Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 420 Right Here, Play With Me

That space-time vortex is just one of all the vortex passages in [Chaotic Time and Space]. But a few Boos were imprisoned inside.

Every Boos is constantly spinning on the beat, not for anything else, just because this place can provide experience points in the entire Nine Layers of Gods that cannot be provided by other places.

It sounds amazing.

But even Boos.

I can't stand this kind of boredom.

So what if you have experience eating?

Without freedom, everything is bullshit.

Therefore, the cat blade was favored by Fang Han as its competitor, and was brought outside by Fang Han's "dragon claw laser" transformed by [current excitation field].

"Really? You will kill me? I don't doubt that." Fang Han said lightly: "But, my thoughts are almost the same as yours, I will kill you too, to gain experience!"

"Want to fight? Start now? Is it you and me fighting?"

Catblade asked.

"Of course! Therefore, the two of us must spark some lightning! Otherwise, the boring battle will only consume our passion!"

"Makes sense."

【Ding! Boos Catblade swallowed the "Experienced Beast Pill (Holy)" and raised it to lv120—Peak Catblade]

This is the performance of a sudden increase in strength when facing a battle on the spot. In the eyes of outsiders, it is called cheating.

But Fang Han admired the cat blade's style very much.

"Well, if your level can be raised a little bit, even if it's just to LV121, I'll be very excited for you! After all, the higher your Boos level, the more experience I'll get—I'm a strong Readers! The improvement of your level and Boos ability is a kind of respect for me!"

Cat Blade was a little angry.


Its style is to deter the enemy who broke into [Chaos Time and Space].

Who knows that the other party is not only not shocked.

On the contrary, it agrees with its means very much.

Isn't this a pervert?

"You human race! You must be crazy."

"Otherwise?" Fang Han said, "Is there no other possibility of explanation?"


Catblade felt it.

I am in the Boos group.

It has always been the existence of the double king who belongs to the king of fighting and the king of talking guns.

Now, in front of the opponent "Nirvana Great God".

It felt that this guy's "talking" ability seemed to be stronger than his own Boos!

"I will kill you as quickly as possible, but this will not reduce your pain, I promise!"

Catblade stands up!

Cat Blade swung his "Shuriken" and rushed towards Fang Han!

Boos in the vortex.

The Desert Reaper, who was still dancing to the rhythm in the vortex, immediately introduced to Sea Shark King, Thunder Demon, and Alien Pegasus.

"Hurry up and fight, you two bastards. If there is anyone who is afraid of death, get back to me and take my place. Let me take its place and challenge the strong opponent!"

"Desert Death, can you shut up for me?"

"Ah, despised!"


At this time, Cat Blade shot out a single "shuriken" to attack Fang Han.

Then, at an extremely fast speed, it created a "horizontal bar" in the air, and a chain suddenly appeared on the horizontal bar.

The cat blade ejected from the chain, turned into a sharper than a drill bit, and attacked Fang Han's magic shield of Mage.

"Well, this guy is very good at sneak attacks. Its shuriken is obviously only there to distract me. As for the "Sharp Fist", it must be the core of the strike skill. It is important to emphasize again, my magic shield is indestructible !"

Fang Han gritted his teeth.

There was a touch of determination on his handsome expression.

Then, he heard the sound of the magic shield breaking.

【Ding! Your magic shield was attacked by the "sharp fist" of the Boos cat blade, and the middle and outer layers of the magic shield have been completely broken]

【Ding! Because your magic shield has been severely damaged, your defense power has dropped by 36%]

【Ding! Because your magic shield has been severely damaged, your attack power has dropped by 12%]


is that so?

Fang Han's blood boiled up!

"I'm not joking with you, I want to fight this tough battle very seriously. Mao Ren, you are a more powerful Boos existence than these bastards. I like you very much, so I will kill you."


Catblade smiled.

The first "chain ejection" broke Fang Han's magic shield.

If they persist a few more times.

Mage, the eternal annihilation demon of the human race, must be beaten into cannon fodder and sent back to his ancestors?

But that would take a lot of the fun away.

After all, from the original world of the cat blade, it was inexplicably teleported to this sky-high Boos area [chaotic space-time].

Cat Blade was also speechless.

Although it is the king of its world.

But when he got here, Mao Ren discovered that his previous understanding of the world's strong was controversial!

Because Nine Layers of Gods is a world where people, ghosts, demons, demons, beasts, mechs, magic, magic, holy races, and other elements coexist.

The powerhouses here almost all have distinct personalities.

Moreover, no one can say "I will always be the strongest in the world!"

Because maybe the champion title of a certain area that was won yesterday, will become tasteless today!

Because a mountain is still as high as a mountain, there are strong hands among the strong!

This is the Nine Layers of Gods!

A real world that combines the great achievements of cosmic civilization and is equally cruel and merciless!

The perspective returns to Fang Han.

After defending the "chain ejection" of the Boos cat blade.

Fang Han felt that he had been hurt by the "Sharp Fist".

Fortunately, after drinking a bottle of "Life Potion (God)", he became a full-blooded hero again.

The test came out!

There is such a little excitement!

Fang Han nodded with a cold look in his eyes: "Mao Ren, you obviously have the ability to launch continuous attacks, why do you stop! Are you looking down on me, the eternal annihilation Mage of the human race?"

"No, human race, don't get me wrong. I have been lonely for too long, and I am reluctant to kill you. I want to treat you like a pet and keep you in [Chaos Time and Space] so that you can never get out."

"Just here, play with me! I'm the king of Boos! Haha, it's just right for you human races to be my pets! Hahaha!"

Boos Maoblade smiled obscenely.

Fang Han felt his throat a little dry.

After drinking another bottle of [Iced Holy Water].

The chest cavity is opened.

The cold feeling penetrated into all the corners of the limbs where the magic power extended, from the cooling cover above the head to the parts under the feet, it was very cool!

It's a comfortable feeling.

However, Fang Han's anger was ignited by the cat blade.

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