They finally began to look at God Nirvana, Misty City, and this young city-state plane with pilgrimage eyes!

"Don't forget that I am also a part of this plane. One day, I will look up to God Nirvana! Become a strong man, the most powerful god in the Nine Layers of Gods!"

A player tosses a coin, a gold coin, into the central fountain.

Then he cut open a stone with a saber, and used it as his inscription!

After making his wish, the little Warrior, whose eyes were full of tears, left the central fountain with the high-level equipment [Demon Slaying Sword (lv75 equipment)] he obtained in this [Treasure Blowout Project].

This little Warrior is only level lv65, and he is a loner Warrior.

He grew up watching [Congratulations to God Nirvana for completing the second stage of the Nine-Layered God's Domain, the first demon-killing mission (full-form metal crab king), and getting double world Boos rewards] from the first day.

But just a lonely Warrior.

I don't like to form teams, I don't like PK, I don't like team battles.

He came into this world just to experience the fun of the game.

In one's own career in Nine Layers of Gods, to discover the difference, beauty and flavor of this world.

However, that's one such little Warrior.

Ever since I got the [Demon-Slaying War Knife], my heart seems to be on fire.

It is now shedding hot tears and passing by the fountain in the square with eyes adoring God.

The little Warrior swore secretly that one day, he would be worthy of this demon-slaying knife that he got by good luck!


Misty City.

In the palace of the ruler of the plane.

Fang Han was exhausted after a day of activities.

Just finished washing, and had another big meal.

Then, sit in the backyard of the palace and watch the stars.

Inside the palace, there are busy subordinates.

Overlords such as Tie Miansheng, the lord of Misty City, and Long Yizhiyue, the lord of the Bloodland League, sat in the hall and took care of the guild affairs of those planes for Fang Han.

Now this plane has become the first plane in the world of the Nine Layers of the Gods, and the official duties to be handled every day are extremely heavy.

Tie Miansheng never dreamed that he, a little Shield Warrior, would one day be trained to be a god sitting in the palace of the ruler of the plane.

"Ah, this is the 1798th city lord seal I made today, my hands are so sore!"

"Brother Tie Mian, you're better. Look at [Ox Demon God True God], he was covered with the seal of the Bull Demon Realm, and fell asleep under the cover. The saliva needs to be picked up with a basin! The waiters here are coming in and out Hundreds of times. If it weren't for their attentive service, the City Lord's Mansion and the Ruler's Palace would probably be drooling!"

"Hahaha, that's ridiculous!"

"Who is it? Who is laughing at me."

The Bull Demon God True God woke up at this time.

Then I saw where I was, and sure enough I put a basin, which was full of my own drool, and it was estimated to weigh twenty or thirty catties.

"Ah, I'm drooling again. Sorry! I made you all laugh. Where's God Nirvana?"

"God Nirvana is watching the stars in the backyard of the palace, so don't allow me to disturb you."

"Fuck! My old cow also wants to watch the stars! God Nirvana likes to play, and my old cow will definitely like it!"

"A sycophant."

Amidst the laughing and scolding of Long Yizhiyue and other good brothers, the Bull Demon God True God had already got up, and ran to the backyard with a smile to ask for a reward from Nirvana Great God.

【Ding! Your cultivation field has been nourished, and the power of chaos has increased by 1%]

"Strange, so weird!"

Fang Han is meditating at this time.

When the Bull Demon God broke in, his main god just came out from a space.

Then, Fang Han recalled the process of entering [Chaos Time and Space].

Could it be that this time, he unexpectedly gained the bonus of [Power of Chaos]?

Resolutely opened the personal attributes panel.

ID: Nirvana (team battle glory, world plane leaderboard glory)

[Level]: lv82 dominates the world)

[Race]: Human race (flame) "Strong" (Heaven Designated)

【Occupation】: Annihilation Mage

[Lord]: Level 7

[Power of Chaos]: 1 (Explanation of Power Entry)

HP: 1160.31w/1160.31w

Mana: 857329/857329

Five-dimensional attributes: Intelligence 6782, Constitution 5203...


Seeing this, Fang Han finally got a definite answer.

In his attributes, there is indeed the existence of [Power of Chaos].

However, what role can this [Power of Chaos] play?

In Fang Han's mind, a question mark the size of an island suddenly rose!

"God Nirvana, what are you doing?"

"Ox Demon God, you are here! Sit down!"

"Oh! God Nirvana, let's have a drink later. Wei Zhong and Long Yi Zhiyue are almost done stamping. After finishing the official duties of the guild, you have to stop thinking about it, God Nirvana, do you think so?"

"Of course, Lord Bull Demon God, have you finished stamping the seal of your Bull Demon Domain?"

Fang Han asked.

Bull Demon God quickly changed the subject.

Fang Han laughed.

Patted the shoulder of the seriously disturbed Bull Demon God.

"You cow, you are actually lazy again today! If you don't finish the official seals of those cow devil domains, you won't have a drink at night."

The Bull Demon God showed an aggrieved expression, and touched his own horn.

"God Nirvana, when I attacked the lava hell, I did a lot of work. I was already exhausted during the day, and the things I hated the most were those text books. Why don't you do this, and someday wipe out the lava forces. You send me to help pioneer."

"God Nirvana, I [Ox Demon God True God] dare to pat my chest to assure you that I will be able to destroy the ghost king and other Boos who escaped today. Let the lava forces no longer have the ability to attack Misty City!"

"That's all?"

"more than!"

The God of Bull Demon God confided in his heart: "Master Nirvana, after seeing your invincible performance today, I want to worship you as my teacher. Can you teach me attack skills such as [Crazy Bomb] and [Frozen Ray]?"

Fang Han was taken aback.

These are the exclusive Eternal Annihilator Mage skills.

This [Bull Demon God True God], isn't he crazy?

It is a bull god, and all it learns are beast warfare skills.

Although his identity is a branch of the human race, these mage skills do not match him professionally.

"That's impossible. But in order to reward your performance in the battle against monsters this time, I decided to teach you a few tricks. If you can't learn [Crazy Bomb], learn [Crazy Blast]!"

It can be seen from [Bull Demon God True God]'s red eyes that the reward given to him by Fang Han has already made this old cow who has made great achievements extremely excited!

"Thank you, God Nirvana! I want to learn [Crazy Burst Slash]!"

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