Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 373 100,000 Friendship Applications

Alexander opened his eyes and saw that it was a soul bottle.

Immediately happy blooming!

Holding the bottle and kissing.

"Heaven Designated, your ability has exceeded my expectations. It seems that my previous decision to lead the forces of Yixing City to submit to the city-state plane is completely correct. Thank you for helping me complete the task of plundering the life soul!"

【Ding! You have received an experience reward from the Lord of Alexandria, 100 million experience points have been sent to your backpack in the form of an experience value scroll, please check it in time]

Fang Han directly ate the 100 million experience.

Then, in Yixing City, Alexander's City Lord's Mansion, he had a hearty meal, and finally returned to his main city.

The main city is still as lively as before.

But after the baptism of death of the Booslv105 Shadowless Demon, Fang Han felt that everything was so fresh.

After all, anyone who stepped on the death line would feel this way.

"Ah, my main city is so beautiful! Why didn't I notice these details before?"

After crossing a square, and then going around to the fountain in the middle, Fang Han walked among the players coming and going. Fang Han found various expressions on the faces of the players.

This, infected Fang Han.

"Look, who is that handsome guy with a staff on his back!"

"That demon Mage is so tall and thin, I really like it."

"He seems to be hiding his ID."

"Why bother, go to a crowded place to make friends."

"Handsome is handsome, I don't know if it's a trick. If the level is low, even if he is handsome, our guild will not accept him."

People around are talking about it.

Some guilds saw the handsome Fang Han.

Prepare to pull him into your guild.

However, Fang Han hid his ID, which made these guild bosses very "annoying". After all, their goal is to pull people's heads.

"Handsome guy, are you a novice? But novices don't shine like you. I'm curious, who are you?"

Two female players blocked Fang Han's way at this time.

Fang Han stopped and took two bottles of magic potions.

Then put the potion bottle aside.

An experienced female Archer picked up his magic potion and put it under her sight, screaming immediately.

"Wow, oh! It's [Magic Potion (God)] and it's the one with unlimited refills. This is a power with a hidden identity! Hey, handsome guy, am I right?"

Fang Han put the magical scepter [Scepter of the God King] whose attributes are also hidden under his head, lying next to the rock fountain, with a light grass in his mouth, and said comfortably: "Guess! If you guess right, There is a small gift!"

Some of the casual players around the fountain were players who had just returned to the city to replenish potions.

Some are players who are selling items and looking for buyers.

Some are mighty figures with status in cities waiting for missions.

There are some guild forces that specialize in pulling people's heads.

In short, there are all kinds of people.

"Then you must be the boss of the [Great Rewards] guild."

Fang Han shook his head.

"No, then you must be the boss of the [Brotherhood]."

Fang Han shook his head again.

The two beauties were a little stunned.

"The players who come near this fountain are mostly middle-level guild players under the capital city-state alliance. Don't tell me that you belong to the [War of Raging Waves] guild! Or you are from the [Lixian Hall] guild under the command of the city lord Tie Miansheng. I don't care. Will believe it!"

Fang Han said with a smile: "These guilds are not bad. But they are just small forces."

The eyes of the two beauties widened instantly.

These guilds are powerful guild forces directly led by God Nirvana, and their guild rankings have always been at the top of the Nine Layers of Gods.

This guy who hides all his identity information dares to speak ill of the [Lixian Hall] and [War of Raging Waves] guilds, hit him!

"Hey, be more reserved. You are female gamers!"

Although he knew it was a joke, Fang Han didn't want to dirty his magic robe.

At this time, a powerful plane appeared.

As soon as this superpower of the plane appeared near the rock fountain, he sensed a group of "teaming" rays of light.

"God Nirvana, is that you?"

The iron-faced city lord walked up to Fang Han.

Then, get down on one knee.

"Hey, why are you so ostentatious? These players, I'll give you a little gift."

As soon as the magic flashed in Fang Han's hands, some potions, small props, infinitely usable teleportation scrolls and other fetishes were piled up into three piles for the players around to pick them up.

These things are useless to him at all, because the World Boos explosion rate is very low, but he hits more Boss, and naturally gets more props.

Moreover, he has saved trillions of pieces of equipment in Curry.

There is no shortage of this at all.


[You have received a friend request from player "Flamingo"]

[You have received a friend request from the player "Allure Yujun"]

[You received a friend request from a player "Why don't you marry me after watching me"]


In a short time, Fang Han received 100,000 dating applications.

Fang Han went numb~

If I had known earlier, it would be great to continue to hide my identity!

Soon, the news that God Nirvana appeared in the rock fountain spread like wildfire.

Tie Miansheng regretted it and forced the "God Nirvana" to show his original shape.

Now he has become an "Orderer" in the flow of people adoring Fang Han, being pushed towards the main city square.

Beside Fang Han, those screaming fans and players, how crazy are they going to be at this moment.

Someone squeezed in from the outside until they vomited and pulled Fang Han's magic robe.

Someone grabbed Nirvana's hand and wouldn't let him go.

Someone even cut Fang Han's hair with a weapon...

These fans are crazy!

Fang Han put up a shield directly to protect himself.

The players around, not only did not lose their enthusiasm, but they shouted that classic slogan.

"Follow God Nirvana and eat ninety meals in three days!"

"Follow God Nirvana and eat ninety meals in three days!"

"Follow God Nirvana and eat ninety meals in three days!"


Half an hour later, Fang Han finally returned to his place.

Tie Miansheng was tired and fell down.

Sit on the 【Danlord's Chair】to rest.

"God Nirvana, if I don't show up, the players might find you in the rock fountain, and the players will eat you up, believe it or not?"

"I believe!"

"Hey, they adore you so much that I had to stun a few crazy players when maintaining order just now. Otherwise, they will turn you into a "pickle" and keep you forever. I love you to kill you! Just ask if you are afraid?"

Fang Han laughed.

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