Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 398 Golden Orchid Necklace Of The Golden Realm

Then, the mysterious old man helped Fang Han identify the first piece of equipment.

Then he continued: "Bahamut is the illegitimate son of the Supreme Demon Race. The origin of its birth is very mysterious. Even the many Boos kings in the lava hell may not know it!"

Fang Han was surprised.

According to the [mysterious old man] statement.

Didn't he kill the prince of the hell demon clan?

The demons under the lava hell have not turned the sky upside down.

The Supreme Demon Race of Hell will at least send countless monsters to the city-state alliance plane to plunder, kill and rob the city, and take revenge on the city-state alliance plane!

"Mysterious brother, tell me, how is the strength of this Hell Demon Lord!"

"He is one of the ancient bosses of the Death Star forces. In the underground magic city, he has the authority of saying nothing! And his cultivation has also reached the astonishing state of destroying the world. In other words, his level is far above yours , cultivation base, the ordinary attribute is definitely not lower than yours!"

Fang Han poured a glass of wine and drank it.

Then, he fell decisively into silence.

A voice came out from the bottom of my heart: "The ten men I sent to investigate the lava rift, they can't come back!"

Sure enough, Fang Han soon received the unfortunate news from "Overbearing Fire" and the others in the city-state alliance plane.

Of the ten beast masters sent out by Fang Han, three died and seven were injured. There are four seriously injured and three slightly injured!

Fang Han specially summoned the surviving plane's guild master "Overbearing Fire" to come to him.

[World Teleportation Stone] The light is closed.

A shadow has appeared in front of Fang Han.

"God Nirvana, I thought I would never see you again!"

"Overbearing Huo, did you meet the ambush of the hell demons under Liegu?"

"That's right, we found the chasm of hell, ruled by a group of monsters from the underground world, they affect everything in the lava hell. The power provided to the lava world comes from the [Sura Gem] of this demon clan , it is the key to carrying [The Power of Lava]!"

Fang Han listened.

Immediately exchanged a glance with [mysterious old man].

What the mysterious old man said was the opponent.

All the facts he told Fang Han about the Hell Demons have now been verified.

"The master of the demon clan in hell, isn't he called Demon Lord! He is the father of Bahamut, the boos king of the lava force! Isn't he!"

"This—such top-secret news, where did God Nirvana hear it from?"

Domineering fire said so.

Fang Han looked back at the mysterious old man again.

It appears that everything fits together.

"Overbearing fire, go down and cultivate! Twenty days later. There will be a great battle to be fought on the plane of the city-state alliance. Let the brothers in the association enjoy the tranquility of these twenty days. After the tranquility, the storm will come Time! Because, we have already poked a hornet's nest!"

"This subordinate understands! This subordinate must pass on the words of God Nirvana to the children of the guild! Let the warriors be ready to face the demons from hell!"

"Well, let's go!"

The World Teleportation Stone flashed again, and "Overbearing Fire" had been sent away by Fang Han.

At this time, after the conversation with the leader of his guild—Ba Daohuo just now, Fang Han's feeling for the magic wine is one step closer.

Another swig.

"Good wine! Mysterious old man, tell me. If I, God Nirvana, want to drink this magic wine forever, what method should I use to obtain it!"

There was a glow in the eyes of the mysterious old man.

"It goes without saying!"

Then, a pair of shrewd eyes and a pair of treacherous eyes looked at each other and laughed loudly.

Since the magic wine comes from the demon clan of hell.

That can only conquer the hell demons.

To receive its tribute forever.

In other words, Fang Han not only wants to kill the Boos King Bahamut, but also kills Lao Tzu Hell Demon Lord. Only then can the dream of always drinking the magic wine be fulfilled!

[Mysterious Old Man] Seeing that Fang Han's fighting spirit is still burning, he feels relieved.

Then the other several pieces of equipment of Fang Han were all identified.

Then, a particularly conspicuous piece of equipment was introduced to Fang Han.

"Heaven Designated! God Nirvana! The identification of this piece of equipment cost me more than 10,000 identification points. I am very weak now, but I am very happy that the equipment identification was successful. Because it is worth tens of thousands of identification points." Energy, go identify it!"

【Golden Orchid Necklace】

[Attack Power: 0, Mana Power: 0, Lich Power: 0...]

[Equipment level: lv1 level]

[Equipment introduction: This is the first piece of Jinlan props and equipment that has appeared since the opening of the Jiuzhong God's Domain space. Wearing it, you can fulfill the oath at the turn of eight worships. You will be able to use this equipment to send any sworn brothers you want to see to you. Come (Note: Exclusively for men)]

Fang Han frowned.

The Jinyu Jinlan necklace with all attributes being zero seems useless to me.

Moreover, with the [World Teleportation Stone], you can also teleport other players to yourself.

This piece of equipment is superimposed on the ability of other equipment with attributes, which makes it redundant.

Why does the mysterious old man congratulate himself for obtaining a treasure?

Is the old man drunk? He is mocking me?

"Mysterious brother, are you drunk?"

"Hey, I knew you, a cunning kid, would ask that."

Then, the mysterious old man equipped the [Golden Orchid Necklace] around his neck.

Then, handed Fang Han a ball of "Light of Sorcerer's Brotherhood".

Fang Han was taken aback.

This old guy, he wouldn't want to befriend himself, would he!

"Come on, give it a try!"

"I will show you a different world!"

【Ding! You and the "mysterious old man" have successfully concluded the Golden Orchid Righteousness, and the two of you are already close friends of eight obeisances]

Fang Han was curious about what benefits this relationship could bring him.

Suddenly, the mysterious old man called out: "Open!"

In the tavern in this misty city.

Suddenly a space appeared.

This space is obviously the exclusive passage for the mysterious old man to the outside world.

Then, the mysterious old man took the lead and entered this space.

"Heaven Designated, I'll take you to the palace where the Demon Lord of Hell is located right now!"

As soon as these words came out, Fang Han's whole body shook violently.

The identity of the mysterious old man is indeed mysterious.

He even mastered this Tongtian method.

Take Fang Han's understanding.

To enter the palace of hell, one should enter from the force of lava.

After all, there are serious connections out there.

As long as the plane warriors who have fought against the forces of hell, almost all know this secret.

"Your brother is not honest at all. With such supernatural powers, he still hides it from me."

During the conversation.

【Ding! The golden orchid necklace is working, you have been brought to the devil palace of hell by the mysterious old man at the turn of eight worships]

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