Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 418 God Nirvana, I Love You

"I guess it will have to wait until after the ninth level of the lord. You know, at my level, the usual routine of fighting monsters and upgrading is no longer feasible."

Tie Miansheng admitted: "That's right, but it's only level five. With your ability, Nirvana, you should be able to rise to level lv100 in a month or two!"

Fang Han raised his head and asked Tie Miansheng: "Why are you so concerned about this issue all of a sudden?"

"It's like this. The Divine Prayer Tree next to the fountain in the square needs to be activated at level lv100. Many of my guild players are gamblers."

"They know that the tree of prayer on the fountain in the square can bring them equipment, levels, experience and other rewards. Of course, although the chance is very low. But they can't hide their enthusiasm. I want to boost the fighting spirit of the brothers. Blame the enthusiasm for upgrading, so..."

Speaking of which.

As the hero, the iron-faced student looked at Fang Han with Baba's eyes.

There was request in his eyes.

There is also some kind of hope.

"Ha, that's why."

"Ding! World teleportation stone, teleport!"

next second...

Fang Han brought Tie Miansheng to the square fountain.

Then, he saw [Sacred Tree of Divine Prayer].

There is a gray font on the tree.

In addition to introducing the levels that need to be opened, there are also some blessing red envelopes hanging on the top of the tree, bringing a festive atmosphere to the passing players.

Now in the Nine Layers of Gods, the basic plane forces have been established.

Neither is the enemy.

It is still the plane of the city-state alliance.

They are all trying to consolidate their power.

Without exception, the plane of the city-state alliance has become the first place in the overall strength of the Nine Layers of Gods!

But that's not enough!

These overlords are born with iron faces, and I hope their king-God Nirvana! Can bring more gains to their subordinate guilds.

Sometimes, in addition to wars, certain festive activities can also enhance the cohesion of these guilds.

"Well, this tree looks prosperous, and the green leaves symbolize vitality. There are red red envelopes hanging on it, which symbolizes celebration. It's really pretty."

"Then God Nirvana, you are very interested in opening the sacred tree of prayer in the realm of the gods, right?"

"It counts!"

"Well, with Nirvana's guarantee, I'm relieved. In fact, there is another interesting thing in this place."

Fang Han asked curiously, "What is it?"

"Here it is! You see, there are so many players who come down to the tree to discuss business or fall in love. When they come, everyone will bring a lock. Then, lock the lock on the iron chain under the prayer tree. Yu It means being together for the rest of your life, isn’t it fun?”

"You stern student, don't you just want me to reach LV100 faster by making sidesteps? You are so insidious."

"Hahaha, God Nirvana was just joking. Fortunately, I didn't meet 【Bull Demon God True God】, 【Alexander City Lord】, 【Dragon Sniper Moon Domain Lord】, otherwise, everyone would say 'We all hope to open the blessings sooner. Power, revive the tree of prayer!"

Fang Han smiled and said, "I'm afraid of you."

Then, Fang Han rested for a few days at the Dominator Shrine.

In these few days.

He carried out a great fusion of the identification items obtained from [Scepter of God King] and [Mysterious Old Man].

Equipped with the [God King's Scepter] equipped with seven magic gems, it is even more magnificent at this time.

The brilliance of magic power became extremely dazzling.

"As far as this scepter of the god king is concerned, it is estimated that Boos can be crushed to death with magic!"

"Mysterious brother, what do you say?"

In the tavern, Fang Han saw that the mysterious old man couldn't put it down to the [Scepter of the God King], so he immediately asked the other party.

"Isn't this obvious? The God King's Scepter is in your sphere of influence, and it is already invincible. But..."

"What do you want to say?"

"Heaven Designated, you have cultivated to your level, you should go to expand the territory!"

Fang Han frowned.

"Kill the Boos King Bahamut and the old demon kings like Hell Demon Lord, occupy their territory, accept their power, and strengthen the plane of our city-state alliance. Isn't this called expanding the territory?"

The mysterious old man shook his head.

"These are all in the traditional sense. If you can add [Chaotic Time and Space] to the territory of the empire, then you will be considered powerful! Really powerful! Powerful that makes people excited."

Even the 【Mysterious Old Man】has become like a tough guy since then!

Fang Han couldn't help but let out a sigh of emotion.

With a little drunk.

Fang Han chose the campaign plan for the next half month.

Since, everyone thinks that he should be promoted to Lv100.

It is indeed a good choice to attack the territory of [Chaos Time and Space].


Tie Miansheng and [Bull Demon God True God] have slowly caught up to their levels.

If God Nirvana can break through the sky first and raise his level to lv100, it is estimated that the encouragement to the forces of the city-state alliance plane will be infinite!

After all, everyone needs a god to pay their respects to!

【Send! The gate of chaotic time and space! 】

Holding the [God King Scepter] in hand, stepping on the entrance of the portal, the feeling of being admired by thousands of people flashed in Fang Han's eyes again.

After all, [Chaos Time and Space] is open until now.

There are very few qualified entrants.

Most of the players hope to go to this legendary time and space, to "play the autumn wind" to try their luck.

However, limited by their level, state, and lord qualifications, they have not yet met the relevant requirements.

Therefore, the players can only look at the "great gods" dryly, activate the teleportation circle, and be teleported to the map that these players think are "gods".


The moment Fang Han stepped into the portal.

The players around were commotion.

"who's that person?"

"Oh my God. Someone is going to [Chaos Time and Space] again. I'm so envious and jealous. I don't know how long I will have to practice before I can qualify to enter this time and space."

"Forget it."

"That person is so mysterious."

"Last time, it seems that God Nirvana entered the chaotic time and space and defeated several Boos monsters. There is a message in the guild!"

"I don't really remember. I only know that looking at the entire Nine Layers of God's Domain world, only God Nirvana has entered the 'chaotic time and space' once. I have no impression of others!"

"Okay, so here comes the question. Why does this player hide his name? Could it be that he himself is Nirvana God!"

"It's entirely possible."

"In that case, why didn't you say hello?"


【God Nirvana, I love you! 】


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