Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 392 I, Bahamut, Actually Got Hired

Fang Han loosened his fingers.

A golden light was sent out.

next second.

A "Book of War!" has appeared in front of Boos King Bahamut.

Without hesitation, Bahamut affixed the great seal of King Boos.

Then with a hard push, the "War Letter" floated to Fang Han on the other side of the beacon tower.

Fang Han nodded in satisfaction after receiving the letter of challenge that had been "stamped" by both parties.

"Well, it's basically a contract reached in this gauntlet. If the city-state alliance plane wins the lava hell, the Nine Layers of Gods will recognize the city-state alliance's control over this world. Just like when I attacked the plague of mad witches, I took the blood domain by the way. There is a reason for the alliance to join the city-state alliance camp!"

Behind Fang Han.

The Bull Demon God was overjoyed.

"Ha, our city-state alliance plane, under your wise leadership, God Nirvana, the territory is about to expand again!"

"My city lord also congratulates God Nirvana in advance, who is about to recover the lava hell! Accept it as the territory of my native plane."

"This is a good thing, and we support it with both hands!"

"However, if so many territories are suddenly added, how will the city-state alliance plane deal with these lava hell soldiers in the future?"

"What do you do with so many of them, of course, just kill them." The Bull Demon God True God said.

At this time, Fang Han, who found that his subordinates had dragged the topic away, brought the topic back.

"Dragon Sniper Moon! Marquis Lie Yan, can I, God Nirvana, trust you?"

"God Nirvana, where are these words. Our Blood Alliance will always be loyal to you, God Nirvana!"

"That's right, the president of Dragon Sniper Moon has already spoken. I, Lie Yanhou, can still disobey orders, but God Nirvana, do you follow orders?"

Fang Han nodded.

"Okay, then when the team fights, I will hand over the most difficult battles to the Bloodland Alliance."

Then, Fang Han turned to 【Bull Demon God True God】.

"Old Niu, do you know why I picked you up alone a while ago to practice [Crazy Explosive Slash]?"

The Bull Demon God patted his head.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

"God Nirvana, what do you mean to say, let me practice [Crazy Explosive Slash] to level 6, all for the sake of this battle?"

"You guessed right. After [Crazy Burst Slash] is upgraded to level lv6, it can exert its maximum attack power every time. The attack method of your soul-snatching fork is especially effective against the soldiers of the lava hell. Those dozens of [ [Puppet Warrior] have made you useless! Their defense is more than ten times higher than that of lava trolls and lava soldiers. Therefore, in this place of lava hell, it is the place where your magical weapon, the soul-robbing fork, can exert its power !"

【Bull Demon God True God】Hearing this, he was overjoyed.

Immediately slapped his chest and promised that he would lead the Warriors in the bull demon domain and play the vanguard role well. No matter what role Boos King Bahamut sent to fight against the apprentice army from the city-state alliance plane, he would not embarrass the great god Nirvana !

"Then let's go to war! Bull Demon God, I order your vanguard army to attack the lava soldiers guarding Boos Palace immediately!"

"Received! Children, we have been selected by God Nirvana to be the main vanguard battalion of the city-state alliance plane! Perform well and use your swords and spears to create a brand new record in the field of bull demons! My bull demon god with you!"

"Long live the Bull Demon God!"

"Long live the Bull Demon God!"

"Long live the Bull Demon God!"


At this time, the vanguard army with a million Bull Demon Warriors marched out mightily.

Boos King Bahamut over there.

The Boos faction sent to the battlefield as a vanguard is ruled by Lieyan Tianzun.

Before the battle, Boos King Bahamut told him: "Because of Lord Ghost King's recommendation, this Boos King has chosen to trust you unconditionally. Lieyan Tianzun, you will not let this Boos King down!"

"Lord Bahamut, I swear, I will take off the head of [Bull Demon God True God]. Come and sacrifice it to Lord Bahamut and the god of lava hell!"

"Okay, you have the courage and determination. I, the Boos King, Bahamut, believe in you! Pull out your weapons and go to battle! I order, the Lava Hell Pioneer Battalion, immediately meet the human forces on the city-state alliance plane!"

The vanguard legions of the two sides have already begun to contact and fight.

Fang Han's side.

Fang Han, wearing the aura of "Nirvana", flew to the top of the Boos Palace.

After Boos King Bahamut issued the combat mission to the remaining four Boos Kings, he also flew to the top of the palace.

The Demon King's Sky Sword in his hand appeared in the hands of the Demon King in a familiar appearance to Fang Han!

【Ding! Scanning Eye SS scans and Boos King Bahamut appears at 2587, 4410]

【Ding! Your skill current field is brewing]

The countdown starts counting down:





【1 second! 】

time up!

Fang Han leisurely changed his hand to the other hand to "control" the electric shock field. Until now, his [Scepter of the God King] has not appeared in his hand.

But he was already summoning magic one step ahead. This bizarre behavior caught Bahamut's attention.

"Boy, what tricks are you playing?"

Fang Han showed an innocent expression and shrugged his shoulders.

"No, I'm just doing an experiment with a ball lightning excited by an electric current."

Bahamut's Boos raised an eyebrow.

"Experiment? What experiment?"

"Of course it's the magic reflection experiment after Lord Boos King Bahamut was resurrected!"

This sentence has just been finished.

Bahamut's eyelids jumped.

Then, in his demon king's eyes, he saw a ball of blue ball lightning blasting towards him at a very high speed.

"The moment has finally come. Then it's our turn to fight!"

The Demon King Heavenly Knife pointed forward, and a cloud of blade energy appeared in Boos Bahamut's blade.

Then, the demon king moved within five steps of Fang Han at a lightning speed, and the mighty light of the demon king's sky knife locked on the target and slashed out obliquely.

"[Current excitation field]! Ball-shaped deadly lightning!"


The blue death light shrouded Bahamut within.

Then, Bahamut watched helplessly as his weapon, the Demon Lord Sky Knife, flew into the air.

Still the old method!

Dodging so smoothly!

This brat!

His [Sudden SS] and [Melee Flashing S] skills are so annoying!

The blue lightning covering Bahamut's body just exploded at this moment.

After being covered by a layer of strange light, Bahamut's Boos armor actually emitted a blue light.

"No, it's the flame of the ball lightning! I, Bahamut, got hit!"


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