Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 353 Killing The Hidden Boos Elf Spider King

But his kindness almost brought disaster.

【Ding! Scanning Eye SS passive scanning trigger, the Boos in front of you is Elf Spider King lv102, please handle it carefully]

When Fang Han saw the news provided by the glow of the scanning eye, his eyeballs almost fell out.


How could it be so fierce?

I, Nirvana, ate so many cubs just now, and all of them were low-level Boos, not even up to lv80.

This guy actually forced me to upgrade ahead of time.

And it's a terrifying lv102 level!

It, what kind of baby did [Elf Spider King] make. To be able to raise the level to such a terrifying height!

It's incredible.

Even if I, God Nirvana, speak in person, I guarantee that no one will believe me.

Jie Jie Jie Jie~

At this time, the Elf Spider King, who had eaten all the treasures, slid towards Fang Han step by step.

The ground of this cave space is very smooth, covered with paw prints of various beasts.

"No, although the cave is big, there is not enough space. Fighting with the Elf Spider King here is not good for me!"

Fang Han took a backward step, [Sudden S], the person has already flashed out of the cave.

Dozens of players are now probing their brains, looking for the Boos monsters they can hunt and kill.

Most of the bosses in this wild area have been wiped out by Fang Han's group.

It seems that these players have just arrived. After discovering the blood crows falling from the sky, they came to plunder some unwanted equipment and beast cores, improve a little experience, or take the unnecessary ones to sell in Misty City.

"Wow, I was scared to death, and a top-level master came out."

"No way, just by looking at the glowing equipment on his body, you can tell how high his level is. God, it really is a god!"

"I think I've seen this ID before. It's the Nirvana God of the City-State Alliance!"

"Ahh! God Nirvana, I love you, take us to fight monsters and upgrade..."



This elf spider king doesn't wait for those human players to "worship" the great god Nirvana.

Just killed these players with a limit [Incense Voodoo] in seconds.

Poor players, everyone was covered with green poison and returned to Misty City. After the resurrection, he was still dazed.

"What happened just now?"

"It seems that we are poisoned."

"God Nirvana is too much, why didn't he come to the rescue?"

"No wonder people, we were accidentally killed by Boos."

"Before I died, I seemed to see the level of that boss, lv102!"

"No, since the opening of the Nine Layers of Gods, level 100 boosts are rare. Lv102 is definitely a restricted level boost!"

"It's not surprising. God Nirvana rarely accepts missions in the main city mission area, whether it's upgrade missions or equipment missions. These are routine missions."

"It's okay, I know what's going on. That super big Boos is the big devil in the restricted-level hidden mission received by God Nirvana."

"Yes, yes, nothing wrong, brothers, do you still want to go to that area to make a fortune?"

"Send you a dead head, die back to the city, I will lose my rank. And make a fortune, make a fortune."

"Forget about getting rich, that Boos is too perverted. Only God Nirvana can destroy it. One [War Roar] will kill us all in seconds. When you die, you will get a green poison as a gift. It's not worth it!"


"News: You have received an invitation to form a team from God Nirvana!"

"Team formation news: You have received an invitation from Nirvana to form a team!"

"News: You have received an invitation to form a team from God Nirvana!"

"Team formation news: You have received an invitation from Nirvana to form a team!"


The few who started the group have already been pulled into the group by Nirvana master Fang Han.

Those who did not start a group were allowed to join the invitation team while waiting.

And then,

[You were resurrected and returned to the origin of death under the teleportation of Nirvana's "World Teleportation Stone"]

[You have returned to the origin of death under the teleportation of Nirvana's "World Teleportation Stone"]


At this moment, the duel between Fang Han and the Elf Spider King was coming to an end.

All of these players opened their mouths wide. When they saw this scene, they were so excited that their blood vessels were about to explode.

"My God, it's really an lv102 elf spider king!"

"This Boos is super awesome!"

"It's so fucking exciting, let me die a hundred times, and I'm willing!"

"I really want to summon a flame magic to bombard this hundred-level pervert!"

"Hey hey hey, watch Nirvana's extreme operation~"

At this time, this regular player team was already standing on a grassland hillside, watching Fang Han use [Crazy Bomb] to deal with this monster.

After the Elf Spider King released [Skynet Flame], he organized another release of [Incense Voodoo].

But the green voodoo all over the mountains and plains did not hit God Nirvana.

On the contrary, the faces of these players who watched the battle were ashen.

They just fell for this thing and were beaten back to Misty City.

Now, seeing this kind of voodoo again, everyone will naturally change color.

"Are you still using this boring skill?"

Nirvana master Fang Han let out a soft roar, and then with the help of the mighty power of [Close-up Flashing S], he got closer to the Elf Spider King less than half a meter away.

Then, the palm force formed by the eternal annihilation of his magic turned into a huge [Mad Dragon Blood Moon Knife] With a chirping sound, the magic blade destroyed the cavity of the Elf Spider King.

This lv102-level Boos, which was more than ten meters high, finally uttered a few screams of "Gee-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G's" , and with a bang, fell headfirst on Fang Han's instep.

Fang Han flashes back!

"God Nirvana, be careful!"

Experienced players, send out an immediate reminder.

Because they knew that the Elf Spider King was dead.

The [Incense Voodoo] sprayed from the spider's mouth will also poison ordinary players to death!

"Thank you for reminding!"

"Nirvana God! Nirvana God, he is talking to me!"

"Ah, I'm going to die, I'm going to die, God Nirvana actually pays attention to us little people."

"Cool! It's so cool. We actually got the Boos experience splashed here!"


At the same time, Fang Han's body and the body of a dozen team players were forcibly raised to LV1 almost at the same time.

Fang Han is here.

【Ding! Congratulations, you have jumped to level lv80]

【Ding! Congratulations, you have obtained all the rewards for this level of transition]

【Ding! Congratulations, you have opened all open maps at level lv80]

【Ding! Congratulations, you have won the first place in the rank list of Nine Layers of Gods]


A large number of rewards continue to be issued:

【Ding! You got the reward for killing the hidden Boos Elf Spider King]


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