Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 347: Frost Desolation Sea Beast

As for whether this attack power is magic power or lich power, it depends on luck. After all, it is given randomly, and not every time you can have such good luck.

After Fang Han transported the businessman to the island's residential area according to the task instructions, he was rewarded with Wharton's flint stone X3.

Then, the most important part of the [Legend of Treasure] mission was triggered.

"It is said that Calamity Island was also called "Property Island" before. Everyone here has mastered an ancestral craft. They will build equipment, inlay materials, weave various armor and clothes, and nail horseshoes to the warriors' mounts. wait.

To restore Calamity Island to an attribute island, the frigid water beasts hidden in the submarine volcano must be eliminated. Heaven Designated If you have such qualifications, please go to Tokas to sign up. "


The cold and desolate water beast Boos finally showed up, it was not easy.

Fang Han knows the functions of these materials such as "fire spar" and "lucky black iron ore". Now that luck comes and can trigger these hidden applications, of course he must make good use of it.

The island, in front of Tokas.

"Heaven Designated, congratulations on completing X5 branch missions of the treasure mission, and now the main mission X1 has been triggered, do you want to enter the seabed where the frigid sea beasts are?"

Fang Han knew how dangerous the seabed was, so he immediately took out one "water-avoiding bead and one fire-avoiding bead" from the warehouse Curry, and swallowed them in one gulp.


call! ~

Ahead, a huge tide was raging in a storm.

The power from the sea is combining with the power of the submarine volcano, like a titan lying on the bottom of the water, turning the entire eastern sea area of ​​Calamity Island into turbidity.

Fang Han watched the sea calmly, and then suddenly found that the erupting submarine volcano suddenly stopped.

Then, a huge monster slowly emerged from the bottom of the water.

Fang Han immediately exclaimed: "Frost Sea Beast!"

"Human race, you shouldn't come to this place. Don't you know? This is a real disaster island, and you are looking for death when you come here!"

As soon as the frigid sea beast showed up, it showed Fang Han a trick.

After all, the volcano on the bottom of the sea can be stopped with a single Boos.

This one-handed operation not only showed the ability of the cold desolate sea beast, but also a deterrent power in it.

Not to mention that this hand operation is very coquettish~

"Cold desolate sea beast, because of your existence, this island has lost its vitality for tens of millions of years, you should die!"

"Hahaha, the untouchables on the island often say the same thing, but the ancestors of our cold sea beast clan were also scolded down from generation to I don't care at all."

Fang Han summoned a group of 【Crazy Bombs】.

Then he demonstrated to the cold desolate sea beast: "So the evil power from the cold desolate sea beast family inherited by you must be completely eliminated. Return the attribute island to the whole picture!"

Hearing the words Attribute Island, the eyes of the cold desolate sea beast floated out of the sea.

After staring at Fang Han for a while, the Frost Desolate Sea Beast said, "Okay, great! You finally know the secret of the treasure!"

"Yes, I want the treasure! Frost Sea Beast, your Boos life, I want it too!"

The [Crazy Bomb] that was brewing was finally thrown out by Fang Han.

A circle of ripples suddenly appeared on the sea surface.

Then the fire exploded again in the place where the volcanic flame was originally erupting.

The frigid sea beast dived into the bottom of the water in an instant, and after Fang Han's [Crazy Bomb] released all the power, the frigid sea beast floated up again.

"Oh, Human Race, your [Crazy Bomb] is very good. My tentacles have marked it and learned it. Thank you for sending such a powerful skill to Calamity Island!"

Fang Han was taken aback.

This guy can't be a perverted Boos.

It can plunder my powerful Mage skill [Crazy Bomb] with one slash? ? ?

Fang Han shook his head slowly, expressing some disbelief.

"Hahaha, human race, do you not believe what I said?"

"Does it need to be said? I don't believe that three words are written on my face."

Fang Han retorted the cold desolate sea beast.

"Okay, then I'll use your skills to give you a try."

Fang Han spread out his hands directly.

Please start your show!

Then he didn't dare to be careless.

After all, because this boss is lurking on the bottom of the sea and launched an attack, so far, his [Scanning Eye SS] has not successfully deciphered its full attributes.

But judging from the appearance and the tens of thousands of years of cultivation in such a harsh environment, the combat power of the cold desolate sea beast is definitely comparable to the existence of the human toad and spider king!

You can't go wrong with that.

"[Crazy Bomb]!!!"

The Frost Sea Beast threw the skills belonging to Fang Han towards Fang Han in the distance.

[Crazy Bomb] has different colors after the explosion, but its power, speed, and defense breaking effect are exactly the same as Fang Han's.

Fortunately, Fang Han was not careless, and had already pushed up the 【Shield of Mage】 earlier.

Coupled with the blessing of [Sun Wings].

As well as the partial reflection of [Spirit of Team Battle], it was only while shaking that it avoided the [Crazy Bomb] fired by the Frost Desolation Sea Beast, and did not cause too much damage.

Part of the missing [Life Point] is replenished as quickly as possible.

Overall, 【Crazy Bomb】has no effect on Fang Han's combat effectiveness and HP percentage.

But after such a throwing power, Fang Han and the Wild Sea Beast all showed expressions of surprise.

Fang Han was amazed by the learning ability of the frigid sea beasts!

He can actually reproduce his skill [Crazy Bomb] perfectly, how could he not be shocked!

The frigid sea beast was surprised that Fang Han could eat its [Crazy Bomb]! After all, this [Crazy Bomb] was thrown by the frigid sea beast as the main body.

Its power has increased by about 30% on the basis of the original [Crazy Bomb].

But even so, it didn't instantly kill the human race with the [Nirvana] halo on their heads. Both eyes of the cold desolate sea beast bulged out.

It seems that it is very surprised.

"You are indeed a great power of the human race, but unfortunately, you are always a Mage, not the ruler of the Nine Layers of Gods!"

Fang Han frowned, and said to the frigid sea beast: "What does it matter? So what? Should I treat you to eat another ball of [Frozen Ray]?"

The cold desolate sea beast laughed at Fang Han's words.

"Hahaha! Interesting, you are a very interesting human race. If you have any skills, just use them. Don't you see, I have eight tentacles!"

Fang Han calculated.

Since there are eight pairs of cold desolate sea beasts, that means sixteen tentacles.

That means that each of his tentacles can learn an opponent's skill.

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