Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 395 God Nirvana Is Too Cunning

The guilds under his command will also spontaneously carry out war missions such as siege, plunder, killing, and annihilation under the command of the overlords of the main city.

There is no doubt that the plane of the city-state alliance has now become a chariot that can run automatically. Any plane forces that are enemies of the city-state alliance will be crushed to pieces in front of it.

The Bull Demon God saw God Nirvana appearing from the prison space, and knew that God Nirvana had won the Boos King Bahamut.

He immediately came forward to report, "God Nirvana, look, the vanguard army formed by my bull demon domain has defeated the enemy. This is not the dog head of the lava hell force Boos King Lieyan Tianzun!"

Then came the good news from the Bloodland Alliance.

Dragon Sniper Zhiyue instigated the war cavalry, drove to Fang Han, and then reported: "Master Nirvana, I have completed the task of attacking the fortifications, and led the brothers of the Blood Field Alliance to take down the ten battle positions occupied by the lava soldiers! Please God Nirvana test!"

"here you go!"

At this moment.

It's critically important to report the combat situation.

"God Nirvana, we have millions of warriors from the city-state alliance, and we have supported the vanguard corps nineteen times and the fortified army 27 times, effectively guaranteeing the victory of our city-state alliance plane!"

"Good job! Well done! You all did a great job!"

Fang Han, the overlord of these city-state alliances, gave the same high evaluation.

Watch the battlefield carefully.

Fang Han found that among the lava hell forces, only Hualong Beast Emperor is still resisting to the death.

Immediately anger came from my heart.

Riding the Fire Beast King who has not yet transformed into the [Scepter of the God King], he flew to the side of the Dragon Transformation Beast Emperor.

"You, you can surrender!"

"God Nirvana is mighty!"

"God Nirvana is domineering!"

"God Nirvana is invincible!"

The warriors of the city-state alliance around saw that after killing the Boos king Bahamut, the great god Nirvana continued to launch a forced surrender battle against the dragon and beast emperor. The sharp blade was raised above the head, and bursts of cheers burst out like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

Hualong Beast Emperor's face is stagnant now.

After all, after King Boos and several other kings of the lava world died one after another, its fate was also doomed at the same time.

"Sorry, this Beast King has never been in the habit of surrendering. God Nirvana, the Fire Beast King you are sitting on is quite high-level! Unfortunately, it is mine now!"

Hualong Beast Emperor pushed back his long chicken feathers, revealing a pair of eyes exuding the flames of beast spirits.

When Fang Han saw these animal eyes, he subconsciously felt a sense of discomfort. It seems that after this feeling is extended, bad things will happen.


【Ding! Your summoned beast "Fire Beast King" has been tempted by the Beast King, and its loyalty has been reduced to 78%]

【Ding! Your summoned beast "Fire Beast King" has been tempted by the Beast King, and its loyalty has been reduced to 54%]

【Ding! Your summoned beast "Fire Beast King" is tempted by the Beast King, and its loyalty is reduced to 36%]

【Ding! Your summoned beast "Fire Beast King" is tempted by the Beast King, and its loyalty is reduced to 7%]


He clearly knew that the other party was playing tricks.

But at this time, Fang Han felt a little baffled.

He had never encountered an enemy who instigated summoned beasts in front of him on the battlefield before.

This Dragon Transformation Beast Emperor was indeed no ordinary opponent.


Fang Han suddenly let out a burst of laughter.


"Hey, why is our God Nirvana laughing?"

"It shouldn't be. The king of fire beasts was kidnapped by King Boos. Is God Nirvana crazy?"

"Don't talk nonsense. I think there must be something inside."

"But how to explain this weird situation?"

"What else is there to explain? I think we brothers will go together and use the power of the guild to crush the Emperor of Dragon and Beast, and get back some face for God Nirvana."

"However, the lord of Iron Face City did not issue an order. If we act without authorization, we will be severely punished by the Legion Order."

"Don't worry. God Nirvana must have a way to deal with it."

"How do you know? You are not Nirvana God!"


His eyes returned to Fang Han.

Fang Han with two luminous IDs of "Nirvana" above his head.

Really happy now.

He took the initiative to let go of the fire beast king under his crotch.

And let Hualong Beast Emperor successfully control his temporary mount.

"It's strange, why did God Nirvana do this?"

"This seems to be—benefiting the enemy!"

"My God. This Fire Beast King really matches the Hualong Beast Emperor. Riding on the Fire Beast King, the Hualong Beast Emperor instantly becomes twice as powerful!"

"Since he was born as a Beast Emperor, he is capable of controlling beasts, of course. This time, our city-state alliance plane has miscalculated!"

"No no no. I still believe in God Nirvana!"


Now, almost the entire battlefield of the lava hell, both the enemy and the enemy, are looking in this direction.

The battle between Fang Han and Hualong Beast Emperor will directly affect how the two sides will end the battle.

"Hmph, hahaha! God Nirvana, how about it, your [Scepter of the God King] is probably invincible. However, your [Beast Familiar Skill] is really too weak!"

"I transform into the Dragon Beast King, and I only need a little summoning power to make the Fire Beast King rebel! Now it is not yours anymore! God Nirvana, you admit defeat!"

"Hualong Beast Emperor, aren't you happy too early?"

Fang Han sacrificed his [Beast Spirit Art].

Then, a very ridiculous scene happened.

I saw it under Fang Han's call.

The Fire Beast King roared unexpectedly.

Then began to contradict the master.

The Emperor of Transforming Dragon Beast rides on the back of the Beast King, just like riding on a fierce dragon. Even if he injects the beast spirit power again, he can't change this situation.

"No, I've been fooled!"

Hualong Beast Emperor finally discovered the truth.

Fang Han is using this method to tease himself!

Now Hualong Beast Emperor is riding this Beast King, unable to control or dismount.

The embarrassing and embarrassing situation made him extremely angry!

"God Nirvana, you dare to play me! Okay, then I will kill your Fire Beast King! Let your [God King Scepter] lose a fire-type spirit beast!"

After saying this, the Hualong Beast Emperor suddenly stretched out his sharp claws, and slashed at the neck of the Fire Beast King.

【Ding! You have applied a layer of beast spirit magic shield to the spirit pet fire beast king]

【Ding! Beast spirit magic shield is immune to 79% of the damage of the dragon and beast emperor]

【Ding! The Fire Beastmaster raised his Beastmaster level in the frenzied state]


Until this time, the Dragon Transformation Beast Emperor suddenly came to his senses.

God Nirvana not only used himself.

And he played himself!

What's worse, all of this was only made known to the Dragon and Beast Emperor after the fact!

God Nirvana is really too cunning.


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