshit!"

"Steam first, then fry!"


It may be affected by the fight between the two elder gods.

The contest between the Bull Demon God and the four Dharma Gods has also reached a fever pitch at this moment.

While casting the spell, Fang Han took the time to glance over there.

"Well, [True Bull Demon God] has been trained by me, Nirvana, and now he can stand alone."

He felt very comforted, but the spell in his hand did not relax at all.

"Ah, this kid, he was distracted to look over there when he was casting the spell. He obviously didn't pay attention to me, the Shadow King. Take this opportunity to kill him!"

[Magic Strange Killing Wave] Summoned by the Shadow King.

The entire space on the first floor of the Demonic Palace of the Plane was swept away by countless murderous ripples, cutting holes one after another.

Then, strong wind, rocks, ghost energy, magic, energy, these tangible and intangible energies all poured in, forming a tsunami without water.



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